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Wheat faas been selling in Saline the past week at 72 cents a bushel. Mrs. Frank Tower, of Lodi, died Thursday of last week after a long illness. Wm, Walker, of Dexter, has been graated a renewal and increase of pension. There is a rumor afloat that the M. E. sooiety of Saline will build a uew churoh. The Salern Farmers' Clnb discnssed the AgricuKural College at its last meeting. Mooreville Free Methodists baptizad five people in the river at that plaoe Snnday week. Some new wbeat that bas been marketed in Manchester has considerable snuit in it. Quite a number of Sharon yonng people have been camping at Wolf lake the past two weeks. Snrveyors for the Lima and Northern ' railroad have been busy cear Saline lor the past week or more. Miss Gertrnde Palmer, of Dexter, will teach in the flrst ward of the Howell schools next year. Marshal Westfall and bis depnties did not rnake a single arrest in Ypsilanti during the month of JuJy. Some frait growers in the connty are cornplaining tbat the plum rot bas agaiu made its appearance tbis year. The creamery qnestion is still being agitated in Saline. Agítate the cream and you'll get the bntter. - Plymoutb Mail. Miss Libbie Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stevens, of Salem, died Toesday of last week and was boried Thnrsday following. L. H. Miller, of Whittaker, has put down a 75-foot drive well and is building hiinself a new barn. Is this a sign of advancing prosperity? J. W. Abbott, who bas been engaged in the mercantile business in Whittaker for 17 years, has gone to Parklake, Osceola county, to reside. Fred Peppiatt, of Whittaker, took up the floor of bis corn orib the other day and with the help of bis men and a dog killed 247 rats that were nnder it. Winfield Scott, the yonng man who burglarized Alban & Johnson 's store, at Ypsilanti, has been sent to the Ionia asylnm for dangerous crimináis. The Manchester Enterprise says it has never seen freight business on the Lake Shore road as light as it is at present. Well, every other business is in a like state. The business men of Ypsilanti will assist the proprietors of the mineral bath honse to advertise the valnable health giving properties of their high smelling waters. C. E. Burns, who has the grain elevator at Whitmore Lake, has leased the D. &. M. elevator at Owosso and will opérate it this season. Besides these two he has elevators at Lansing and Howell. Emanuel's chnrcb, Manchester, has had a rainy day for its Sunday school picnio for several years past and Wednesday of last week was no exceptiou, Btill there was a large attendance and all eeemed to have a good time. Mrs. John Klawitter died at her home in Webster, Satnrday, July 31, after a long illüess, aged 53 yeara. The funeral was held at the Germán Lutheran ohurch the following Monday morning, Rev. Mr. Koelbing officiating. I The Manchester school board will improve the school house by doing some necessary repairs. It will put a partition in the first primary room, lay a uew floor in the cbapel, change the swingiag of the chapel doors, and repair the sidewalks. Twenty Plymouth flax pnllers went on strike three times in one week reeently beoause tbeir mild demands were not oomplied witb. The first time they want6d Iets hours, the next time higher ■wages, and lastly six meáis a day. They did not get anyone of their demands. The janitor of the Manohester schools, N. H. Wells, has done his duty faithlully for 17 years, the last year for $50 less than he had been petting, the cut being made without his knowledge. Bat this ypar the green eyed monster of jealousy of bis princely salary of $300 a yaar has possessed half a dozen other Manchester men who have offered to do the work for even less money tban tbat and in consequenen Mr. Wells will retire in tbeir favor. Ford & Son, of Saline, have sold 32 bioycles this season. The oat erop in Ypsilanti town is generally not very good. Very few teachers' positions are now left vacaLt in the country distriot schools. Mrs. Peter Aliller, of Manchester, wbo is afflicted with a cáncer, ia failing rapidiy. J. T. Hafford, of Milan, had a yield of 43 1-5 bushels of wheat to the acre from his erop thisyear. A niovement is on foot to get the post office at C. M. Fellows', west of Saline, re-established. A Suuday school picnic from Stnckbridge and intermedíate points was held at Zukey Lake on WedDesday. In a 12 innings base ball game at Dundee, Ang. 3, the Milanese beat the Monroe boys by a score of 13 to 10. Ed Crafts, of Sharon, raised 70 loads of wheat on 20 acres of