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As on her wheel she swiftly ghdes, I hear from flj'ing rumore. Sbe's turned her big sleeves insideout, And wears them now as bloomers. - Up-to-Date. Alexander M. Knisely, of Ypsilanti, bas been granted an increáse of pension. Two or three of the Dexter school teachers will attend tbe snmmer school in Ann Arbor this year. The Harugari JVIaennerchor give a dance at their hall over Wahr & Miller:s shoe store this evening. The infant danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eiting, of 29 S. Sevnth st ., died Thnrsday evening of last week. It is said that an apartment building with accominodatiou for 20 families is to be erectecí in this oity soon. Bom, Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Weir, of Masón, Iowa, a daughter. Mrs. Weir was formerly Miss Mary Pnrfield. George Wabr made the Y. W. C. A. a present of $2 worth of writing. materials last week for which he has the thanks of the ladies. Au examintation for teaohers will be held at the court house Thursday next, June 17, at 9 a. m., for seoond and third grade oertifioates. An oíd fashioned ice cream and strawberry festival will be given at the Presbyterian churcb next Tuesday evening. Everybody invited. John Cobbles, an old soldier living on the Saline road, was found dead in bed Wednesday morning. The canse of his death was heart disease. The attention of farmers is oalled to the short article on the necessity of cutting rye oot of wheat flelds, which appears in another oolumn in this paper. Martin Halier, last week shipped a complete snmmer cottage outfit to Fort Gratiot. He obtaiued the sale in competition with Detroit and Saginaw dealers. At the Baptist chnrcb next Sunday tbe ohildren of the Snnday school will present a program whioh will take the place of the morning preaohing service. All friends are invited to be present promptly at 10:30. "Five dollars rewatd" is the sign in the Register office window, and on the same card as this notioe are shown 60 sharp pointed oarpet taoks which were Btrewn over the crosswalk at the intersection of S. Fourth ave. and Ann st. by EOme measly person. S. A Moran found the "tire punoturers" and the reward is offered by the Ann Arbor Cycle Club for "snffioient evidence to conviot thescoundrel who sprinkled thetacks." Hope they'llget him. WOMAN'S WAY. She said ehe f airly hated him, Despised him and detested him, So roundly she berated him. You'd think she'd have arrested him. She snubbed him and offended him. To frenzy's verge she carried bim. And when she'd nearlv ended him. She turned around and raarried him. -New York Sunday Journal. Walter H. Niohols has added $100 to the Y. M. C. A. building fund as his oiïering. The state pucatnpmant of the Sons of Veterans wili be held at Flint next Tuesday, Juuu 15. George C. Smithe, formerly editor of the Ypsilanti Commeroial, has been appointed to a position in the auditor general's offieo at Lansing. Tramps broke into the Ann Arbor Railway station at Green Oak, Thursday night of last week, and got some railway tickets bnt no money. Irving Edwards and Mark Dowler bave bonght out the photograph gallery at 6 E. Huron st. , formerly run by Berrymau, and will oouduct it in the Euture. The Ann Arbor baseball nine was de'eated Saturday afternoon at the fair grounds by the Detroit Citizens Street Bailway team. A very sraall crowd witnessed the game. John W. Eisele, who has been ill with consumption for several months, died at his home on W. Hurou st., on Sunday evening. The funeral wás held at St.Thomas' cburch, Wednesday morning. Banking (Jommissioner Just has desgnated the following reserve oities lor the state banks of Michigan : De;roit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Jackson, Kalamazoo, New York, Boston and Chicago. ' A lawn social will be held at Trinity liotheran charch on next Satnrday evening. Ice cream and oake will be served and a round trip either way froin . the church will be given on the oars, all for 15 cents. The 4th of July decorating committee desires every householder to decórate their premises, and snggests that hey buy their bnnting, etc. at an early date, so tbat the supply will not be exbausted at the last moment. The Woman's Auxiliary to the Y. M. C. A. will give a lawn sooial this evenng, at the residence of W. C. Stevens, 18 N. Ingalls st. The proceeds will go owards furnishing the new Y. Sí. C. A. building when it shall be completed. The United States grand jury bas returned two iudiohtments agaiast Slenn A. Trowbridge, one 1or opening etters and taking their contents while ín employee in the Ann Arbor postsffioe and the other for robbing the safe. The university authorities having ecognized the good qualities of the Co-Operative Fire Extinguisher displayed at the reoent fire at the medical building, have ordered six more of the little machines from George