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I Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Phillips have ' adopted a little girl baby. Miss Pauline Hoeck, of Elkhart, Ind. , is visiting Mrs. J. Stanger. W. R. Denison and Waldo Bach are camping out at Wbitmore Lake. Miss Gertrude Divine is in Sycamore' I1J., on a visit to her grandfather. Miss Mollie Soanlan left Wednesday on the C. E. excursión for California. Miss Minnie Brabyn, of Flint, is the guest of the Misses Viola and Lulu i Lusby. Miss Ella Bullard, of Geneva, N. Y. wbo graduated in '95, is visiting Miss Whedon. Miss Fannie Cook, '96 lit, of Corunna, is visiting the Misses Mullison, of S. State st. Miss Matie Genther, of Jackson, is the guest of Miss Anna Wesch, of Second st. Miss Susa Whedon is home for two weeks on her way to spend the winter in the east. - Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Seyler attended the funeral of Mrs. Bowers in New Hndson Sunday. R. H. Kempf attended thfi meeting of the State Music Teachers' Association at Detroit Wednesday. Miss Matie Sheehan, of Detroit, is a guest of her cousin Miss Mattie Slater, of Thompson st. Wm. H. Clancy has been taking baths at the Ypsilanti Mineral Bath House the last while back. Mrs. Sam Krause and children, of Grand Rapids, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schairer. August Dieterle has secured a traveling position with Edson, Moore & Co., the Detroit dry goods dealers. The Misses Ella Bennett and Carrie Perry left Tuesday for California on the Christian Endeavor excursión. A. J Sawyer and Prof. J. C. Knowlton caught 17 black bass and other fish at Cavanaugh lake last Saturday. A. C. Schumacher has been attending the summer meeting of the state board of pharmacy at Star Island this week. Mrs. W. E. Crane and children are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tremper, of 13 S. University ave. Miss Mabel Galbraith, of Flint, is visiting Miss Nellie Mingay, and taking in the sights of commencement week. Harry Watts, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting his fatber J. C. Watts and his sister Mias Carrie Watts, at 33 E. Liberty st. Miss Belle Sperry will spend the summer in Europe Sha sailed from New York yesterday and will return Sept. 1. Rev. C. G. Stanger, of the Theological collega at Elmhurst, III., will spend the sninmer vacation with his motber on S. Fonrth at. Dr. R. S. Copeland vas elected one of the officers of the American Homeopathie Eye and Ear Society at the meeting held in Buffalo last week. Corrao & Ryan, of the Portland Cafe in this city, have gone to Clark's Lake, a popular resort west of Jaokaon, to oonduct a resort hotel daring the season. Mrs. R. J. Nelson and son, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of Chicago, have been spending the week with Ann Arbor friends. They will spend the smumer at Bay View. Miss Lizzie Jenter attended the wedding of her brother Henry Jenter which oocnrred Tnesday at Quincy, 111. She will make a visit in Chicago before returning home. J. A. C. Hildner and family will leave New York, Ang. 26, on the Hambnrg-American liner Normandia, for Germany. He will spend a year of stndy in Leipsic. Mrs. C. J. Reimold, of Saginaw, has been the guest of her brother D. F. Schairer and family this week. She carne here to see her son gradúate from the U. of M. yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vandawarker were oalled to New Hudson Friday by the sudden death of Mrs. Vandawarker's mother, Mrs. Bowers. The funeral services were held at 3 p. m. Sunday. Miss Amanda Binder, who has been visiting in Jackson the past few weeks, returned home Monday evening accompanied by Miss Carrie Binder, who will visit relatives here for some time. Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland delivered the comruencement address of the Dexter high school at the opera house in that village on Friday evening. It is spoken of as an eloquent and able effort. Mrs. Daniel T. Pierce and Mrs. Fred Klingier and daughter, of this city, "who'have been visiting relatives and friends in Petrolia and Sarnia, Ont., for the past five weeks, will return today. R. E. Staebler, manager of the American house, spent Saturday and Sunday in Toledo. He retomed Monday acoompanied by Mrs. Staebler who had been visiting friends there for two weeks. Dr. Theo. Klingmann, son of the late Rev. Stephen Klingmann, of Weinaberg, will spend the summer in Ann Arbor. The doctor has been working in the hospitals of Berlín, Germany, for the past year. McClellan H. Mogk, for the past 12 years a clerk for Leonhard Gruner, has severed his connection with that gentleman and left Taesday for California with the intention of looating there. His sister Miss Tillie E. Mogk accompanied him and for a time they will visit in Oakland, Cal., with Dr. N. H. Chamberlain. Mr. Mogk will be greatly missed in the Bethlehem church and Y. M. C. A. circles in both of which he has been a tower of strength and an earnest, nnflagging worker. Mrs. Fred N. Scott left yesterday for California. Dr. D. M. Tyler has gone to Leslie to visit his sister. Dr. Eliza Mosher left last evening for Ohatauqua, N. Y. Miss Christine Lilley sails for Europa next week with her father. Miss Bessie Dunster ia visiting friends in the city for a few days. Miss Gertrude Beakes returned last evening to her home in Bloomingburg, N. Y. Mrs. A. J. Crawford, of Detroit, is spending a few days with Dr. J. A. Wessinger and family. Mrs. Mary Scott Carter gave a lawn party Friday evening at the old hornestead on Washtenaw ave. Prof. L. D. Wines leaves for Milwaukee Monday to attend the National Educators' Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. A. Bogle leave toruorrow for Seattle, Wash., and for California, on the C. E. trip. Miss Irene Bigalke gave a birthday party at her home on S. Twelfth st. Wednesday to 23 of her young friends. Mrs. D. M. Tyler left for Frankfort today where she will spend the most of the summer at the Forest Avenue hotel. The Misses Ella and Minnie Lichtenberg, of Detroit, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrickson left Tuesday for Chicago to inake their home with their son, Firmah Hendriekson. Miss Agnes Hayden and friend, Miss Carrie Lyons, have returned to Lansing after a ten days' visit with Miss Hayden's aunts, Miss Maggie Dolan and Mrs. McKernan, of Northfield. Dr. A. C. Nichols and daughter Cornelia and George H. Pond have been spending a couple of days at Cornelian oottage, Island Lake. Wonder whether "daddy took a header?" Mr. and Airs. Martin, of Chicago, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Storms, of the noith side. They carue to witness the graduation of their son E. S. H. Martin from the literary department yesterday. G. L. Chapman, state editor of the Detrpit Tribune, was in the city this week doing the commencement for hia paper. He is an old D. of M. boy and his newspaper friends in Ann Arbor are always glad to see nim. Prof. Fred L. Keeler and family, of Mt. Pleasant, are visiting Ann Arbor relatives: The professor's friends are pleased to learn that he has been re-engaged as principal of the Mt. PJeasant schools at an increased salary. Miss Alice Q. Snyder, '99 medie, and assistant tu Dr. Mosher, has gone to Chautauqua, N. Y., where she will teach in the summer school of physical edneation. She will also act as assistant to Dr. Mosher in medical gymnasticB. Prof. D. W. Springer left for Milwaukee Wis., today to attend the meeting of the National Educators' Association. Mr. Springer is chairman of the exeentive committee iu the business section. Mrs. Springer and hei mother also left today for a surnmer's stay in New York. Prof. Henry C. Adams has obtained a year's leave of absence and will spend it in Europe with his farnily. He will leave here the Jatter part of thismonth, and will spend three rnonths in Paris. He will winter in Vienna and devote his attention to the collectios of material dealing with railways and the railroad problem.