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They Met In Saline

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The annual meeting of the Washtenaw Coanty Pioneer aud Historica! Sooiety was held in the opera house at Saline on Wednesday. It was one of the largest and most enjoyable meetings -ever held by this sooiety, over 300 beiug present, nearly every oue of whom was over 50 years of age. Harrison W. Bassett, the president, called the meeting to order at 10:30 a. m. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Thomas B. Leith, o.f Saline. Mnsic by the Saline Quartet enlivened tbe proceedings througbont the day and tneir singing was excellent. The president weloomed the old settlers to Saline in a brief speech, after which the report of the prooeedings of the last meeting at Chelsea was read by J. Q. A. Sessions, the secretary. The treasnrer, R. C. Reeves, of Dexter, read bis report showiug about $50 in the treasury. Jessnp S. Wood, of Lodi, read an able and interesting address on "Piuneer Life in Lodi and Saline." This was followed by a song frora the quartet. Capt. E. P. Allen iollowed with a most exoellent speech on "The Life and Character of the Early Settlers of this Couuty. " Dinner was then annouuced and suoh a dinner is rarely seen anywhere. The tables were loaded with everything that delights the eye and tickles the palate of a hungry mau. The splendid feast began by fllling the tables with 100 pioneers over 70 years of age, and the tables were twice fllled after this by those between 50 and 70 years. A general time of visiting was eujoyed nntil 2 p. m. when the meeting was called to order. The necrologist, W. H. Lay, of Ypsilauti, was not able to be present but seut his report, which was read by the secretaiy, showing 111 deaths in this couuty during the past year of persons over 50 years of age, and who had resided in the couuty froin 40 to70 years. Mr. Ailesworrh, who is 92 years old, sung a scng composed about tbe time of the war of 1812. Judge W. D. Harriman read an excellent paper on "The Life and Character of Gov. Alpheus Felch." The committee appointed to recommend officers to be elected for the ensuing year and a place for the next aunual meeting, reported in favor of holding the next annual meeting in Ypsilanti. The following officers were then elected : President, Albert Graves, Ypsilanti town; secretary, J. Q. A. Sessions, Anu Arbor; treasnrer, E. C. Reeves, Dexter; neorolgoist, Wm. H. Lay, Ypsilanti ; exeoutive committee- Robert Heruphill, Ypsilanti; A. A. Wood, Lodi ; S. R. Crittenden, Pittsfleld ; J. W. Wiug, Scio; George Gill, Ypsilanti. Five rninnte speeohes were thencalled for and the meeting was addressed by Florus Finley, Riohard Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. John Carupbell, Dennis Warren, Rev. Thos. Holmes and Andrew Campbell. A vote of thanks was passed for the bountifnl dinner furnished by the citizens of Saline and vicinity and for the excellent musie furnisbed by the Saline Quartet. The meeting then closed.