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F. A. Howlett is at Cavanaugh Lake for a few days. Miss Amelia McLaren is spending the week in Detroit. Mrs. C. Waldron, of S. State st, has gone to Bay View. Miss Rena Stofflet has gone on a month's visit to Chicago. Prof. T. A. Bogle returned yesterday from Seattle, Wasb. Mrs. Rockwell is visiting her daughter Mrs. Lathrop, in Dexter. Mrs. Charles S. Millen will spend the next two weeks at Frankfort. Dr. E. D. Brooks has been spending the past few days at Three Rivers. The Misses Krenbler, of Jackson, are visiting Miss Lou Gerstner of N. Fifth ave. W. W. Watts returued from his trip to the northern part of the state Wednesday. Mrs. T. F. Hill is spendine several weeks on Middle Bass island, Lake Erie. . Mrs. F. A. Howlett and family retarn home from Cavanangü Lake next Munduy. Mrs. Alexis Angell and children are at her father's, Jndge Cooley's, for the slimmer. Walter H. Hill, of the University hospital, is enjoying a week's vacation at Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. George Dengler left Friday for a ten days' stay at Cavanaugh Lake. Chas. Goodwin, of Fourteenth st., bas gone to visit bis daughter at Crown Point, Ind. Mrs. S. W. Beakes left this morning to visit Mrs. Martin Lawson in Detroit Eor a few days. Miss Matilda H. Brown has returned bome from her trip to Northville, Walled Lake, etc. Miss Laura Greve, who had been ►'isiting at Manchester for tbree weeks, returned home Friday. Mrs. E. W. Sears was oalled to Akron, Ohio, Wedaesday night on jcoount of the death of her mother. S. C. Andrews, a formar Hurón st. Dookseller, bas been visiting in the city ;his week. He is now located in Chisago. The Misses Eliza Armbruster and Emma Weitbrecht have retnrned frorn ï very pleasant visit with Chelsea :riends. Miss Mabel Galbraith, of Flint, wbo aas been the guest of Miss Nellie Min?ay for the past five weeks, returned jome Wednesday. Tbe Lyra Maennerchor is camping at vYeidenmann's grove, Whitmore Lake, ind it is needless to say the boys are aaving a big time. Prof. and Mrs. G. Patterson, accompanied by their children and maid, left Tuesday morning for Frankfort, where they will spend a month. Mrs. T. W. Mingay, danghter Nellie, and Miss Mabel Galbraith returned home from a 10 days' outing at Island lake on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. Lyman Jones, of Indianapolis, Ind., formerly Miss Anna Flynn, is in the city visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Flynn, of Washtenaw ave. ,Tames S, Handy, law '97, and wife have gone to Lansing. From thete they will go ou to Chicago, where it is probable that Mr. Handy will locate. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Travis and family left Tuesday for a two weeks' trip to Mackinao and the Chenaux Islands and other noithern points in that vicinity. 1 Mrs. C. J. Reimold, of Saginaw, who bas been visiting her parents Mr. and Mra. J. G. Schairer and otber relatives in this city for the past month, has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nichols and daughter Cornelia, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bennett and son Harold have been at Cornelian cottage, Island Lake, since Toesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown leffc Wednesday for a trip up the lakes to Duluth from Detroit on the Anchor line steamer. From Dalnth they will go to Mirmeapolis. They will be gone two weeks. Judge Cooley on Monday went of his own motion to Oak Grove Sanitarium, at Flint, for rest and treatment. His vnany friends in Ann Arbor hope that tho change will be beneh'cial to bis general health. Prof. and Mrs. A. C. Blakeslee, of the Michigan School for the Blind at Lansing, are visiting Mrs. Sarah E. Maisball, 38 Monroe st.' Prof. Blakeslee is at the bead of the musical department of the school. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mills and family have gone on a trip by steamer up tbe Canadian shore to the Georgian Bay. They were on the steamer Carnbria which was wrecked near Sarnia at 1 o'clock Wednesday morning. Jno. O. Jenkins, of Detroit, is in Ann Arbor shakiug hands with old acquintances. He rode over from Detroit on his wheel in company with Charles Ayres and E. Nord, both of wbom returned home on the train yesterdy afternoon. Prof Henry C. Adams has been obliged to postpone his trip to Europe, his 6-year-od son, Carter, having fallen from a tree Friday evening and broken bis arm. Prof. Adams was wired to return from Washington, where his family was to have joined him Monday. Judge of Probate Newkirk bas stuck to business so persistently since iie took his seat on the probate bench that he tuiuks he deserves "a day off''. So from Wednesday uext, Aug. 4, until Aog. 17, his seat in the probate office will be vacant and the genial judge will go a fishing and visiting. A pleasant trip to you, judge. Miss Alta Beal has gone to Gregory for a few days' visit. Charles W. Wagner has returned from bis visit to Wequetonsing. J. D. Ryan has returned from a pleasant trip up tbe lakes. Mrs. R. Dunster and daughters are staying at Whitmore Lake. John Heinzruann and family are away on a visit to Bay City. D. T. McNeil has gone to Kokoma, Ind., for a ten days' vaoation. Miss Gertrude Pyle, of Lima, will remove to this city in the near future. Mrs. William R. Morse, of E. Catheriue st., has gone to Chicago for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beal went to Howell Tnesday to visit friends for a few days. Win. H. Dunlavey, of Dexter, has been visiting friends in the city for a few days. W. W. Wedemeyer was the guest of his friend E. J. Ottaway at Petoskey last week. Miss Lillie L. Dodge, of Conneaut ühio, is visiting Mrs. G. N. Guthrie for two weeks. Wm. Goodyear and family are enjoy ing a vacation at their summer cottage on Portage Lake. Mrs. J. A. Brown and son Harry went to Jackson yesterday for a week's visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dodsley who have been visiting at Fargo, N. D., retorned home Tuesday. Gottlieb Schleicher, of Sandusky Ohio, is visiting his nephew Fred G. Schleicher for a short time. Mr. aud Mrs. John C. Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baxter are at Juniper cottage, Island lake, this week. ■ Marshal Sweet went to Port Huron Wednesday to attend the state meeting of sherifl's and police superíntendents. G. D. Boutoo is in tbe city and wil! look after the afEairs of the New State Telephonii Co. until they are in shape. The Misses Eva L. Herberfc and Anna Reilly, have gone to Detroit, Cleveland aud other points to spend their vacation. Mrs. Thomas Page and daughters, who have been residents of Ann Arbor for the past year, will return to their former home in Pontiac. Charles S. Andrus, who graduatec from the literary department this year, has secured the position of superintendent of the Charlotte schools. Arthur Sweet received a flattering notice in the Railway Ase for the efficiency of hia patent drilling inacihne for boring holes in street railway iron. Messrs. and Mesdarnes Gottlob Schneider, Gottlob Luick, John KuebIer and August T. Sinke, Mrs. J. Hoffstetter, Oscar Luick and several children spent Sunday at Juniper cottage, Island lake. Jarns D. Cook, who for the past six months bas conducted the St. James hotel in this city, and which under his management has been recognized as one of the best and neatest nótelas in the city, bas been compelled by force oJ circumstances to close up the business. Mr. Cook aL'd family, who made many friends during their short stay here, have gone to their old home in Chicago.