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for Infants and Children. THIRTY year.' onservation of Castoria with the patronage ojt mlllions of perrons, permit ns to speak of it without gnessing. It is nnqnestionaply the test remedy for Infants and Children the world La ever hnown. It is harmle. ChUdren Mhe it. It , glve them health. It wiU aave their Uve. In it Mother have omething whioh i absolntely safe and praotioaUy perfect as a child's medicine. Castoria destroyg "Worms. Castoria allays Feverishnesg. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd. Castoria cures DiarrhcBa and yind Colio. Castoria relieve. Teething Tronbles. Castoria cnrei Constipation and Katnlency. Catoria nentralfaes the effect of oarbonie acid ga or poi.onons air. Castoria doe not oontain morphine, opinm, er other narootio property. Castoria a.similate. the food, regnUte the .W.1, and towel.. giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria i pnt pp in one-sia, bottle. onlv. It is not sold in tolt. Don't aUow any one to ..II yo„ anything el.e on the plea or premiso that it i. "jnst a. good and "wiU answer every pnrpo.e. See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fac-simile 1 - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News