Three Deaths In One Day

Three deaths in one day waa Suoday's record in Ypsilanti. Two of them were old and respected residenta of the city and iu each case death was caused by paralysis. The other was that of a lady who leaves three orphan children to monrn her loss. The firat death was that of Mrs. Harriet Welcb, wbo suffered a strokfi of paralysis sotne weefks ago at her home on Babbitt st., and was afterward removed to the home of her nieca Mrs. Walter Hawkins, of Cross st., wbere sbe died Suuday morning at 11 o'olock. The funeral services were held at the house Tuesday morning and the rernaius were interred in Highland cemetery. Mrs. Welcb was 83 years of age. The second death was that of Samuel Campbell, of Chicago ave., aged 72 years. He had suffered for two yeara wtth paralysis aad had been a helpless invalid duiing tbat time. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Campbell leaves a widcw, and two sons, Edward and Anson Campbell, by a foriner wife. The third was that of Mrs. Carrie Fay, a former wife of Dr. A. J. Pay, who lived on E. Congress st. The deceased leaves two youug daughters and a son. The remains were taken to Detroit for interment.