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'Stop that man!" yelled a deputy heriff at Saline, last week, as a hobo, wanted for looting a freight car, sped long the street. A young man who leard the cali, caielessly stnok out a )otent Saline foot. He knew wbat he onld do. The tramp feil over it - theie was no getting aronnd it - and was anght. That musty chestnut, Jack the raiload hammock rider, strnck Hundee ast week. It is his boast that he never works. His brag Jacks the wit of the well known capitalist, DeWitt C. Clark, of Adrián, who remarked when old that the laboring element was down n him: "I dou't see what the devil he laboring element should be down on me for. I never robbed a laboring man f a day's work in my life - by doiug it myself. " The Ann Arbor Conrier sticks up its nose at W. J. Bryan, says he is getting uxurious, and accuses him of wearing ilk and roffled night Bhirts. Tbis is ntended for the purpoee of iujnring Mr. Bryan for another run. It is a lie, and we propose to strip the olothes off of it, to the last dnd. Mr. Bryan is too modest a man to pose in his night shirt, and opposition papers may just as well tuin over again and go to sleep. The diapasón of a general jubilee goes up at Ann Arbor. The old oockroach den, miscalled the "opera house," has been purohased by Louis J. Lisemer, a well known newspaper man of that city. Por years the Aun Arbor opera house has been a standing gny on the university town and a repr-oach to the shade of Shakespeare. lts appointments were something awful, and all the powers and preferments of the empire of the immortals couid not bribe the ghost of Hamlet to stay under tbe stage five minutes. Mr. Lisemer, we do not duubt, will place matters on a different footing and give to Ann Arbor what she needs for the benefit of the pubilo and the credit of the city, an opera house in the actual sense of that term. Will Swayze is tatber poorly at present writing. Miss Clara Lord is back from her visit at Toledo. Harvey Day was in Dnndee last Satnrday and Snnday visiting relativos. Thre6hing around Willis and vicinity will nearly be completed within the next week. Little Mary Fry, from Detroit, is visiting her nnole and annt Mr. and Mis. Harvey S. Day. Mrs. Arvilla Hammond has retnrned from her year'e visit, and is now at her old home in Augusta. Miss Hate is to teaoh the school at the Island school honse again this fall. She taught there foimerly. Mrs. Sidney Sanderson, of Trenton, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Whit Kane for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. Rnssell were callers at John McGraw's last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. NileB, also Mrs. Will Crombie and niece Miss Minnie Moore, started Friday morning on tbeir wheels for the Adrián Valley Quaker quarterly meeting. Henry Fullington oame near hilling himself one day last week. He was making a wheat stack and had it, noarly oompleted when he stepped backward and feil to tbe gronnd striking on bis head and shoulders. For a few days he had the cycle bend. Mrs. H. S. Day has had a freak of nature in the case of a spotted calla lily. Sbe put in the open gronnd a spotted calla lily bulb nearly the size of a good sized turnip. From this she bad 16 lilies in full bloom at once and two were doublé lilies. It was a beautiful sigbt. A veterinary surgeon from Ypsilanti came down to Lemuel Allen's one day last week and performed a very ciitical operation on Mr. Allen's horse. He removed a tumor weighing one and a half pounds from over, or lying on the jugular vein. The animal is doing as well as oould be expected. A oonple of weeks ago Fred Peppiatt and a hired man, one rainy day tbought tbey would ruake a raid on rats whose holes were in and about Mr. Peppiatt's oornhouse. They dng undemeath the floor of the cornhouse abont four feet, and in all killed 230 rats, all full grown lint fonr. Now we wonld oall this "rough on rats." Mrs. Grace Eaton was driving to Ypsilanti the other day, when her horse beoame frigbtened and unmanageable, donbling itself up, which unhooked both tugs. It then plnnged into the ditch and tbrew her out without serions resnlts. A gentleman coming by on a bicycle kindly lent that to her, and drove the horse to Ypsilanti. He deserves a gold medal.


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