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Mrs. Charles S. MilleD is spendiug a coupie of weeks at Nqr'th Lake. Miss Louise Stoeckle, of Jackson, is visitiug Mrs. Charles W. Vogel íor a few days. I Mr. and Mrs. Rice A. Beal ate speuding a two weeks' vacation in Detrjit. Nathan Keith, of Deiroit, is spendÍDg several weeks with Ann Arbor f tienda, A. C. Bostwick, Dexter's popular M. C. R. R. agent, is speuding a week in Chicago. Miss Ida Gwinner, of Ypsilanti, is visiting her únele, Charles Binder, this week. Miss Myrtie Lohr, of Wayne, is the guest of the Misses Schleede of E. Jefferson fit. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Sheehan and farnily are spending a few days at Zukey Lake. Earl Ware is off from the carrier f orce in the postoffice forcé for alo days' vacation. Gerhard Josenhans, of E. Ann st.t has been spendiug the week with Detroit relativos. Emannel Heydlaufï and family, of Munith, visited C. W. Vogel and faruily over Snnday. Miss Jennie Mingay, of Bessemer, is visiting hei consin Miss Nellie Mingay for a short time. Rev. and Mrs, Engene Spoehr, of Logan, O., are visiting relatives and friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer entertaiued a few friends at their home on N. Main st. Tuesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. John Heartly, of Toledo, have been guests of Moses Seabolt and family this week. Dr. D. Ziinmerman, aocopamed by his sou Dan aud othershave gone on a trip to the Georgian Bay. S. Rosenthaler is a dai]y visitor to Ypsilanti nowadays, where be is taking mineral baths for rhenmatism. Wm. Birkett, of Petoskey, brother of Thomas Birkett, of the Dexter Savings Bank, was in Ann Arbor, Monday. Miss Mary Sullivan, assorting olerk at the postoffice, will take ber annual vacation commencing next Monday. Miss Estella Kieler, who has been the guest of Miss Emma Weinmann, has retnrned to her home in Detroit. Mrs. H. J. Robeson, who has been vsiting her roother Mrs. JohnMoore for some time past, has gone to Detroit. Dr. Will S. Loomis, who has been practicing in Rowe, Georgia, is visiting in Ann Arbor. He expeots to lócate in Ohio. Dr. Charles E.Sheldon.who gradnated with the dental olass of '97, will opeu an office over Alley & Sons' store in Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Schnlz and family, of Detroit, have been the gnests of their parents for some days thi-s week. Dr. William Kearns, of Allegheny Gity, Pa., has been visiting his parents in tbis uity. He retnrned home Tuesday e ven ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Walsh, of Foantain st, entertained MissesMyrtle, Josephine and Mary Parcell, of Toledo, over the 4th. Mrs. W. W. Watts and Miss Mabel Benbam went to Grand Rapids last evening foravisit with their sister Mrs. Gersbom Powers. Mrs. Flora Morton and daughtar MilJa left for Mendon, Wednesday, where they will visit Mrs. Morton's parents antil Oct. 1. A. A. Pearson left for bis Enropean trip yesterday morning. Several of his newspaper friends were at the depot to vish him "bon voyage. " Karl E. Harriman commenced work on the Detroit Journal Monday. He is snooeeded here as local correspondent by Fred J. Dansingbnrg. Mrs. Haanah Hasbrook. dangbter Ada, and granddanghter Gladys James, of Marshall, are gnesta of Moses Seabolt and famüy on N Fiffch ave. Jndge Víctor H. Lañe, of Adrián, soou to beoome a member of the U. of M. law faculty, has been given the de gree of LL. D. by Adrián College. George J. Haller bas given up h:s position of correspondent for the Detroit Bvening News and will take speoial work in the snmmer law school. Dr. J. G. Lindsley, of Highland, a member of the first medical class graduated from the U. of ftl., has been visiting Col. Geo. W. Winslow and family. Mrs. Wm. Goodyear, Miss Eveline James and several others went to Portage Lake Wednesday for a six weeks' stay. Mr. Goodyear expects to join the party in about two weeks. Mrs. Brnest Perry and son, Harold, went to Jackson yesterday on their way home to Bay City. Prof. W. S. Perry and family leave tomorrow