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Mrs. V. O. Nichols is spending a few days in Ypsilanti. Charles Roberts has commenced the basement tor his new barn. Mrs. Walter Lathrop is entertaining her friend, Mrs. Roy MeClure. The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. John Chapman Thursday. TheP. U. S. S. will observe Children's Day, the third Sunday in June. Mrs. R. C. Begole, of Detroit, has been the guest of M. H. Begole and family the past week. Lee Watling was the guest of his sister, Mrs. F. White, also C. C. Sherwood and family, last week. Everet Rose wheeled to Detroit last Saturday, to spend a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. S. C. Yates. Mrs. William. Jarvis has nearly 300 chïckens, all hatched under hens this season. Pretty good for this cold weather. The May social, given by the Christian Endeavor of young" people, at Carpenter's Corners was well attended. All report a good time. The Sabbath school in District No. 7 ïeld a social at Walter Lathrop's last week. "A lawn social, ice creatn and cake," we would prefer, eoal stove, hot coffee and sandwiches, for such weather, as it was. We learn with pleasure of the rnarriage of Julián Crane, formerly of this )lace, and Miss Georgia Stevens, of Superior, and join with their many xiends, in wishing them success nd happiness through life.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News