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The anuual June Festival of St. Thomas' Conservat.jry of Musio and St. Thomas school, vyill take place at the opera house, Jnne 15 and 16. The Festival will be a moie elabórate one thau ever before. JUrs. W. B. Smith died this morning at her home on Huron st. Her maiden name was Miss Sarah F. North and she was married to Dr. Sruith, Nov. 14, 1863. Her bnsband aud one danghter survive her. She had been in bad health for a good inany years. Dr. Thomas J. Sullivan, formerly of this city, bnt of recent years a suocessr ful Chicago physician, is erecting a bandsome $18,000 residence at 4709 Michigan ave , Chicago, the exterior being of bnff Bedford stone. The house will be three stories high. It is qnietly ruruored that the Lima & Northern railroad will rnn through Cbelsea, Ann Arbor and Plymouth to Poutiac and connect with the P. O. & P. A. - Plymouth Mail. Is not tbe wish father to the thought in this case. People in Ann Arbor have heard no such rumor. E. Sears, W. Shadford, C. Bailey, H. Meuth, E. Muehlig and John Lucas, of Aun Arbor, were at Denton's Friday night and assisted in instituting a camp of Modern Woodmen of America in that place. A class of 27 went in, of whom five received the full initiation ceremony. The Michigan state dental assooiatiou will meet in Battle Creek, June 8, 9 and 10. The best program ever given before the associatiou has been prepared for the occasion. Among the papers that will be read is one on "Articulars and Their Use," by Dr. A. W. Haidle, of the U. of M. Tbe funeral of the late Thomas Kearney at Sc. Thomas ohurch last Saturday morning was attended by a large nnmber of ftiends. Solerán high massjsvas celebrated by Rev. Fr. Kelly, assisted by Rev. Prs. Goldriok aud Considine. The sermón by Rev. Fr. Kelly was a most impressive one. William Evans, of Ypsilanti, bas taken ont a caveat on an ice machine for use in refrigerators. It is claimed that with 35 pounds of ice and two pounds of chemicals which cost only four cents a pound, the degree of oolduess reaehed will eqnal that attained by 900 pouuds of ice nnder other circumstauces. Mayor Hiscock, City Attorney Kearney aud Aid. Cady went to Lansing yestrday mormng in the interest of a bilí authorizing the city to bond itself or $40,000 to pave Main stree. Tbis svould allow abntting property owuers to pay the tax as the lateral sewer tax is uow paid by fonr annual installments. At the meeting of the board of public works Wednesday night City.,Engineei Key prinented au estímate of glfiö fo exteDdiug the outlet of the main sewer The matter which lias beeD the cause of considerable complaint ever since the sewer was finished, was put in the hands of President Smitb and Chairruan Koch. Friday morning Charles Rooney, of the north side was before Jnstice Pone on a charge of being drunk. Patrolinan Armbruster had arrested him the night previous. Rooney clairaed he wás no drunk as he was able to walk. Jnstice Pond did not look at the matter in tha' way and flned him $1 and costs amounting in all to 4. Rooney had no nioney so he went to jail for 10 days. Will Fischer formerly of this city is the owner of a very intelligent dog to judge by the following iteta from the Battle Creek Moon: "Wil! Fischer bas a large Bnglish setter named Major. Several days ago a little dog was shot in the leg. Major tenderly picked hiiu np by the nape of the neck and laid him on the porch of his mistress then barked till help carne." The Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society will hold its 23d annual meeting in the senate chana ber, at Lansing, June 2, and historici papers are expected froro Judge Clandius B. Grant, Lansing; Edward W. Barber, Jaokson; Charles Moore, Washington, D.C. ; Harlan I. Smith, Saginaw; Geo. H. Cannou Washington; L. D. Watkins, Manchester; C M. Button, Detroit; John M. Norton, Rochester. The Ann Arbor high school boys who visited Adrián Saturday on account of the base ball game report what they consider a peculiar state of affairs. Not a persou in the crowd, old or young, could get a drop of intoxicants and at every saloon they were told that the state law "forbids the sale of intoxicating liquors to stndents. " The boys were greatly surprised, never hearing of such a law here in Ann Arbor. - Times. Lew H. Clement, of Wheeling, W. Va., has sent to the Argus a printed announcement of the May Festival whioh is to be given in that city by the recently organizad Wheeling Oratorio Society, of vvhich he is presideut. At that time Mendelseohn's oratorio "St. Paul" will be given with a chorus of 150 voices, an orchestra of üo pieces, and the solo work will be done by Genevieve Clark Wilson, J. H. McKiuley, Dr. Cari Uufft and Martha E. Whittaker. Of course, Lew is at the head in pnshiug the matter, and the Argus hopes his efforts will be crowned with sncness.