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A girl baby has arrived at the home of August Neff. New carpets have been placed in the American house. J. F. Schuh has received another large stock of mantels. H. P. Dodge was appointed postmaster at Whitmore Lake on Monday. It did not rain Sunday. The first one in 13 of which this could be said. The circus is coming. Barnum & Bailey's agents billed the city last Friday. Mrs. Lucy S. Parker has given her check for $100 to the Y. M. C. A. building fund. Dr. W. F. Breakey has been appointed to his old position on the Washtenaw county pension board. City Enigneer Key estimates that it will cost $315 to fill the old pond on West Washington and Third sta. S. R. Pike will build the crosswalks for the city at 11 cents per square foot and the curbing for 12 cents per square foot. Dr. Mary Wood-Allen delivered the address at the Jackson state prison last Sunday, which was known as Prison Sunday. Sunday morning's service in most of the city churches was devoted to a presentation of the claims on the churches of the local Y. M. C. A. The net proceeds of the June Festival of the Sc. Thomas' school were nearly $400 and the church building fund is nearly that much the larger. Walter Mack, Arthur Brown and C. H. Cady have purchase Ohi Psi property on the corner of Washtenaw and E. University aves., and will lay it out in city lots. The Delta Sigma Nu fraternity gave a merry trolley party to VTpsilanti Monday evening which was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. .0. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Travis. The Washington Building Co. has been organized and has filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. Capital stook $15,000. The company owns the block of stores known as the Washington block on E. Washington st. The grocery store of Arthur H. Hagen, on Depot st., was broken into Tuesday night and a quantity of goods, chiefly cigars, was taken. Nine tramps, who were engaged in cooking a chicleen, were arrested near the mil' race Wednesday morning, on suspicion of being parties to the robbery. The Ann Arbor Whitecaps did up tbe Ypsilanti Stars Saturday by a score of 10 to 6. Ed. C. Krapf bas resigned as president and business manager of Becker's Military Band. Rev. B. L. McElroy preached the annual missionary sermon at Albion College on Sunday. The Ypsiír-.riti fourth ward school came to thi mty last Friday in a body over the motor line. Fred G. Schleicher has purchased an elegant mantel for his new residence of J. F. Schuh. It is the finest in the city. The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti railway company expects to put in a loop op Wells st. to the fair grounds sometime fchis surumer. A large number of kicks over the assessment of property were registered with the board of review during its three days' session. The Sunday school of the Congregational church will give a basket picnic at Cascade Glen tomorrow. The party will leave the church at 10 a. m. A newly painted sign in front of the "Two Johns' Restaurant" on N. Fourth ave., was smeared all over by some fooi on Tuesday night. The excursion given by Becker's Military Band to Whitmore Lake on Sunday, was a very pleasant affair, although it was not so well attended as was expected. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church will serve ice creara and cake on the church lawn, Monday evening next, June 28. Tickets 10 cents eaoh. Ann Arbor berry giowers hold a meeting at the court house at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to make arrangements for shipping and marketing this year's erop. The board of public works advises the appropriation oi f600 for reconstructing the outlet of the main sewer, the plan being to extend the piping above groond for quite a distance emptying in the river at a more desirable point. "Education and Life" was the subject of the baccalaureate address given by Rev. R. K. Wharton, of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian church, to the 250 graduates of the State Normal school on Sunday. It was a plea for oliaraoter building. In nearly every city of the state the pruning knife is being applied to official salaries and a saving to the peopie effected. Here in Ann Arbor the times are so exceedingly prosperous that the council has seen fit to raise salaiies. - Courier. The remains of Mrs. Eliza North, widow of the late Rev. Louis North, of Lodi Plains, were brought to Ann Arbor yesterday and interred in the Lodi 3lains burying ground. Mrs. North died in Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday, and was 95 years of age. Resident so f N. State st, complain bit erly of the noise made by a band of rowdies who make night hideous with their unseemly behavior from 10 o'clock to midnight. They invoke the assistanee of the city marshal and his force to quell the disturbance. William H. Clancy got hurt by a fall on June 7 so that he was inoapaoitated iroin werk. He was insured in the National Proteotive Society (aocident) of Bay City, and on Tuesday he got a check for $40 for the two weeks he was laid off. A prompt settlement of a just claim Mrs. Ebenezer Smith, aged Ofi years, died at Dexter Saturday evening. Mrs. Smith, whose maiden name was Isabella Mains, was born in Berkshire, Tioga county, N. Y., January 2?, 1831. She came to Michigan with her parents the same year, and was married to Ebenezer Smith in the fall of 1850. She was a member of the Baptist church. Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. JM., closed the season's work Tuesday evening by conferring the Royal Arch degree npon Perry Bri(gs, M. R. Pannalee and F. W. Fletcher. A quartet consisting of Companions J. VV. Bennett, L. D. Wines, E. F. Mutschel and George F. Key rendered some fine inusic during the work. A banquet was served in the drill room afterwards, all the seats at the tables being filled. A season of toasts and speeches nnder the directiou of Prof. L. D Wines followed and it was midnight before the affair was brought to a close. Joba T. Davis, of Ypsilanti, has been grauted an inorease of pension. Auditor-General Dix reporta that Washtenaw county ows the state $82. 78 delinquent tas. Over one-half of the bicyole track to Wbitmore Lake is completad ready for the ciuder dressing. A barn raising on the farm of Patrick O'Neal, in Northfield, Wednesday evening, was attended by a number of Aan Arbor people. The hoar of the Sunday evening service at St. Andrew's church dnring the surnmer, beginniDg with next Sunday, will be 6 :30 o'olock. The subject of tbe Rev. Henry Tatlock's sermón, in St. Andrew's ohuroh, next Sunday morning, will be "The Work of College and University Settlements. " Fraternity Lodge, F. & A. M., closed its season's work ou Wednesday nighc with work on the tbiid degree and a banquet at which R. C. McAllaster presided as toastmaster. Several houses in Milan were broken into Snnday night. Thieves gained entrance throngh the wiudow of D. W. Hitchcock's house, taking away with them Mr. Hitchoock's fine gold watch, and his pocketbook containing $1. No olue. Dr. and Mrs. North oame over froru Jackson to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza North yesterday. In the morning Mrs. North met with an accident by which she broke her left shoulder, fraotnred her nose and painfully injured herself in other ways. Esther, the little four years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Miller, died at the family home, 24 Geddes ave., Wednesday morning, of nflammatioii of the bowels, after ao ïllness of several raonths dnration. The funeral services will be held at the house this afternoon at 3 o'clook. At the meeting of the commoD counoil Monday eveuing tbe bond of the new State Telephone Co. for $2,500, without snreties, was accepted by the counoil. On Wednesday Mayor Charles E. Hiscock vetoed the bond and the comoany will have to furnish snreties beEore it.can proceed with its business in this city. Ann Arbor Enoampment,I. O. O. F., has elected the following as its officers for the ensning year : C. P.,W. J. Willcutt; H. P., C. E. Godfrey; S. W., E. P. Cook; .7. W., R. E. Staebler; scribe, Herman Krapf; treasnrer, J. J. Ferguson ; representafcive to grand lodge, Geo. H. Miller. Installation, next Friday evening. Archie W. Wilkinson, of Chelsea, has reoeived the appoistment of deputy oil inspector, ouder T. R. Smith, the state inspector, taking the place of James L. Gilbert. Well, eo long as a republican had to have the job, the Argna knows of no one it would rather see in the position than Archie, so here's our congratulations. John W. Maybee and F. W. Lewie, of the State Normal school, rowed a boat up the Huron river from the Lowell milis to Ann Arbor on Tnesday afternoon in 4 honrs and 40 minutes. The ourrent was very strong in some places and they were capsized once on their voyage. They retnrned to Yosilanti by the same route. The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Railvay Co. has made arrangements for the use of a picnic ground along the line half way between the two oities and wil! run special cars there and provide other aocommodaitons whenever application for the same is made at the offioes of the company in this oity. Over 100 Ypsilantians picniced there Friday and the company expeots to do a good business as soon as the plaoe becomes known. The attorneys of the Lake Shore & Miohigan Southern Railway have flled in the register of deed's office the largest mortgage ever filed in this county and one of the largest ever flled in the state. It is a 3}4 per cent gold mortgage for $50,000,000 and runs to the New York Trnst Co., of New York oity. It covers the entire Lake Shore system and according to law must be filed in each oounty through