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The egg of prosperity in the Uhelsea firm of O. J. Chandler & Co. egg aud produce dealers, has becorue addled. The firm assigns. The editor of the Dexter Leader states that "when the sun is hot and the wiud in the sonthwest, the ruill pond frequently sruells to Heaveu.': Bet him "ten" that hb can't prove it now, or at any future time. Iiaoss Feit, of Flat Rook, kuocked out James Howes the other day in a onesided sorap, and was then coralled, taken to Carlton and assessed f 10 and costs for bis fun. - Monroe Democrat. How must Imoss feit ! P. MoCabe, of Dexter, has a 4x6cage, stuffed with three owls, a crow and a game rooster. They dweil in perfect accord, yet in freedom would figbt to the death. Traly politics makes stranae bedfellows, and it would not be strange to yet behoid McMillan and Pingree hngging and kissing eaoh other. "No kissing occnis in Japan except between husband and wife, " says the Dexter Leader. If the lioense went no fnrther, in this oountry, the rite wonld be obsolete. The Leader fnrther deposes and says: "If one were to offer a kiss to a Japanese maiden, she would probably think she was going to be bitten - just like the Dexter girls. " That part of the sentenoe aftur the dash, is enough to make a feller snort right out. Our senses do not fall asleep simultaneously. The eyelids are flrst affected, and shnt out sight; next follows the sense of taste, then smelling, hearing and touch, tbe last named being tbe lightest sleeper and most easily aroused. - Ann Arbor Argus. Let no one doubt this. The editor of the Argus laid awake to flnd it out. The sense of "touch" did not wholly desert him. He had been "touched" for about $800 by a post office clerk. Glenn A. Trowbridge, late the Ann Arbnr post office peculator, who weeded out the letter cash to the extent of 1800, gets one year in the Detroit House of Correction. The judge saw in bis youth and other circumstanoes, some reason to make the penalty light. He should be rejoiced to escape a worse sentence. Queried one colored duelist of anotber, after a bloodless exchange, "Gumbo, is you satisfled?" "You jes bet yer life I is. I's glad ter git off ao." As the resnlt of an oíd quarrel among university doctors, Dr. Campbell is out of a job. He was not tnrned out, bot the chair was kioked out frorn nnder his person - i. e. abolished. It is intimated by the Democrat that the head of Dr. Vanghan, the inventor of tyrointoxication- if that is the word - sits none too securely on his shouldres. Perhaps he could take a hint froin Buckingham in the days of Richard III: "O, let me think on Hastings, and be gone to Breoknook, while rny fearfnl head is on."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News