land. This has been a great year for wheat. Wm. Wood, sr., of North Lake, who was so severely injnred by falling from a wheat stack, died Ang. 2, from the effeots of his injuries. Tbe Chelsea school board has organizad with the following officers: Director, Wm. fiaoon; moderator, H. S. Holmes; assessor, R. S. Armstrong. John Huil has leased the Lake Shore elevator at Saline and will buy and ship grain at that point this season. It will be a good thing for that section. Mrs. J. Staffan, who has been in the millinery business in Chelsea for a nuinber of years, has sold out and will move to the state of Washington in the (all. Miss Helen Garuon, of Saline, died luesday of last week, after a long period of sickness. Her remains were buried in Oakwood cemetery the following rhursdav. ËL&B " WÊV U Will fiaiser, of Bridgewater, was nnloading hay with a horse fork the other dayaud had the misfortnne to get two fingere fast in a pulley, tearing the flesh and nails off the ends of them. LittleGertrudeGay's clotbing oaught fire froni a gasoliue stove at Milan, Tnesday of last week. Only her inother's prompt action saved her life. The child had bnt a single burn, while Mrs. Gay's hands were badly bnrned. The YpsUanti common oonncil is out after scorching wheelmen who have no respect f or others rights and bas fratned an ordinance whioh if it is passed next Monday evening will have a nice little penalty attaohed for any infringement of it. The stockholders of the Chelsea Water Works Co. have elected the following officers for the ensuing year : President, M. A. Lowry; vioe president, E. Keen au ; seoretary, T. G. Speer ; manager, A. R. Welch ; treasurer, F. P. Glazier. Marshal Westfall bas given notioe that the ordinance relative to the muzzling of dogs in Ypsilanti will be striotly enforced from and after last Tnesday, Aug 10. The officers are directed to shoot every dog rnnning at large without a mnzzle. The claim of Mrs. Frank Staffan against the townsihp of Sylvan, for injuries received recently by being thrown form a buggy while driving over a bad piece of road between Chelsea and Cavanaugh Lake, has been settled by the township paying her 200. Emannel's church, Manchester, will have its annual mission festival nest Sunday and there will be three services, at 10 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Among the ministers who are expected to be present and assist in the services are: Porf. Irion, of Elmhnrst, 111., Revs. Buchler, of Adrián, Alber, of Battle Creek, Koelbing, of Dexter, and Irion, of Freedom. Lafayette Grange, of Sylvan, had a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. English yesterday. A fine program of essays, music and iecitations wasrendered and the topio "Is it practicable and advisable for farmers to keep accurate accounts of income and expenses?" was discussed. Arrangements are being made to secure a traveling library from the state, also for a picnic this month. Soine small boys got up into W. P. Schenok's hayloft in Chelsea the other day and tried to light a bunch of hay with some matches. They were only prevented from burning up themselves and the suirounding property by the hay heing a lítele slow in igniting. As it was Munson Burkhart,who was passing through the yard, saw the flash of the ligbted match and hustling up the stairs promptly ejected the boys, who were highly indignant thereat. A Kansas farmer could not get help and offered the following inducement in an advertisement: "Harvest hands wanted. Hired girl blond and genial. Cabinet organ music in the evening. Pie three times a day. Three spoons of sugar with every cup of coffee. Hammooks, feather beds or leather divans at your option for sleeping. Rising hour 9 o'olock in the morning. Three hours' rest at noon. Come one, come all." Surely the laboring man's lot under suoh conditions is not so very hard. One of onr most sédate and even tempered citizens met with a laughable accident while bioyoling Sunday week. About two miles west of town as he neared a clump of bushes there suddenly sprung out in front of his wheel a large and unwieldly porker. The animal was very near and the rider going too fast to stop. There was a second of uncertainty and then a crash. When the wheelman recovered his scattered seDses there was a visión of a hog vanishing up the road and a stout Germán wotnan closely following it, shrieking, "Mein hog! mein hog!" The rider has been nursing sundry and various bruises as mementos of the occasion. - Chelsea Standaid. Whooping cough is prevalent at Iron Creek. Some fine bass have been taken out of Pleasant lake, in Freedom, lately. Arthur W. Chapman, of Chelsea, bas been granted an increase of pension It ia estiinated that the Cleary Business College snmmer school stodents left at least $3,000 in Ypsilanti dnring their stay there. The funeral of Miss Nellie Dolan, who died iu Detroit last week was held Ín St. Joseph's ohurch, Dexter, Friday morning. The little seven year old daughtftr of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kelly, of Ypsilanti town, feil from a scaffold on Wednesday of last week and Lroke a rib. Captain Henry Woodrnff, died at Bridgeport, Friday, aged 84 years. He was the last of five brotbers, of whom the late Charles M. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, was one. Mrs. T. M. Horner died at the home of her son George Horner, in Ypsilanti, Satnrday night after tbree days' illuess aged 87 years. Sbe was bnried at Cherry Hill, her old home, on Tnesday afternoon. The "Prudence Potts" a small steamer which bas beretofore plied only on the waters of Zukey and Strawberry lalses at Hamburg Jnnotion, now makes daily trips to Base lake, the channels between the different lakes in the cbain having been cleaned out so as to allow of its passage. George Horsaman, of Ypsilanti. while working at his trade of stone cutting some three years ago, suffered a sprain of the ankle. Two operations have been performed since, but the bone becarne decayed and on Monday Drs. Owen and Huil made an amputa - tion of the foot just above the ankle. Rev. Cari G. Zeidler, of Sylvan, who left for Detroit last week, was treated to a genuine surprise by the rnembers of the Sylvan union church one evening just beforehe went away. They surprised him at his residence and presented him with a handsoine arm chair. Lightning struck the home of Ishmael Smitb, of Dentón, during the electric storm Wednesday of last week. Mis s Caroline Smith was knocked off the chair, her father also received a slight shock. A horse in the shop of John O'ConnelI also feit the shock. - Ypsilantian. Kxum JohnsoD, of Ypsilanti, had a deed to some property which was occupied by the first ward electric ligbt tower and demanded 150 therefor. The matter bas teen compromised and Mr. Johnson gets $100 for the piece of ground and in addition to it the roadway which cuts around from Washington to Huron sts. A fire in a barn belonging to Mrs. George, of Ypsilanti, at midnight Friday, destroyed the barn, burned a borse aud two cows belonging to Walter Brooks, and damaged a quantity of meat belonging to Fred Forbes, who bad a cold storage house in one end of the building. The losses were only partially covered by insurance. A novel shirt stud is being worn by one of onr youths, which consists of a live pinch-bug, fastenad with a bit of black thread to his shirt front. - Cbelsea Standard. How deeply must the pinch-bugfeel tbedisgraceof ornamenting the shirt front of such a fooi. - Adrián Press. It did. It feit so mortifled that it died. - Chelsea Standard. Mrs. Sarah M. Watson died in Ypsilanti Thursday of last week, of Brigbt's disease, aged 68 years. Her maiden name was Sarah M. Judd aud she was born iu Stafford, Genesee county, N. Y., May 9, 1829. She was rnarried to Oren Watson in 1851. He died March 9, 1868. They had only one son who died in 1858, aged five months. The ladies of St. Mary's church gave an ice creara social and musicale on the rectory lawn at Chelsea, Wednesday evening. The Arion Quartette, composed of Messrs. Burg, Pierce, Klien and Ward, Mrs. Henry Wood, the Hisses Edith and Amy Foster, Pauline Burg, Katherine Staffan, Mary Clark and others took part in the fine musical irogram that was rendered. The 25th anniversary of the laying of he corner stone of St. Joseph's churob, Dexter, was celebrated Thursday of ast week by a large crowd of people in Smith's grove, and although the weather was damp and threatening the enthusiasm was quite marked. A program of unusual exoellence had )een prepared, but only a portion of it was carried out owing to the rain. ■ Mr. and Mrs. H. Day, of Pittsfield, ;ave a very elabórate dinner Sunday in ionor of Mr. and Mrs. Stowers and Mrs. Hill, of Detroit. Amorjg those present were Mr. and Mrs. Slater and daughter, of Ann Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. Day, of Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Sbarman, of Ypsilanti, Mr. and Mr. Aray, of Pittsfield, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown, of Ypsilanti, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Pittsfield, Mr. and Mrs. Turner.


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