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Miss Aiïce Gall is visitiug friends in Findlay, Ohio. Miss. Lottie Clark is visitiug her pareuts iu Jackson. City Clerk Glen V. Mills is in Flint ou directory bnsiness Miss Alta Beal is ruaking a short visit with friendg in Detroit. Miss Ruth Gould, of Evauston, 111., is visiting friends in the city. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge speud the sDinmer on the Paoifio coast. Simon F. Schairer, of Daxter, spent Snuday and Monday in the city. Jacob Trautwein, of Dexter, has removed bis fainily to Ann Arbor. Cari Braun ia putting in bis two weeks' vacatiou at Niágara Falls. Julius V. Seyler, of Detroit, was in ths city for a few days this week. Roswell Waterman is spending the snmnier at bis cottage at Bay View. President and Mrs. H. B. Hutchins are rusticatiug at Cape Codd, Mass. William Gerstner and family have been spending a few days at Maybee. Prof. and Mrs. W. H. Pettee are speudiug the sutnmer in Massachusetts. Prof. and Mrs. I. Russell and family are spending the summer at Cape Codd, Mass. Miss Edith Schleede Jeaves tomorrow for a two weeks' visit with friends in Toledo. H. E. Brown ocoupied tbe Baptist pulpit at Milaa Sanday morning and evening. G. E. Dibble is easton a bnsiness trip through easrern New York and Pennsylvania. Mi3ss Belle Parker, of Bay City, is visiting Mrs. George Ottley, at No. 30 Geddes ave. George E. Apfel went to Detroit Wednesday and retnrned home yesterday morning. Prof. Ira Bedow and wife, of Birmiughani, are visiting Mrs. A. B. Irland, of Washtenaw ave. Walter T. Seabolt, teller, in the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, is in Detroit enjoying his vacation. Miss Grace Grinnell returned Saturday from a visit wbich she has been making in Jackson. Miss Matilda Knbn is speudng a two weeks' vaoation with friends in Fowlervlle and Jackson. Dr. James N. Martin, who was prostrated by the heat July 3, ia able to be out and aronnd again. Herbert Hillman, an attorney of Oklaboma, bas been visiting Mrs. Jobn Hilïman, of Lawrence st. Mail Carrier Charles Meyers is utilizing his two weeks' vacatiou in repairing and painting his house. Prof. J. B. Montgomery and family left Monday for a snmmer'a outing at Nashville and Chattanooga, Tenu. ïred A. Howlett, has been at Cavanangh Lake the past few days where his family is spending the sninmer. Charley Banfield has been confiDed to the house for several days, the result of a bad fall he got in the bicycleraces at Monroe, July 5. Mrs. Helen C. VVhitney, who bas been teaching school at Ithaoa during the past year, is spending her summer vaoation iu Ann Arbor. Miss Gelston, who is a teacher at Alma College, is spending the summer vacation with her father JRev. Mills B. Gelston and othër relatives in Ann Arbor. Miss Susa Whedon bas gone to Norwood, Mass., to spend the year with her brother W. T. Whedon. She will study in one of the art schools of Boston doring the winter. Miss Carrie Seyler returned home from a week's visit with Detroit relatives on Friday last. While there she attended the wedding of her cousin Miss Josie Seyler. Miss Ida Montonye, who has been teaching in District No. 4 iu Scio, has gone to western Pennsylvania where she will take up the agency for the Mouroe Book Co. P. J. Sqaires, night operator and ticket agent at the Michigan Central depot, has beeu enjoying a vaoation the past lOdays. L. Esslinger, of Kensington, wbo formerly occupied the positien, was here relieving him. Frank Seabolt, '97 eng., son of M. M. Seabolt, has entered the Menominee electrical and ineohanical works, where he will become a master of his profession. He secured the position throngh hisuucle Dr. Frank Grtjgoiy.of Menorniuee. Judge E. D. Kiune goes tonight to New York to see his daughter who is to sail nest Wednesday for Enrope, to remain in Germany pnrsuing her studies. From there the judge will go to some of the Atlantic coast watering places for a few weeks' rost. L. C. Goodrich and W. W. Watts leave tomorrow for Alpena, Mackinaw Í8land, Petoskey and other northern points, where the former will hold Royal Arch schools of intsruction for the next four weeks. Mr. Watts will be away for two weeks only. Judge W. D. Harriman will visit his old home in Vermont tbe latter part of this month. His special mission will be to attend the centennial celebration of that once famons aoademy, the Caledonia Couuty Grammar School, at Peacbam, Vermont, to be held Aug. 8. It was at this school that the judge laid the foundation of his education. Arooug the famous men who attended sohool at the old acadeiny have been Wm. M. Eavns and Thad Stevens. President Bartlett, of Dartmouth college, was at one time one of its preceptors, and Leouard Worcester, grandfather of Mre. M. L. D'Ooge, was for 25 years a trustee and secretary of the institution. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Pipp spent Sunday iu Hovvell. E. B. Hall has gone to Cavanaugh Lake for au outing. Sid W. Míllard left for Chicago today for a few days' stay. Mail Carrier Earl Ware is enjoying his two weeks' vacation. Charles Kyer is enjoying a few days' outing at Cavanangb Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Beal are spending a few days iu Detroit. Prof. Eugene Lohr, of Kalarnazoo, is visiting his parents on Paokard st. Miss Belle Parker, of Bay City, is the guest of Mrs. Ottley, of Geddes ave. Miss Johanna Stanger has gone to Ohio to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Miss Florence Babbitt, of Ypsilanti, was in the city calling on iriends yesterday. Miss Anna Wescb left today for a two weeks' outing at Clarke's Lake and Jackson. Mrs. MoNames, mother of H. G. Prettyinan, has goue to London, Ont. , for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hoffstetter visited Manchester relatives the