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The sugar trust has a good grip on congr...

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The sugar trust has a good grip on congress. In 25 states railroad property is put on tbe same footing as other property as regards taxation. JMicbiagn ís not one of tbe 25 states. Sheriff Judson bas reoeived recognition from the governor for the worfc he faas done in tbis and adjoining counties for bis exoellency. No improvement on the streets in tbis city shonld be commenoed nntil the oonncil has first got an estímate of the probable cost from the buard of public works and made an appropriation ot' a definite amonnt for tLe improvement and then the cost shonld be bept strictly within this appropriation. The homeopathie facnlty deserve the thanks of not only every sincere lover of the nniversity bnt also of eveiy citizen of Ann Arbor for the gallant and enccessful fight they have made against the reinoval of the bomeopathio department to Detroit. They should have every encouragernent now in raaking the department a success. . The Dingley bill althoogh considerably disfigured is still in the ring. A noruber of U. S. senators took advantage of the sitnation to make considerable rnoney speculating in sngar stocks. It onght to be made a penal offense for the national lawgivers to specnlate in stocks while holding positions which permit them to make the price of the stocks rise or fall. Th arrest of a yonng post-office clerk in this city for robbing the mails as well as the arrest of railway mail clerks for the same offense, of which a number have occurred in this state, should remind the people tbat the mails are not intended for the transmission of cnrrency. Send money orders, drafts, cheoks or espress orders, or registered letter, bnt don't run the risk of losing yonr money and do not place temptation in the way of young men. The firstpïty election inGreater New York, the second largest city in the ■world, will be a hotly contested one. The citizens, movementand the republicans are coquetting with eaoh otber and at the same time calling eaoh other hard names. They acknowltdge that they have nothing in common but it is anything to beat the democrats, the repnblicans acknowledging that the democrats will win unless the independent voters, oganizations come to their support. The conncil Monday night very properly passed the street numbering ordinanee under wbich Ann Arbor for the Jirst time in its history will be pioperly nnmbered. The mayor yet has the ordinance under oonsideration bnt he is too good a business man not to give it his approval. Nona of the smaller cities have as many temporary residents or as mauy new residents and couseqnently none have as great need of a correct, scientific system of numberiog which can be easily nnderstood and which is similar to that in vogne in nearly all the progressive oities of the country There are a number of places oow where more than one house bears the same number and the houses are not always near each other either. There are odd numbers on both sides of some streets ; thei'e aro odd and even nnmbers on the same side of some Btreets; a larger uumber often follows a lower to be succeeded by a lower ; many houses have no numbers; some streets begin to number from different points; in f act a more mixed np condition of numbering than that at present in this city could not well be imagined.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News