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■ - A SIMPLE TIRE REPAIR. Punctures in the well known ltf0 gan & Wright tire are mended aW as easily as a man would close a hol in his fing-er with a bit of court pia 6 ter. Inside of the inner tube of th' tire lies a strip of patching tL ber, like this : By M. & W. quick-repar cement through the puncture into this inner tube, and then pressing down on the tire with the thumb, like this the repair strip inside is picked up by the cement, thus the puncture like this; Very simple, but - now every rider should remember these two "buts,"or lie will fail : Before injecting cement, pump un the tire. If you don't, the inner tube will be flabby, like this, and the cement will not get inside of it, where the repair strip lies. When you have a puncture, get right off. Riding a tire flat, when it has a tack or nail in it, may damage it considerably. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC7 FORSALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms one close to Ann Arbor. 85 acres, flrst claS8 buildings, another in Lima, 100 acres well timbered and good buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, good ampie buildings. Cali on or address Wm. Osius, Box 1551 Aan Arbor, Mich. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUX"Y OF Wnahtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby givsn, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of Wa8htenaw, made on the 20th c"ay of Julv, A. D. 1S97. 8ix months from thac date weri allowed for creditors to present their claims agaiuci the estáte of Christian Rayer, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present tbeir clainia toaaid Probate Oourt, at the Probate Office m the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and al lovrance, on or before tbe COth day ut .T;inuary next, and tbat such claims will be ' heard before said Court on the ÜOth day of Ootober and on the 20th day of 19S next, at ten o'clock in the torenoonof each f said days Dated, Ann Arbor, July 2n. A. D. 1897. H. WÍKT NF.WKIRK, Juilge of Probate. YERINGTON'S COLLEGE, St. Louis, Michigan, wijl open its seventh year Sept. 27th, J897. Courses:-Teachers,' Commercial Shorthand Penmanship Ekglish, Music, Elocution and Physical Culture.- Tuitios:- For any or all studies iu the colletre, 12 Weeks, Sll): 24 Weeks, 816; 36 Weeks $18- The Commok Branches (Arithmetic, Grammar and Geograpny) with Private Lessions in Music, and All Free Class Drills, for above tuition.- The Commoti Branches with All Free Class Drills (without Private Lessons in Music) only $15 a year. - Free Class Drills are: Plain and Ornament all Penmanship, Heading, Spelling Letter Writing, Music Elocution, Physicíl Ccl ture, Debating and 1'arliamentary work- Students may club where they have use of Boarding complete, for 50 cents a week and furnish their own provi&ions fora trifle.- Ali studies in the colletre handled by professionals. Our Commercial and ShortHand graduales hold the best positions in our largest cities. Not One from our Teachers' CoURSEHas Failed a'TEACHERS' ExaminatioD during the Past Two Years. Drop a card for Iree catalogue to O. W. Yerington, St. Louis, Michigan, 28-3.1; Real Estáte For Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY 0F Wastatenaw, S9. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Stewart, deeeased. Notlce is hereby given that in pursuance ofan order granted to the undersfgned Administrator of the Estáte of said deeeased by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Oounty of Washtenaw, on the 5th day of August A. D. 1897, there will besoldat Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, atlhe residence of said deceased in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Monday, the 2üth day of September, A. D. 1897. at 1 o'clock in the atternoon of that dar (subject to all encumbrantes by mortgage orotbérwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased) the followinji described real estáte, to-wlt: Ihe south half of the north east quarter of section fif teen (15), town four (4) soutü of ranst) six (6) east, of Washtenaw County, Michigan. SAMUEL STEWART, Administrator of the estáte of Thomas I btewart, deeeased.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News