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Students' Lecture Ass'n.

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The studen's of the University of Michigan areundergoing a great feeling of unrest that alJ is not well with the financia] management of some of the studeut organizations aud all sorts of runiors bave b en current about the coriduot of their affairs. Notably is this so in connection with the Stndents'Lecture Assooiation and more particularly with the business ol this year. Ths following article regarding the matter is takeu from the columns of the Evening Times : "For some time the conviction has been growiug upon those in close touch with college life iu Ann Arbor, that the various student enterprises were not being managed as carefully as theyshould be. As a result of the feeling on this subject an investigation was recently made of the affairs of the Students' Lecture Association. This orgauization uas existed for raany years, its object being to provide lectnres and entertainments for the stndent body. It was incorporated in 1898. The investigation btoughtout some interestingfaots. The management of the associaiiou is vested in a Board of Directors whose business it is to provide the season's oourse of eutertainments and pay for the same from the sale of tiokets; applying the surplus for the various University interests.. So far as could be learned, no out-going board had turned over to its sucoessors any books of account, or any statement of the year's businets such as wocld prove a guide in the further work of the Assooiation. "Coming down to lastyear's business of the Assooiation it was found that nc aooonnts had been kept, nor was there any report made at the annnal meeting showing the receipts and disbursements for the year, tbough the latter is provided for by the constitntion. Since the matter was inquired into a statement has been published which is no doubt approximately correct, but wbich loses muob of its force by reason of its not containing a statement of the number of tickets sold, the sale of tickets of course, being the principal source of income. When it is remembered that something like $3,500.00 is handled eaoh year by the board, íd trust for the students, it will be apparent that the degree of carelessness here ruanifested is wholly inexcusable. The business man who would adopt such methods would find himself bankrupt within a year. "It may be asked how mattere have been allowed to drift into such a state. A part of the answer may be found in the fact that the studenï body is constantly changing and many of the students find it difflcult to interest thernselves in these things. Then too, the average student is occupied with his own affairs and is wiJling to leave the managemfiDt of i such enterprises as this to his fellows - much as the average man leaves the performance of his duties as citizen to the professional polïtioian, and all with much the same result. It must be said, however, in justice to the students, that there is an increasing sentiment amoug them in favor of a more business-like admiuistration of sach enterprises as this, and it is safe to say that tbe coming year will see some decided improvements in the management of the Students' Lecture Association. Temporary provisions, such as will insure the proper conduct of the business for the year will be insisted on, and at the nest anuua! meeting these will be incorporated in the constitntion. The new board will be found ready at any time to assist in this work. It is high time for the students to become actively interested iu these things. Such a condition of afifairs as has existed in the Students' Lecture Assooiation is far frorn desirable and in a measure reflecte disoredit ou the üniversity. Notbing of this kind should be tolerated. Those who are familiar with college life know that such methods do not have the approval of the stndents generally. For the benefit of those who are not familiar witb it, students shonld take such a deeided stand upou these questions as shall show conclusively that they are in favor of a business administration of business affairs. "


Ann Arbor Argus
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