for several weeks' stay at Les Chenaax islands. Mrs. John Moore left Ann Arbor yesterday with her danghter Mrs. Lnln MoKean, for Granger, Ohio, for a stay of sotne weeks. After leaving tbere Mra. Moore will go to Detroit to reside pernianently. Allen A. Kent and farnily are abont to return to Dandee from Ann Arbor, he having rented bis residence in that city; will reside in this village nntil next spring when he will return to bis farm near this place. - Dundee Reporter. León J. Kiohardson, lit '90, now an instructor in Lafcin at the University of California, was in Ann Arbor, Tueaday, oalling on oíd friends. He was acoompanied by his brother from Jaokson, who will enter the engineering department of the U. of M. nextOotober. Mr. Ricbardson has just returned from Enrope where he has been for the past two years doing special work. i Mrs. E. B. Wood, of Tecumseh, is visiting her sister Mrs. EL S. Cbeever. Mrs. D. A. and Miss Winifred MacLacblan, of Detroit, are visitiug frieuds in the city. B. J. CoDrad and fataily have gone to tbeir cottage at Les Cbeuaux islands for the snmmer. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton and son returned home Tnesday afternoou from a visit in Concord. August Dieterle, of Detroit, spent the Fonrth of July holidays with friends and relatives in Ann Arbor. Miss Lizzie Diehl leaves Monday for a three weeks visit with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer will sail from New York July 24 for Europa. The objective point of their visit will be Denmark. Mrs. E. 3. Butts and daughters Nellie and Emina left Saturday tor San Diego, Cal., where they will rnake their future home. Miss Minnie Brabyn of Flint, vvhobas been speuding the past two weeks with the Misses Viola and Lulu Lusby, left for Cleveland, O., last evenius Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dorrance, jr., who have been visiting their pareáis on S. IngaJls st., returned to their home in Barkerton, Ohio, Tuesday afteruooD. Prof. and Mrs. R. G. Colé, of Grinnell ooilege, Iowa, are spending the summer with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gwinner, of S. Fourth ave. A. L. Davis '98 ]aw, and ex-president of the U. of M. repoblican club is a oandidate for president of the National Republican League of college clubs. Mrs. Henry M. Hunt, of Chicago, visited her ruother Mrs. C. G. Liddell, for a few days the latter part of last week and beginniag of this, returning home Tuesday. Clay Greene bas received official docunients from the United States governrnent appointing him auditor of claims at the St. Clair Flats. He left Friday to take his position. Miss Nina M. Doty, who has been doing post-graduate work at the University during the past year, bas secured the position of preceptress of the high school at Vassar. Francis M. Sessions, of Columbus, Obio, aocompanied by bis mother, Mrs. J. Q. A. Sessions, left Saturday morning for a trip np the lakes, stopping at Dulurb and other points. Mrs. G. W. Miley and dangbter Florence, have gone to Port Hnron to visit Mis. Miley'a danghter, Mrs. A. N. Hart aud sister, Mrs. I. L. Hagerdorn. They will be gone until September. C E. Hiscook, J. R. Bacb, J. Rioe Miner, Sam Langsdorf, T. D. Kearney, Ed. Eberbaoh and Thomas Slater, of this city, and J. Selling, of Detroit, spent Snnday and Monday at Znkey Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Lane, of Corning, N. Y. are visiting Adam A. Meoth and family, of Detroit at, for a few days. The gentleman is the first democratie mayor that Corning has had in many years. J. T. Jacobs, Indian board cominissioner, is in San Francisco,Cal.,on government business. He will also take in the C. E. convention and stop at Los Angeles to see his son .Charles J. N., who resid s there. Mrs. Sarah Coffin, of Hill st., left Tuesday morning for her old home near West Milton, Ohio, for a visit of several weeks. She is accompanied by her son, Mail Carrier H. E. Coffin, who bas a week's leave of absence frorn the post office.


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