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Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Gilmore spent Sunday in Alma. David HeDning, ot Chicago, has been in the city the past few days. Hon. 3. S. Gierman, of Chelsea, was in the city Monday on business. Mrs. C. G Cook has returned home from her winter 's stay in California. Miss Julie Gremel, of Bay City, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Allaby. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bliss leaves in a few days for a month in Utah ant California. Mrs. W. W. Wetmore spoke at the Y. M. C. A. banquet in Owosso, Monday evening. Mrs. W. H. Fox, of El Paso, Texas is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. H ampie of Miller ave. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Wessinger attended the Ruen-Crawford wedding in Howell on Tuesday. Mrs. Stella Sebastian McClnre ha. gone to Chicago, where her parents have taken up their residence. Aithur J. Sweet went to Detroit Fri day, where be has a six months job with nis rail drilling machine. Dr. A. A. Stanley has just been elected an honorary vice president of the Manuscript Society of New York. Eugene Fair and family of Knoxville Tenn., are spending the summer in Ann Arbor, where he formerly resided. Sopt. McDiarmid, of the Chelsea sobools, has resigned his position ant will attend tbe TÍ. of M. next year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dodsley, leave tomorrow for a two months' visit with their son Alvin and wife in Fargo, N D. Clarence C. Bennett, who has been visiting spending the winter with hi brother, Otto Bennett, went to Chicago Tuesday morning. Mrs. George D. Ccok and children of Chicago, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cook, of the St. Jarne hotel, for the past two weeks. Mrs. Anna B. Bach, assisted by he sister Mrs. Gillette and her daughter Miss Ellen B. Bach give a reception this afternoon froru 3 to 6 o'olock. B. Frank Olinger, of Laneing.spent few days with relatives in Ypsilant and friends in Ann Arbor the latte part of last week and beginning of thi week. Tbad E Leiand, son of Emery E Lelaud, of Emery, formerly a stnden ia the University, has accepted a posi tion as instructor in the Military Acad emy at Kirkwood, UI. Mrs. Carolyn H. Trueblood is tb author of an article on "The Care of th Voice" whioh appeared in a recen number of the Educational News, o: Edinburgh, Scotlaud. Harry Coleman, editor and proprieto of tbe Oakland County Post, Pontiac dropped in on his Ann Arbor friend th latter part of last week. Harry i always a welcome visitor. Mr. Harry Porter Stearns, son o: Willard Stearns, of the Adrián Press and who is weil known to rnany in Ann Arbor, where he took a literary degree was married Tuesday at Adrián to Mis Clara Jane O'Mealey. Dr. V. C. Vaughan, wife and two sons sail from New York, Wednesday June 23, for a summer's vacation in Europe. They take four bicycles with them, and will spend several weeks on a cycling trip through Holland. Á. J. Sawyer, E. H. and Ranney Scott, of tbis city, Dr. Armstrong, of Chelsea, and Attorney Gibson, of Den ver, who went to Frankfort last week on a fishing excursión returned home Saturday evening having had a very sleasant and snccessful outing.