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The Day They Honor

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(jermaus and desoendantsof Germans owned Dexter yesterday, or if they did not own the pretty little village with its handsorue broad streetsand fine residences, they at any rate fllled eveiy part of it. The occasion was the celebration of the 214th anniversary of the first immigration of Geiinans to America and it was right royally celebrated too. The viilage was in gala attire, with bright colorad bunting festooning the stores and residences and the American and Germán oolors profusely displayed on every side. Green branches of trees lined each side of the maiu street, while at intervals along the routu of the procession were stretched banners with different mottoes, all of wbich bade welcome to the visitors. The day was a fiue one for such a celebration, ueither too hot nor too cold, and the happy crowd seemed to thoroughly appreciate it. The processiou formed on B st. sbortly after 10 o'olock and after inarching thiongh the principal streets made its way to Schmitt's grove, in Lima, wbere tbe exercises of the day were to be held. The following is mainly the order of the procession, which was in charge of Alex. Dancer, marshal, and Fred' Jedele, assistand marshal. The other offloers were Ernest Elsasser president of the day, Jacob Heller secretary, H. Wirt Newkirk, judge of probate, and L. J. Lisemer, editor of the Times, speakers : Becker's Military Band, Ann Arbor. Carriages containing Speakers, Village Council and OfBcers of the Day. Float with Children representiug Columbia and the 13 States. Aun Arbor Arbeiter Vereiu. Chelsea K. O. T. M. Band. Chelsea Arbeiter Verein. Scio Arbeiter Verein. Ypsilanti K. O. T. M. Band. Ypsilanti Arbeiter Verein. Gilt Edge Band, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor Schwaebiscben Verein. Saline Arbeiter Veiein. Lima Cornet Band. Hogan's Alley Kids. Dexter Arbeiter Verein. Phoenix Gesang Verein, Ann Arbor. Interspersed throngh the parade was an industrial exhibit in whioh the Delhi Mills, Sohieferstein Bros., Will Curlett, Fred Jedele, Alger's Maat Market and raany others whose narues the Argus could not get were represented. One featureof the paarde was a wagon occupied by Victor Benz, of Webster, who played nn fonr musical instruments, at one time, all of wbich were made by bimself. The parade was a highly creditable one and was witnessed by a largej number of people along the line of march. Arrived at the grove after a selection or two of musio by Becker's Band, President Elsasser called the assemblage to order and introdnoed Judge Newkirk, wbo delivered one of his characteristio speeches, full of wit and ileasant sayings and wound up by givng, mtich to the surprise of many of bis hearers, a lengthy qaotatiou in Germán, which the editor of the Argus is sorry tó say he did not understand, bnt from the expression of "Bravo, good!" which he heard on all sides, such ibusi have been the case. The judge bas been earnestly stndying Gerrnau for sotne months past and this was the first opportunity he had had to spring his newly acquired language on an nnsuspecting public The company then dispersed for dinner, some going back to the village, others wbo had brought their lunches sat down in the shade of the woods and enjoyed them, and others sat down to the dinner provided for tthem in the grove. About 2 o'clock the people, who had increased largely in nuinbers in the interval, by that time numbering fully 1,200, were oalled to order agaiu, the bands which were busy dispensing great bursts of music were stopped, and John Mayer, of Aun Arbor, introduced L. J. Lisemer, of Ann Arbor, who delivered the "festrede" in the Germán language. His speech waB a brief one, but it proved eminently satisfactry to his hearers and was freely applauded. It happened that W. W. Wedemeyer was in the crowd and having been espied by some one of the officers of the day was inveigled on to the platform under the promise that he should not be called upon to speak, but that promise was not kept and as soon as Mr. Lisemer had fiuished speaking Mr. Mayer introduced him as the nest speaker. "Wede" apologized to his audienoe for not being prepared to make a speech, but as he ie always primed and ready to say something good he prooeeded to I make an excellent impromptu speech in the oourse of wbich he was freqnently and loudly applanded. Rndulph Woroh, editor of the Voksfrenud, Jaokson, was next introduced and talked in Gerrnan for sorue time, iu the course of his reinarks urging on kis hearers not to forget the language of their fatherland and to read the Gerïaan newspapers. John Mayer than annonuced that the uext danee woud be a waltz, and bade the people eat, drink and be hearty, and this they proceeded to do. A platform wbich had been laid back of tbe speakers' stand was suon filled with merry dancers and was not loog vaoaut at any time jintil between 9 and 10 in the evening. A good display of fireworks was also given daring the evening, when the crowd had still furtber inoreased in numbers many of the farming oornmunity having come in from the surrounding country to spend the evening. Taken as a wbole Dexter has reason to be proud of its sucoessful celebration of Germán Day, 1897.


Old News
Ann Arbor Argus