fore part of the week. Miss Alma Childs, of this oity, will teacb in theeigbth grade of the Dundee school next year. William G. Dieterle will go on the road in a few weeks for the Michigan Furniture Co. Prof. Albert J. Volland, of Grand Rapids, is in the city, called here by the death of his rnother. Eev. Henry Tatlock will leave the early part of next week for the Atlantic coast to spend his vacation. Mrs. R. S. Greeuwood and daughter Grace have gone to Beulah and Crystal Lake for a short stay. Dr. S. A. Jones and farnily left last night for a week's stay at the "Dew Drop Inn" on Strawberry Lake. Mrs. Bradley M. Thompson and daughter Miss Etbel left Monday for New York, ol their way to Europe. Mrs. Julia A. Pitkin, of S. Fifth ave., leaves this morning for Potrolia, Ont., to visit her son, Gilbert Pitkin. Miss Alice Hunt will spend the summer at Aunisquam, on the Atlantic coast, in the studio of Whittemore, the artist. The Misses Amanda and Emma Kooh have been spending the past week at Zukey Lake, the guests of Mrs. Gaspar Rinsey. Mrs. Dunster and daughters, the Misses Bessie and Dinx Dunster, have returned to Ann Arbor to spend the sammer. Mrs. Hendry aud daughter left for Detroit, Tufasday. After a short visit there they will go to Toronto, Ont., for the sumiller. Dr. Ward Howlett, dent '97, bas rented an office at Jaokson, aud will commence the practice of his profession there in a few weeks. Mrs. Ed. Eberbach, the Misses Irene Gilbert, Edith Eberbach, Lnella Moore and Flossie Holbrook are spending the week at Whitmore Lake. Miss Jennie M. Mingay, of Bessemer, who bas been visiting her oousin Miss Nellie Mingay for the past week, left for Toronto, Ont., on Wednesday. Prof. M. E. Cooley's oldest son, Hollis, is in Fairport, N. Y., wbere he will remain for the summerwith bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morley. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Angelí left Ann Arbor Wednesday for New York, f rom where they will sail for Havre, France, en ronte to Constantinople, Turkay, tomorrow. Mrs. Henry Apfel and Mrs. Geo. E. Apfel and daughters Hazel and Elsa left for Duluth, Minn., on Wednesday. They went by way of Detroit and the lakes and will be gone abont four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Burg left for Detrot Tuesday morning. Mr. Burg expects to return in a few days, but Mrs. Burg will be gone for some time, visiting at St. Clair Flats and elsewhere. Dr. R. E. WitherBpoon, of Durand, an old alamnus of the university, was in Ann Arbor a coxiple of days this week. He thinks of coming back here to reside whie his children attend the U. of M. ■ Mrs. O. G. Clement gave a lawn party and tea on Friday in honor of Mrs. Flora Morton, of Anu Arbor. Eighteen of the South Side Club ladies were present. - Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph. The Misses Genevieve Mills, Mary Bell, May Fischer, Mary Haarer, Emma Kemper and Louisa Allmendinger and G. Frank Allmendinger and Cbas. Davis, leave tomorrow for a week's stay at the Juniper Cottage, Island Lake. A. A. Terry, who has been visiting around the northwestern states for nearly a year past, during which time bis headquartershave been with his sister at Clinton Junction, Iowa, is in the city greeting old frieuds and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Cook and little son John are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James D. Cook, of the St. James' hotel, and "grandpa" Cook is happy since he has that boy witb him. Mr. Cook is secretary and treasurer of the Investment Security Co., of Chicago. Gapt. Ambrose Pack has made the following appointments for the Ann Arcr Light Infantry : To be sergeants - Corporals Fred Huntoon, John Haarer and Rembert Jones; to be corporals - Privates Edward McMahon, Ernest Phelps and Frank Tice. One more appointment for corporal remains which will beawarded by competitive examination, there being a number of men who are equally entitled to it. Camp begins at Island Lake, Aug. 8. Will Hadley is enjoyiug a week's fishing at Zukey Lake. Miss Mamie Beek bas returned horce fiouï a visit in Chelsea. Mark ReyDolds is off ou bis vacation and will go around the lakes. Mrs. Anna G. Miller, of 63 Paokaid st. , hs returned home frorn Minnesota. Mrs. Minerva Bliss, of Ann Arbor, is visiting Mrs. A. T. Hiil, of Detroit. Howard Edwards and Chas. L. Wei!, of the State Agricultural College faculty, at Lansing.were in the city Wednesday. L. A. Pratt general secretary of the S. C. A. and nianaging editor of the Michigan Alumnus, left yesterday for Traverse City. Mrs. Sheley and daugnter Polly and Miss Ellen B. Bach leave for New York Monday, frum where they will sail Wednesday for Europe to be gone a year. Mnsicians Alberto Long and George Fischer, of the Ann Arbor Ligh Infantry, have been supphed with regulation U. S. A. bugles to be nsed during encampuierit. John Conde was the first man to pay his tases yesterday morning and the money rolled in iu a pretty steady stream all day. John Shadford is assisting City Treasurer Seyler. James W. Pattison, of Chicago, gave an iuteresting art leoture to a number of the devotees of the brush and palette at the home of Miss Doaglas, E. Huron st, on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Henry P. Horton, assistant at St. Andrew's churoh, left Thursday morning for Pomeroy, Ohio, to attend the funeral of his father, who died at Plu8hing, N. Y., Monday afternoon. In the civil case of Emil Hoppe vs. Charles Standenmaier, tried in Justioe Duffys court, the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff of $95 and costs. The case of Archie Miller vs. Fannie Schemmerhorn, for tbrowing stones at him was tried before a jury yesterday afternoon in the same court.


Ann Arbor Argus
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