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Former U. Of M. Professor Dead

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Prof. DeVolson Wood, professor of physics and civil engineering at the U. of M. from 1857 to 1872, died at the home of bis brother Prof. H. A. Wood, in Hoboken, N. J., od Snnday, aged 65 years. He was taken ill of diabetfs just after the oommeDcement exeroises at the Stevens Institnte of Technology, in which be was professor of enigneering, but had so far recovered that it ■was snpposed he was entirely out of danger, bnt he snffered a relapse Sunday and died very suddenly. He leaves a widow, two sons, and three daughters. Prof. Wood was born near Smyrna, N. Y. He graduated from the Albany Normal school in 1853 and two years later from tbe Rensselaer Polyteohnic Institnte in Troy He was appointed professor of civil engineering at the University of JMiohigan the same year, which place he held tor 15 years. He then received a cali to the cbair of mathematics at the Stevens Institnte of Technology, aud later to the chair of mecbanical engineering. He is the anthor of many text books which are in nse at the principal teohnioal colleges of the country and which are authorities on higber mathematics and mechanical engineering. He had been conneotd with Stevens Institote for 26 years. While Prof. Wood was oonneoted with the U. of M., he was for a time city engineer of Ann Arbor. He surveyed Forest Hill cemetery, laid out the oampns, and drew the plans and superintended the construction of the middle part of the main building which nnited the two winss. He was a consin of Judge N. W. Cheever and hiB remains were bronght to Ann Arbor, Tnesday, aooorupanied by his sen and danghter, and two sisters, Hrs. Beecher, of Flint, and Mrs. Munn, of Flushing, and were bnried beside those of his íirst wife in Forest Hill ceraetery. The pall bearers at the funeral were members of the clase of '67 whioh has been having a reunión here this week, and Rev. J. M. Qelston wbo officiated at the brief funeral fiervices, was also a student under Prof. Wood.