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The Store IN NOOKS AND CORNERS íSucli tal 1 Stock Cleaning as we're ipdulging in novv bas never l'ound its like or equal in the history of - COMMERCIAL HOISECLEAN1NG We propose tbat all seasonable goods sball go out of The Store and GO OUT QUICKLÏ. To basten their departure we will - give an 8DAYS SALE Commencing Saturday this week, July 31st, which will cover every dollar's worth of surumer goods in our possession, making Pnces Peculiarly Providential to Purchasers If there's a need you have summer wear come Saturday or any of th following six days. See Prices on Bïg Bill. MACK & CO. 52 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COCJNTy of Washtenaw. The undersigned having Deen appointed by the Probate Court for said Oounty, coininissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of William MoCollum late of said county, deceaeed, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and tbat they will meet at the late rebidence of said deceased, in tne Township ol Bridgewater, in said connty on Tueaday the 19th day of October, and on Wednesday the löth day of Jannary, 139S, next, at ten o'clock a. m. ol each of said daya to receive, exaniine and aaiust aaid claims Dated, July 19, 1897. JAMES LKDSLEY, JOHN McCOLLUM. Commiasioners. ÍKTOAír ORDER YOTiR CO AL OF ■ Office: 11 W . Washington 8t.. 'Phone No. Yards: M. C. R. R., 'Phone No. 51. W. H. MURRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Proseeuting Attorney, in Court House, Anu Arbor, Mioh. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTÁTE BY ------ X. D. CARR, Real Estáte and Loan Agency, over Ann Arbor Savings Bank. Crockery Sale Five Stock Patterns of Decorated Dinner Ware to ÏLDSE GUT AT HALF PIE KÖB THE BALANCE OF JULY. John fladdock's :& áfe Fine Porcelain In Cobalt Blue Ware, Fern Leaf Pattern , Pansy Pattern , Dove Gray PatterD, Brown Poppy Pattern. These goods are all marked exactly Half Price to close out and. make room for new goods. Also a lot of HAMMOCKS AT KEDUCED PRICES. Ice Cieam Preezers Very Clieap. ADAMSAZAAR 13 S. MAIN ST.