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COTTNCIL CHAMBÈR, } Ann Aibor, July 19th, 1897. f Regular sessiou. Caüed to order by Pres. Luick. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Sweet, Coon. PBTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works respectfully request that tbey be authorized to purchase 15,000 feet of 3-ineh oak plank tor replanking bridge No. 3 and ■constructing box culverts. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. fihodes moved that the Council concur in the recommendution of the Board. Adopted as follows: "ïeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamiltón, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works respectfully recommend that Schneider Bros., contraetors in sewer district No. 6, be alloweil an estímate on eompleted work -.every two weeks. llespectfully, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works herewith submit the following estímate for eompleted work in sewer district No. 6 and recommend that the amount stated be allowed by your honorable body. Respectfully, Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. ENGIXEER'S FIRST ESTÍMATE. LATERAL SEWER DISTRICT NO. 6. Excavation etc, 993 lineal It. at 12c per 'ft $H9 16 Excavatiou etc, 482 lineal st. at 23c per ft - 106 20 Exeavation etc, 426 lineal ft. at 31c per ft.. - 132 06 Sewei' pipe laid, 576 lineal ft. at 05c per Sewer pipe laid, ï,Wa lineal ít. at 15c per ft -- 195 60 Manholes, ü at $25.00 each 150 OU Lampholes, 4 at $5.00 each 20 00 Y'sonly, 2at SZceacli-- 1 04 Extras 'per bill submitted T3 16 Total estímate $826 08 LesslO per cent per contract 82 60 Amount duecontractor $743 48 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Koch moved that Rule 21 be suspended for this session. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth; ■Cady, Pres, Luick- 13. Nays- None. Aid. Koch moved that the Council concur in the recommendation and a warrant be ordered drawn for the same. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Eady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. To'the Common Council, The Board of Public Works herewith -presenta to your honorable body the estímate of the City Engineer for laying tile on Gott st. as asked for at your last meeting. 500 feet 24-iuch tilo at 85c per foot $425 00 Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Brown moved that the estímate be received and placed on file. Adopted. BNGINEKR'S ESTÍMATE FOR LAYING SEWER ON KINGSLEY STREET. 'To sewer pipe - - $255 44 To exeavation and backülling 780 89 Manholes, lamphqles, flushtanks 194 00 „Engineering and iuspection 250 00 Total i 1,430.33 If Catherine st. and cross streets are , also included then add about $2,000 , more. i Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Referred to the Sewer Committee. 1 A petition signed by J. W. Morton ' -and 7 others asking tor the ] ment of Packavd st. between the junction and the city limits was read together with the following estímate of the engineer: To the Board of Public Works: An Approximate estímate for improyiug Packard f rom junction to city limits is: .500 cublc yards gravel at 45c per yard, $225 00 Geo. F. Key, City Engiueer. Aid. Brovvn moved that $225 be appropriated trom the Street Fund to do the work. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Dell Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady,.Pres. Luick- 12. Nays- Aid. Ilamüton. Aun Arbor. Mich., July 14, 1897. To the Board of Public Works: The following is the estímate of tile on W. Hurou trom the north gutter north to the creek in Wheeler's alley. 214 ft. 12 in. pipe at 20c per ft. laid in place - 42 80 Icatchbasin - 10 w Total estímate $52 80 Aid. Dellmoved that the Board be instructed to do tlie work according to the estímate. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamiltoli, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Browu. Vandawarkr, Ehodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. A notice signed by Robert Hunter relative to filling the Foundry Pond ■was read. Aid. Koch moved that the subject be referred to the Street Committee . and City Attomey. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Vandawarker. Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Oady, Pres. Luick- 12. Nays- Aid. Brown. A petition signed by H. P, Danforth and twelve others askiog for the extensión of the water ïnains on Hul st. ■was read and referred to the Water Committee. A petition signed by H. S. Dean and C. H. Manly asking for ihe setting apart of eertain lots for burial of honorably discharged soldiers was read and referred to the Cemetery Committee. . A petition signed by Win. Biggs askíng for the extensión oí the water curtin on Geddes ave. was read and retened tothe Water Coimiiittee. KEl'OUT OF STANDIKG COMMITTISES. STREErs. ïo the Common Council. Your Counuittee 011 Streets would recommend that the Board of Public Works be dhected to build u shed to protect the roller when not in use. And íurther that the Board be directed to turnpike Geddes ave. west trom the city limits to W. H. Nichols' property and place the same in a passable condition. Respectf ully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossmau, J. A. Dell, Arthur Brovvn, G. C. Rhodes, llarrison Soule, C. H. Cady, Committee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brovvn, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. - To the Common Council: Your Committee ou Streets would recommeud that the grade of the following named streets be tixed and established : Jefrerson, from First to Seventh; Iluroii, from State to Ingalls; Poutiac, from Swift to Cedar; Anu, from Fourth to Fifth aves.; Chapin, from Hurón to Miller ave. And herewith submit the necessary resolutions flxing such grades. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L, Moore, Michael Grossman, J. A. Dell, Arthur Brown, G. C. Rhodes, llarrison Soule, C. H. Cady, Committee on Streets. Leave being granted the following resol utions were presented. Adopted as follows: STREET GRADE RESOLUTIONS. By Ald.jMoqre. Whereas, in the opinión of the Counz'ü the grade on W. Jefferson st. ought to be changed and üxed and established, to the, end that such street may be made suitable for public travel and traffic. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on W. Jefferson st., from center line of Seventh st. to the center line of First st., be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and flxed and established so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follovvs, that is to say: At center of Seventh st 851 .50 ft. At center of Sixth st 84Ö.50 ft. At center of Fifth st 838.50 ft. At center of Fourth st 8:32.60 ft. At 213 ft. east ol' center of Fourth st. 8'2S50ft. Atcenterof Third st S2230ft. At 180 ft east of center of Third st. ..820.50 ft. Atcenterof Second st 80.00 ft At ceoter of First st 816-00 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Mamilton. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf . Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Kays - None. By Aid. Moore. Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Huron st. ought to be changed and fixtd and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable ior public travel and traffic Therefore. Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Huron st., from center line of State st. to the center line of Ingalls st., be, and the same is herebv chanaed from the uresent grade and fixed and established so that the grade on and along such street shall be as foilows, that is to say: At center of State st STO.CO ft. At center of Ingalls st 8T4.00ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as foilows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton. Grossman, Kbch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Ehodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. NÏiys- None. By Aid. Moqre. Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade on Pontiac st. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public travel acd traffic. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Pontiacst. from center line of Cedar st. to the center line of Swift st. be, and the same is hereby cluvnged from the present grade and flxed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as foilows, that is to say : At center of Cedar and Pontiao st. ..S76.f0 ft. At 150 ft. south of center of Cedar and Pontiacst 876.00 ft. At 200 ft. south of center of Uedar and Pontiacst. STü.OOft. At fïü t't. south oí centerof Cedar and Pontiao st 870.50 ft. At 528.1 ft. south at center of Swlft and Poutiae st ÏK4.50 ft. the elevation given above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several pointsor stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore. Hamiltón, Grossman, Kocb, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rbodes, Spathelf, isoule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Moore. Whereas, iu the opinión of the Council the grade on E. Ann st. ought to be changed and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable for public traftic. Therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on E. Aun st. from center line of Fourth ave. to the center line of Fifth ave., be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established, so that the grade on and aloug such street sliall be as follows, that is to say: At the center of Fourth ave. and Ann st - 831.30 ft At 140 ft. east of the center oL Fourth uve. and Arm st S33.00 ft. At the centerol Fifth ave. and Aim 6t 837.50 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the line of said street, and the grade unes between the severa! points ov stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore. Hatuilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. .Nays- None. By Aid. Moore. Whereas, in the opinión of. the Council the grade on Chapin st. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end ttiat such street may be made suitable for public travel and traffic. ïherefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on Chapin st. frotn southwest line of Miller ave. to the center line of W. Iluron st. be, and the sanie is hereby changed frorn the present grade and flxed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say: Atsouthwest Une of Miller ave 792.50 ft. At lts: ft. south o; southwest line of Miller ave - 792.00 ft. At 387 ft. souili of southwest line of Miller aro - 793.00 ft. At 4(7 ft. south of southwest line of Miller ave 7!..00ft. At 5B7 ft. sou9h ol' southwest line of Miller ave 798.00 ft. At "17 tt. south of southwest line of Miller ave 79!.00ft. At center of W. Huron st. 798.00 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, and the grade iines to consist of straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated, the roadway to conform thereto. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Haiailton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spatlielf. Soule, Danforth, Cady, Tres. Luick- 13. Xays- None. To tüe Common Couacil : Your Comtnittee on Streets would respectfully recommend that $60 be appropriated from the street fund to gravel and roll E. University Ave., between Washtenaw and the south line of College street; $60 to gravel and roll State street from Williams street tothe south line of S. University Ave. Estímate for work on E. University Ave. 200 loads earth filling at 25c per load $50.00 Spreadins aad rolling 10.00 Total $60.00 Estímate for work on State street 120 loads earth filling at 25c per load $30.00 Spreading and rolling 20.00 Total $50.00 Geo. F. Key. City Engineer. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossman, J . A. Dell, Arthur Brown, G. C. Rhodes, C. H. Cady, Harrison Soule, Comtnittee on Streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamiiton, Grossman, Kocli, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rliodes. Spathelf, Soule. Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Honorable the Common Counoil : Gentlemen : - Your Committee on Streets and City Attorney to whom was referred the claim of Anna B. Bach for gravel, respeetfully report that we have carefully examined the matter and flnd that the city did not take any gravel f rom or near 'the said premises deseribed in said claimant's petition during the tima therein stated. We report further that the city did take the gravel in Ashley street at the time the same was graded and this it had a right to do, but we are unable to learn of its ever having taken any gravel from said lots deseribed in said petition, and we would therefore recommend that the said claim be disallowed. Kespectfully subtnitted, "Geo. L. Moore, M. Grossman, J. A. Dell, Arthur Brown, G. C. Khodes, C. H. Cady, Committee on Streets. Tho3. D. Kearney, City Adopted as follovvs : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf. Cady, Pres. Luick- !. Nays - Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Soule, Danforth -4. SIDEWALKS. To the Common Counoil. Your Committee on Sidewalks would respectfully recommend that plank sidewalks be constructed on and along ,he following streets and in front of the ollowing described property : On the south side of Prospect street )etween the" property of Chas. A. Ward and Wells street. On the west side of Seventh street from Liiberty to Jeïïerson street. Also that 'the sidewalk on the south side of Jefferson along property of Andrews, be repaired. Also that the tar walk on the west side of Chapin street along the greenhouse property, be mopped and sanded. And further your committee would recommend that a brick cross-walk be ordered built on the south side of Hiscock across Spring street, and a plank cross-walk on the west side of Spring street across Hiscock. Also that gates be placed over the ends of the tile on Pitth avenue and Spring street, and a 7-foot brick crosswalk oa west side of Twelfth street across N. University avenue. Repair plank cross-walk on west side of Second across Madison, and on south side of Jefferson across Ashley. Respectfully submitted, F. M. Hamilton, Frank Vandawarker, John Koch, Geo. Spathelf Jr., H. P. Danforth, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Sou'.e, Danforth, Cady.Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. To the Common Counoil: Your Committee on Sidewalks to whom was referred the petüion asking that the Council rescind its action granting Mack et Co. permissicn to extend tneir store window, would report hat they have carefully considered the same aud would recommeud that the petition be granted. Respecifully submittted, F. M. Hamilton, Frank Vandawarker, John Koch, Geo. Spathelf Jr., H. P. Danforth, Committee on Sidewalks. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Pres. Luick- 8. Nays- Aid. Koch, Brown, Rhodes, Danforth, Cady- 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT. To the Common Councü : Your Committee on Pire Department would respectfully recommend that the city purchase 300 feet of fire hose and that the Fire Department surrencler400 feet of old hose for the city to use for' sprinkling purposes. Kespectfully submitted, Michael Grossman, Frank Vandawarker. G. C. Rhodes, Committee on Fire Department. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker. Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth.Cady, Pres. Luick - 13. Nays- None. REPOKT OP CITY OFFICERS. To the Honorable, the Coramon Council. Gentlemen - In the matter of the claim of Anton Otto for damages against the city for idjuries sustained by reason of a defective sidewalk on K. Main street, that you referred to me, I respectfully report that I have carefully examined the same and am of the opinión that no liability attaches to the City for the alleged injuries and I would tlierefore aduise that the prayer j of the petitioner be denied. Respectfully submitted, Thos. D. Kearney, City Atty. Received ana ordered placed on file. To the Common Council. Your Inspector of Sidewalks would recommeod that plank sidewalks be constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following property : On the south side of Ann street in front of Nos. 46, 76 and 82, property of Porter, Gillett and unknown. On the northwest side of Beakes street in front of No. 3 the property of Ryan. Oa the east side of 13th street cor. of Catherine. property of J. J. Goodyear. On the west side of S. Ingalls street by the side of 18 S. University Ave., the property of L. A Pratt. On the east side of S. Thayer street in front of 31 the property of Wm. Burke. (Est). On S. University Ave., ia front of 40, A. E. Gibson, Agt. Cn the south side of E. Washington street in front of 120 the property