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Mrs. W. Drapfir is qnite UI. Dr. Laxton ie on the sick list. Mrs. Dyke is visiting her danghter in Oakville. MrB. Geo. Crane left for her home in Deroit Friday. Chas. Ganntlett has retcrned from his Cleveland trip. Mise Lelia Kelly is visiting friends at Fort Wayne, Ind. Rev. and Mrs. F. O. Jones are entertalning gnests from abroad. Miss Imo Whitmarsh is entertainiog gnests from Inkster this week. Miss Matie Smith, of Detroit, is visiting Milan friends for a few days. Mrs. M. Wallace, who has been very ill, is out amoug her fiiends onoe more. Miss Mamie Woolcott is visiting her sister Hattie, at Ypsilanti, for a few days. Mrs. .7. Sprague, of Ann Arbor, is the goest of her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Williams. The Misses Snsie and lmogene Knight retnrned Satnrday from their Blissfleld visit. The Milanites were treated to a bicyole parade Monday night by some of our best cyclists. Mrs. Flynn, of the nniversity hospital, is the gnest of Mrs. John Look wood for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Blackmer and son, of Fowlerville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blackmer. Several of the Milan boys oycled over to Macon and dined with Fred Easterly, a former Milan boy, on Sunday. Mrs. Elwood has olosed her millinery parlors for a few weeks and is iting friends in and near Blissfield. Prof. and Mrs. Carrick left Tnesday , for an onting on the lake ebore where they will tent and flsh for a few days. Milan is to be aniused by a pavilion show nnder the anspioes of the Sharpsteen Medicine Co., of Marshall, for the next two weeks. Fonrteen of Milan's euterprising yonng people are tenting and fishing on the shoies of Lake Erie this week with Prof. and Mrs. W. Baboock as chaperons.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News