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Miss Freddie Gillette is spendiug the week at Cavanangh Lake. Mrs. S. A. Moran aud childreu have goue to Niles for a visit witta relatives. Dr. H J. Perry, of Kalamazoo, spent Snnday with George ti. Vandawarker. Mrs. W. E. Butler left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit at Tbree Oaks. Mrs. George H. Pond has been entertainiiig Mrs. N. H. Higgins, of Jaokson. Prof. and Mrs. H. N. Uhnte and daughter have gone to AJpena for a visit. Mrs. A. S. Berry, of Olivia Plaoe, is visiting relatives íd South Lyon this week. Mrs. T. H. Ryau retnrned home from her visit with relatives in Jackson on Snnday. Miss Maruie Hannett, of Detroit, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Fred Haas, of Miller ave. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walker have gone out to Zukey Lake for the balance of the snminer. Miss Eliza Armbrnster and Miss Emma Weitbreoht are visiting the Misses Geraoh, of Chelsea. J. bquires, uight operator at the Miobigan Central, has moved his family here frora Flint. Miss Alice Porter of the high school faculty, is spending a portion of her vacation at Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stofflet. Miss Rena Stofflet aud H. E. Coffin spent Sauday at Portage Lake. Miss Carrie Uphans, of Manchester, is visiting her sister, Miss Deua üphaas, of No. 9 Miller ave Mrs. George Hnghes and Mrs. Dr. Clark, of South Lyon, are visitiug at the home of C. C. Warner. Joseph Polbemus left for Chicago Wednesday afternoon, where he will reinain for a couple of weeks. ï'red J. Rentscbler and Fred Berryman have retnrned frorn a photographers' cónvention at Celernn, N. r. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hammond were called to White Pigeon last week by the illness of Mrs. Hammond's mother. Mrs. G. T. Clark, of Aylmer, Ont., who had been visisting her son, Dr. E. A. Clark, retnrned home Tuesday. J. . L.6W1S has accepted a position with the Cincinoati Ice Manafactnring Machine Co., as traveling salesiaan. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer left Wednesday for New York and will sail from there Satnrday for Enrope. Miss Anna Bennett is visiting in Findlay, Ohio, and Mis. H. E. Bennett is the guest of friends in East Saginaw. Mrs. Dr. Hartley and Miss Sbaw, of E. William st., are in Milwankee viaiting Mrs. Hartley's danghter Mrs. Killilea. Attorney Frank E. Jones ill next month move bis family from Saline to Ann Arbor and will reside on S. División st. Miss Alice Gall, of N. Fiftb ave., retarned Wednesday from a two weeks' visit with friends in Findlay and Leipsic, Ohio. JUrs. J. Walker and son, of Chicago, are here visiting Mrs. Walker's parents. Air. and Mrs. Chas. Tessmer at 190 S. Main st. Mias Mamie Kyer returned Friday from Seattle, Wash., where she had been visiting her brother Henry Kyer for some time. John Stolph, of Rochester, N. Y., retarnedhome Toesday after an extended visit with A. F. Weissiuger and family of Detroit st. Mrs. T. W. Mingay, daughter Nelhe and Miss Mabel Galbraith, of Flint, are spending a short time at Cornelian cottage, Island Lake. Marshal Sweet will attend theauDnal meeting of sheriffs and marshals of this state to be held in Port Huron nest Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Emma E. Bower, great reccid keeper L. O. T. M., will speak at the great Maccabee picnic to be held at Bawbeese Park next Thnrsday. Airs. Catheriue Seyler and danghter, Miss Bena, have gone to Detroit where they will take op their future residnece with Julius V. Sey]er on Brainard st. Airs. Wilbur Short, of Manchester, and Mrs. Edward Rietz, of Kankakee, III., visited their únele, Chas. Binder and other relatives thefirst of the week. Mrs, A. M. Burleson, aad Miss Helen C. Wetmore went to Toledo Weduesday. From thera tbey tookthe steamer for a two weeks' trip to Montreal and Quebec. Rev. W. M. Forrest with his wife and baby, left Wednesday for a six weeks' vacatiou. . They will spend the greater part of the time at Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. J. DeFotest has boen apppointed by Governor Pingree a delégate to attend the National Farmers' Congress at St. Paal, Minn., commencing Aug. 31 and continuing one week. Miss Gertrude Holbrook, of Grand Rapids, who bas been visiting in the oity for some time past, has returned home. Miss Holbrook will be missed by many friends and acquaintances formed during her stay in the city. Vin Crittenden and Charlie Johnson went for a flshing trip through the lakes Friday, starting from Strawberry and coming down tbrough by boat. They had a good time except for the raosqnitoes which "found them" quite readily and nearly ate them up. James A. LeRoy, Jit '96, late principal of the Pontiao schools, has been tendered and will donbtless accept a position on the Detroit Free Press, Jim always had a deolded partiality for newspaper work and has the natural abilúy uecessary to bring him to tbe I front rauk in the professiou. JUrs. JM. H. Tripp has gone to Topinabee to spend tbe suiambr. Rev. T. W. Young and family are camping at Portage Lake. Miss Kose Strum, of Alouroe, is viaitiüg frieuds iu Aun Arbor. J. T. Jacobs bas returned froru bis fonr weeks' vieit to California. Jndge Newkirk expects to move bis family frcm Dexter to tbis city abont Sept. 1. Geo. H. Sdow, state editor of the Detroit EveningTSTews, was in the city Wednesday. Airs. C. J. Suyder and three sons, of 26 Gott st., are visiting in Detroit for several days. J. E. Beal went to Niágara Palls, Satnrday, to attend the annnal conventioD oí the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Wilfred B. Phillips and family have gone to Chicago. From Chicago they expebt to go to Petoskey over the lake. Kar] Miner is spending the suminei at Loug Island previoas to entering ioto the practiue uf law in New York city. Miss NinaJVI. Davisou, of N. Main st. left yesteiday for Toledo to visit her aunt Mrs. Charles LeSeur for turen weeks. Dr. Pearson received a cablegrain Tuesday from his son, A. A. Pearson, dated Liverpool, Eng., so Alvick has got safely aoross the Atlautio. R. F. Hamilton, geueral press agent of the Barnnm & Bailey circus was in the city yesterday ruaking contracts for advertising. As before intimated in the Argus the big sbow will be here Tuesday, Aug. 17. Dr. Charles H. J. Douglas, who was teacher of English in tbe Ann Arbor High Schoo[ a few years ago, bas been nomiuated for the position of flrst assistant to the principal of the uew Boys' Eigh School in New York city. The salary is $3,000 a year. At the examication necessary to be taken to be eligible to tbe appointinent, Dr. Douglas obtained a grade of 97.6.