Haviland. ' John Boynes has bonght out Henry Meuth's grocery on Detroit st., and will conduot it in future. Mr. Meuth will still hold the meat business . Mr. Boynes was for several years witb Wm. H. Mclntyre and is well and favorably known. To obvíate the diffioulty in getting ?ood seats for uext year's May Festival joncerts, the management coutemplates putting the earlier choices of seats up at auction, so that everybody may bid a premium on them, if they wish to get the best seats. Frederiok Hawkins formerly of Ypsilanti, is said to have been offered an anormous sum for his new patent pro36SS of making steel ingots. Geo. F. Key, city engineer of Ann Arbor, is interested in these patents with Mr. Hawkins, who is his father-in-law. Mr. William Willard Taylor, of this 3ity, and Miss Ada Lee, daughter of Steneral Beall, were married at the residene of the bride's mother in St. Lonis, Mo., Wednesday evening of last week. They will make their home at Lun Gate, Va., where Mr. Taylor is sonnected with the Alleghany Iron Co. "Baby" Bliss is not so slow if he is fat, as the following item from the Adrián Press indicates: "A drunken man at Coldwater, undertook to sympathize with 'Baby' Büsb, the 24-year ald, 523 pound bioyclist, od account of fche load he had tocarry. 'Don't waste any sympathy on me,' said Bliss, 'I aarry my load easier than you do rours.'" , . , , 1 C. fl. Stannard will be the next postin aster of Dexter. L. J. Lisemer has sold ut his interest in the Staats-Zeitnng newspaper, at Lanaing. Next Sunday is Children's Day at the M. E. cburch and there will be baptisru for children at the same time. The New State Telephone oompany bas forwarded to City Clerk Mills its formal acceptance of the terms of the talephone ordinance reoently passesd by the common oouncil. William Salyer died Wednesday evening at 9:30 at his home No. 15 Elizabeth st. The funeral services will be held at the house toinorrow at 2 p. m. Interment at Ypsilanti. Dr. Mary Wood-Allen will lecture at the Salvation Army hall, Sunday, at 3 p. m., also on Monday and Tuesday at 8 p. m. Subject, "Social Purity and Health." Admission free. At. the Cook house on Wednesday Justice Gibson tied the mariage knot for Mr. Charles K. Hill and Miss Mamie Sullivan. of Toledo. Landlord Wilcox, James Murnan and Mrs. Simth were the witnesses. The chorus of Zion Lntberan cburch enjoyed its annuai lawn social Wednefiday evening od the lawn of Louis Boes, 4 W. Second st. A musical program was rendered after which supper was served and the merry party separated at a late hour. Fred J. Dansingburg, baritone, will gradúate from the School of Music this year. Wednesday evening he gave a graduation recital at Frieze Memorial hall, whioh was well attended. His eft'orts were rewarded with frequent I applause by his audienoe. The K. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M. of the city will attend divine services at the English Lutheran ohurch next Sunday morning, and the pastor will preach a sermón appropriate to the oocasion. Subject "The Old and the New." In the evening the exercises of Children's day will be held. Don't forget the A. O. ü. W. excursiou to Detroit on Tuesday next, June 15. It is the first cheap excursión of tbe year and will be a most enjoyable one. Fare for tbe round trip 85 cents for adults, for children under 12 years 45 cents. Train leaves M. C. depot at 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Detroit at 8 p. m. Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F , has elected the following offlcers for the ensuiug term: N. G., George Clarke; V. G., John Fisoher; recording secretary, Glen V. Mills; permanent secretary, John Wahr; treasurer, George H. Millor; representativo to grand lodge, J. M. Morse; altérnate, Charles H. Major. Tiokets for the A. O. U. W. excursión to Detroit, next Tuesday, June 15, can be procured at tbe following places: John Haarer's book store, Wahr & Miller's shoe store, George Haller's jewelry tore, John Baumgartner's marble works, Christian Martin's brewery, or of any of th8 fcllowing oommittee: Gottlob Luick, Gottlob Schueider and Harry Oberst. Titns F. Hutzel, Christian Martin and Eugene Oesterlin attended the 29th annuai convention of the Allgemeinen Arbeiter Bund at Owossso, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as delegates from the local society. Mr. Oesterlin was elected tieasurer of the Bund at the meeting yesterday. The delegates returned home last evening and were met by a band of music and escorted to the Arbeiter hall. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jacobus gave a reception at their home 82 Catherine st., on Wednesday evening, to the nurses and doctors of the University hospital, whioh will always be a pleasant remembrance to thern. During the evening an elabórate supper was served which was heartily enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobus were unfailing in their efforts to entertain fcheir goests and make it pleasant for tbem. Panl G. Suekey, ex-oounty treasurer, is making restitution to his bondsmen for the amount they put up to oover his shortage at the close of his term of office. He has sent eaoh one a oheck for $26.50, acoompaoied by a letter in which he expresses his gratitude for their kindness and assnres them of the restitution of the entire amount as soon as possible, together with interest. This payment was a little over one-fourth of the total amount. Another club of the Y. M. C. A. boys subscribed $100 to the buildiug fuud yesterday. Somebody stole a fine cactus plant from the poroh of D. F. Sohairer's residenceon S. División st. , the other night. The Woman's Anxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its. regular meeting Monday at 3 p. m. in the rooms of the association. W. G. Dieterle bas oompleted for bis own use a fine row-boat which he will launch on the waters of Znkey Lake in the naar future. The Ann Arbor Newsboys' basball nine plays the Saline high school on the fair grounds in tbiscity tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Reddaway, the second hand dealer, mourns the loss of nis best overcoat. Two tramps weut into his store Priday evening and while one eold him an old overooat, the other cuss stole Reddaway's own article of wearing apparel. The Young People's Sooiety of Zion Lutberau church is growing rapidly in numbers and entnusiasm. Twentysevep new niembers joined the sooiety last month and five more have been seoured for this month. The membership is in a fair way toreach 200 before long. The Michigan Central Railroad Co. has issned an order instrncting its agents to transport bicycles as baggage free of charge. However, all side attaobments, snch as tooi bags, lampe bells, etc, must be removed or the com pany released from liability for them if they are lost. George F. Allmendinger and John J. Ferguson have traded proporties. Mr. Allmendinger becomes owner of the store No. 9 V. Huron st. and Mr. Ferguson getsa house and lot on N. Fonrth ave. Mr. A. has moved his stook of groceries into bis new iocation and opened up in business. The oase of Lydia R. Seitz vs. Clarence Eaton, Zenas Sweet and Clinton Allmendinger, for trespass by stopping an auctiou sale at her farm in Pittsfield, which was tried in Justice Joslyn's court at Ypsilanti and a verdiot for $100 and costs rendered, has been appealed to the circuit court. The eleventh grand June Festival of the St. Thomas' Conservatory of Music will be given next Wednesday and Thnrsday eveniugs, June 16 and 17. From the preparations that have been made and the program that is offered it is safe to say it will be the best that has been given by the conseivatory. VV. E. Clark, of Worcester, Mass., will have charge of the meu's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms next Suuday at 2:45 p. m. His subject will be 'Trifles." Mr. Clark is deeply interested in Y. M. C. A. work, and yon may expect a good talk from him. Let every man come. It is free to all. On Tuesday night tbe University Senate formally ohallenged the combined forces of the high school faoulty and the board of eduoation to a match game of base ball. Last year the two teams meton the diamond, and the University professors were defeated. The challenge has been accepted by the city chaps and the game will be played one day next week. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. E. Hammond has appointed a teachers' institute for Ann Arbur, beginning August 28 and oontinuing one week Prof. C. H. Gurney bas been appointed conductor, with Prof. E. C. Thompson, of Saginaw, and Miss Jennie Tibbits, of Chicago, as instructora. The institute wijl take place at the high school building. William E. Blaisdell, of 85 Minerst, died Snnday afternoon of old age, aged 75 years. He was born in Vermont, bnt bas resided in Ann Arbor since 1854. He leaves a wife, two sons and fooi daughters. The funeral services were held at tbe house Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Henry Tatlock officiatiag. The remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. The somewbat novel situation of a man suing his lady love for breeoh of promise bas developnd in the Wayne circuit courc. Theodore Bloomfield has brought suit against Mary Harting, claüiiing $10,000 damages for the wreok of happiness and barrowingof hisaffections. Both parties lived in Romulus. Bet a dollar the woman in the case is the one who has the rocks. Monday, June 14, is National Flag day, being the 12Öth anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the national banner of our country. The Michigan Society of the Sons of the American Rcvolution asks for a general observance of the day by nnfurliug to the breeze "Old Glory" from all publio buildings, private residences, and other appropriate places.