of M. M. Wlieelock. On the east side of 14th street in front, of 2io. 35 also cor. Volland the property of Mrs. Lukins. On the east side oí Maynard street by the side of 52 E. Liberty street the property of Alta Steward. On the west side of Maynard street by the side of 50 E. Liberty street the property of Pred Marken. On the northeast side of Packard street in front of No. 51 the property nt Mrs Hilllop.k. On the north side of VollaDd street in front of Nos. 3 and 5 property of Mrs. Hall and 7, property of Mrs. Vosburg. On the north side of Monrue street in front of Nos. 11 and 21 property of unknown and Sumner and by the side of Ko. 85 on ís. State street. On E. University Ave , the property of Mr. Young. On the east side of E. University Ave in front of 57 the property of Prof. Rhoades. On the east side of Church street ld front of 21 the property ot' Mrs. Woods. On the west side of Forest Ave., cor. Hill street. Also that the following plank sidewalks be relaiü and repaired: On the south side of College street and on the west side of Church street along the property of 6th Ward school. Also. that cement sidewalks be ordered built along the following streets and in front of the following property. On the east side of E. Uuiversity Ave., along the 6th Ward school. On the south side of S. University Ave., in front of the Church of Christ and in front of No. 16. Also that a tar sikewalk be ordered on the west side of S. Ingalls street cor N. University Ave., Levi D. Wines, Agent. On the north side of Kingsley street in front of No. 37 the property of Clancy. RespectfuUy submitted, Gilbert C" Rhodes, Inspector. Aid. Brown moved that the sidewalks be ordered by the Council. Aid. Hamilton moved as a substitute that the report be referred to the Sidewalk Committeè. Lost as f ollows : Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Rhodes, Soule, Danforth - 4. Nays - Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Yandewarker, Spathelf, Caay, Pres. Luick - 9. Whereupon the original motion was adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moor., Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown Yandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Cody, Pres. Luick - 10. Nays - Aid. Hamilton, Soule, Danforth- 3. To the Coramon Council of the Citv of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen : - I desire to run a line of poles and conductors connecting the University power house withthe University hospitals and the observatory for the purpose of transinitting current for lighting and power. I would respectfully ask permission i'rom your honorable body to run such lines and wires out past the gymnasium on 12th street to Mr. Whitman's, thence oti Huron to 13th street, and thence on 13th street to the hospitals ; also a branch on Huron to the observatory grounds. Such poles and wires will be erected in accordance with any conditions which are usually imposed in such cases. Henky S. Carhart, Engineer for the University Electric Lighting and Power Plant. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Soule. Kesolved that Prof. Carhart be ?ranted perniission in accordance with klis cotnnaunication, and tbat the same be done under the direotion of the Board of Public Works. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch,Dell, Brown, -Rhodes, Vaniawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Na ys - None. By Aid. Hamilton. Resolved that the cisterns of the city be fiiled. Aid. Dell moved that the resolution be referred to the Pire Department Committee. Adopted as follovvs: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Rrown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Soathelf, Soule,' Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Naya - None. By Aid. Soule. Resolved that in view of the necessities of ag'ed and inñrm condition of Mrs. Evans who has been a recipiënt of aid from the city which aid has been withdrawn, the Supt. of Poor, Mr. Sipley, is directed to pay the rent for Mrs. Evans of 65 cents a week. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, HamiltOD, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 11. Nays- Aid. Grossman, Koch- 2. By Aid. Rhodes. Resolved that the Board of Public Works be instrueted to build a suitable tooi house for the 5th ward cemetery at a cost of $50.00 per the engineer's timate. Aid. Dell moved to refer the resolution to the Cemetery Comrnittee. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Vandavvarker, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luie k- 9. Nays- Aid. Koch, Brown, Rhodes. Spathelf- t. By Aid. Vandawarker. Resolved that the gutter on the east side of 5th avenue, betvveen Catherine and Detroit streets, be paved to the width of four feet. Aid. Brown moved that the resolution be referred to the Street Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman. Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown. Resolved that Herman Kirn, the B.reman who had his leg broken while he was assisting in unloadins: hay, be allowed to draw full pay while he is dis abled from such injuries, provided he release the city from all claims for damages. Aid. Vandawarker moved that the subject be referred to the Fire Department Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore. Hamilton, Grossman, Koen, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf. Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. On motion of Aid. Brown the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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