which the road passes, in this partioular instanoe 36 oounties. The mortgage is given to oover the issue of new bonds to refuud the present indebtedness of the road. It contains 224 foüos of matter and Regis' er Cook gets 30 as his fee for copying it into the reoords. John CushiDg, of Webster, bas secured an increase of pension, throngh V. K. Child's agency. W. F. Rehfuss has put in a telephone at his cold storage, No. 55. Mrs. M. E. Wiison haB also pat in a 'pbone, No. 25. James VV. Robison, the Palaoe liveryman, vrill fornish the horses for the coming M. N. Q. enoatnpment, as he has done for seveial yeare past. The large nnmber of people who attended the Y. W. C. A. membership tea ou Tnesday eveniug report one of the pleasautest gatberinsg of the season. The sultan of Tnrkey having vrirhrawn his objeotion to tbe appointment )r. J. B. Angell as minister to his ourf, tbe doctor will sail from New York on July 17 for his post. Christian Heusel, a respected resident t Scio, died Tuesday morning aged 72 ears. The funeral services were held t the house yesterday morning. Be eaves a wife, two sons and two daughters. Ad the annual meeting of the Micbian VVoman's Press Association held in Grand Rapds Wednesday and yesterday, Dr. Mary Wood-Allen, of Ann Arbor, elivered an address upen '"How Can he Business Wornan Keep VVell?" The anniversary services and seiies of ntertainments that have been in proress at the Seoond Baptist ohurch od Sundaylast and each evening this week )ave been of an exoeedingly interesting ature and have been well attended. The Harugari and Washtenaw Eveung Times Baud give an excursión to Toledo Sunday. Fare for the round rip 75 cents. The train leaves the Ann Arbor railroad depot at 7 :30 a. m. and eturning leaves Toledo at 7 :30 p. m. Schneider Bros. have been awarded he contract for building lateral sewer Na 6. The price is $9,987.85. It is o be hoped the work will be better done than on any of the o her laterals and with less friction between the conraotors and city officials. At the meeting of the common counil Monday evening it was decided by a vote of 9 to 3 to assess the cost of iaving whatever streets may be ordered on the foot frontage plan. Tbe city vill pay for the street crossings and inersections and one-fifth of the remain' ng cost of piving. Miss Maude McOmber died at the 'amily residence 22 JefEerson st., Monay morning, after a long and painful llness, aged 33 years, 5 months and 3 days. The funeral seivices were held t the house Tuesday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. B. L. McElroy. Interment in Forest Hill cemetery. Between 200 and 300 people from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and adjacent teritory attended 'the annual reception iven by Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider, r., at their Ann Arbor City frnit farm, ust outside the tolïgate on S. Main st., Sunday afternoon. The party was most lospitably entertainer! by Mr. and Mrs. Schneider. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has íought the Chicago Lumber Co. 's Railroad, running from Manistique to withn six miles of Munising, and will exend it. The whole line will be 63 miles long. Boats will run all winter ;o Manistique and will continue on the old route to Menominee. A rich timber country will be opened up. The Salvation Army will comrnence ts tent meetings tomorrow night. Tbe opening service and all day on Sunday will be conducted by Major and Mrs. Pebbles, assisted by Ensign Cole, Capt. Sprake and the local oorps. The tent will be erected on the hay market, crner of W. Ann and N. Ashley sts. , and everybody is espeoially invited to the opening services. The $2 tappage and inspection fee which has heretofore been paid by parties desiring to connect with the sewer system will have to be paid no longer. The council by vote on Monday night abolished the fee and hereafter in place of going to the city olerk for a permit, those desiring to oonnect their premises with the sewers will notify tbe city engineer of their purpose and an inspector will be appointed. The third ward kids are evidently great on baseball, fonr clubs engaging in games of ball Saturday. The Tigers played the Stars and were dazzled b; the superior brilliance of the Stars oombinations, the score standing 20 to 19 at the end of the game. The second game was between the Sports and the Soft Snaps and the Sports found they had struck a "soft snap" as the game ended 33 to 30 in their favor. The Washtejaw Mutual Fire Insurance Co. has sustained the followin losses through fire and ligbtning during the past two weeks: Wru. Robbins, o: Augusta, had his barn struck by lightning Jone 15, and slightly damaged The house of Thos. Kearney, of North field, was damaged by fire on Sunday June 20. The house of Morris Flood of Dexter township, was struck by lightning on tbe 18th, damage abou 10.