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Mrs. Josephiue Smitb, of Thompso st., is visiting in Ownsso. Emil Richter, of Sagiuaw, epen S uu day and Monday visitiug old frienc here. Miss Allie Eckloft', of Detroit, is tb geest of Airs. Etnily Boutwell, of E Hurou st. Prof. and Mrs. A. A. Stanley ant daugbter, Miss Elsa, will sail fo Europe June 29. Mrs. Jennie Voorheis, of this city bas been re-elected treasnrer of th Stata W. C. T. U. W. K. Gibson, lit '50, of Milwaukee Wis., bas been the guest uf Evart B Soott for a few days. Jacob Conrad, of VVaterloo, Out., wb bas been visiting Dr. Conrad Georg, re tarned home oa Mouday. Mrs. August Waidelicb, of E. Au st., who bas been seriously ill viit peritonitis, is ooavalescing. George W. Doty bas gone to Saginaw to visit bis brother, who bas been a res ideut of that city for 33 years. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weinman anc family, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visit ing Mrs. Wm. Canwell, of Chubb st. Eugene Williams, wife and sisterjan Jobu Quinlan and wife are at Straw berry Lake for a week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gruner have re torued from their wedding trip and have begun hoosekeeping on IJ. Fift ave. Miss Nellie Purfleld, who bas been teaching uear Addison for tbe pas year, has returned to her home in thi city. Mrs. Jennie Voorheis is a delégate" t the World's W. C. T. U. conveution 'a Torouto, Ont, , from the Michigan cou vention. Rev. Jobn Neomann bas been in Owosso this week attending a distric convention of the Evaugelical Lutheran church. Rev. Henry Tatlock was in Jackson this week attending the G3d annualcoo vention of the diocese of Michigan Epis copal chureb. Rev. H. P. Horton, assistant iniuis ter of St. Andrew's church, is visiting bis mother, in Flushing, L. I. He wil remain for the rnonth. Mrs. Simon Sinke and childron re turued to Grand Island, Neb., Wednes day. She was accompanied by he father, Andrew Grnner. Rev. T. W. Young attended the an nual meeting of the Jackson Baptis Association at Jackson tbisweek. Tues day evening he delivered an address to the oonvention. Miss Claribel MacMonagle has re ceived an invitation from the American College of Oratory, Elocution an Dra matic Art, Chicago, to join its dramati company of 30 members. Miss Alioe Babbitt, of Ysilanti, ha returned from her school duties at Hart ford, Mich. The Misses Nora and Nan Babbitt are expectei to retnrn from Carney, Neb., next week. A. J. Sawyer, W. K. Gibson, of Mil wankee, Dr. Armstrong, of Cbelsea Rauney Scott and Evart H. Scott lef Tuesday in Manager Ashley's privat car for a week's fishing up the Ann Arbor road. W. W. Watts, J. R. Bach, Dr. A. C Nichols, Elmer E. Beal, L. C. Good riob, C. E. Hiscock, J. M. Spaldiug M. E. Sutton and Hugli Brown wei) to Detroit Tuesday morning to attenc the meetings of the Mystic Shiiners. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Martin, Mr. anc Mrs. E. V. Haugsterfer, Theodore Rey er, L. C. Weiuman, Fred Gage, Charle Kayser and T. W. Mingay were among tbose who went to Detroit Wednesday and saw the big Mystic Shriners parade. Capt. Hayden, of Tecumseh, was in the city Wednesday on real estáte bus iness, and visited the A. A. L. I. in ;he evening. He says that the Lima Northern will run through Tecumseh, ;hat it is not yet sure that it will touch Manchester, but it ie bound to come to Ann Arbor. Paul C. Meyer, the E. William st. newsdealer, has received an $85 gold watoh from the publisbers of Mnnsey's Magaeine, it being the flrst prize in a circnlation coutest for the months of November, December and January. During these ruontbs he multiplied his ales of Mnnsey's by five, held it ;here, and won the prize. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller were agreeably surprised last evening by a party of, their friends in honor of the ixth anniversary of their marriage. Drogressive pedro formed the basis of he eveuing's amusement interspersed with bonntiful refreshments. Tbe party separated for home about 2 'olock tbis morniug. Charles H. Manly, of Ann Arbor, inorms the Enterprise that he and bis amily intend to lócate in California. 3e thinks tbe prospects for making money are better there than in Michian. He has been a resident of old Washtenaw a good ruany years and has )een respected and honored and will be missed. - Manchester Enterprise. Dr. Joseph Foster, formerly assistaut ;o Dr. Fleinming Carrow, returned ""bursday night of last week from a ear's stay in Germany. While on oard ship on his return trip he feil and roke bis oollar bone. He has had his vouud carefuliy examined at the hoH)ital and the X rays used show that p.o racture exists, only a severe wreching. 5r. Foster will lócate in Lansing.