Real Estate Transfers
W. M. Srnith et al, to S. D. Adarus, Add Arbor, $2.300. H. Hardinghonse to Wm. Radwick, Ann Arbor, $950. M. Seabolt to John Sorg and wife Ann Arbor, $1,000. Mary Slofflet to Johanna Roach, Ann Arbor, $1,500. John Bnrke and wife, by oiroui court roinmissioner, to W. H. Bnrke et al, Northiield. $5,881.78. Charles R. Whitman to the Epsilon Association, Ann Arbor, $12,000. George Wallace et al. to O. W. Gross man, Manchester, $250. Joseph Lang, executor, to Elizabeth Lang, guardián, Ann Arbor, $2.200. George V. Wiard and wife to A. Beyer, Ypsilanti, $5,000. Auditor-general to A. McNiool, tas deed, Manchester, $18.07. Auditor-general to A. MoNiool, tax deed, Manchester, $36.92. Carrie Hinnum et al to Byron Bailey, Ann Arbor, $225. Jacob F. Polhemus to Mary J. Polhemus, Ann Arbor, $200. W. F. Stevens, by sheriff, to James Doyle, Milán, $85. W. O. Tate to, Lottie B. Tate, Ann Arbor, $3,000. Henry . Colluru to E. W. Hunt, Saline, #900. John D. Robtoy to Linos Hitchcock, Superior, $475. Jas. H. Brown to M. Brown, Ann Arbor, $975. Cornelins Kerr to Jaoob Strum, Ann Arbor, $600. Cornelius Kerr to Jacob Strnm, Ann Arbor, $1,600. John Gates and wife to D. F. Reeves, Saline, $300. J. Strnm and wife to D. F. Reeves, Lodi, $300. Catberine Palmer et al to E. R. Twist, Superior, $1,800. Wm. Eiggs to Win. N. Hudson, Ann Albor, $1,225. John F. Lawrence to Frank Sutherland, Ann Albor, #250. D. F. Schairer et al to Fannie L. Cole, Ann Arbor, $900. Marinda Cramer to L. Claymer, York, $500. Wm. fl. Caldwell et al to O. H. Baird, Ann Arbor, $3,500. C. C. Robinson to A. G. Smythe, Shaion, $500. D. B. Brown et al. to H. J. Meye', Ann Arbor, $400. E. W. Whedon and wife to M. Tobin, Northfiold, $225. Olivia B. Hall to E. A. and Sophia Cadienx, Ann Arbor, $200. Xanoy Wines Hadley to Fannie J. Wines, Aun Arbor, $5,000. Sophia Nordman to Geo. E. Darrow, Ann Arbor, $1,200. J. G. Hauser to Ernest Dieterle, Ann Arbor, $200. E. J. Helber to Mary Neithammer, Saline, $1,150. Eliza Harriugton to Sarah S. Sruith, Chelsea, $150. Ellen Volkening to Charles Menot, Ypsilauti, $200. Joseph Reiokhoff to John Trainor, Northfield, $450. John Trainor to Geo. Rauschenberger, Nortbfield, $300. J. N. Wallace to J. S. Remington, Ypsilanti, $400.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
W. M. Smith
S. D. Adams
H. Hardinghouse
William Radwick
Moses Seabolt
John Sorg
Mary Stofflet
Johanna Roach
John Burke
W. H. Burke
Charles R. Whitman
George Wallace
G. W. Grossman
Joseph Lang
Elizabeth Lang
George V. Wiard
A. Beyer
A. McNicol
Carrie Hinnum
Byron Bailey
Jacob F. Polhemus
Mary J. Polhemus
W. F. Stevens
James Doyle
W. C. Tate
Lottie B. Tate
Henry Collum
E. W. Hunt
John D. Robtoy
Linus Hitchcock
James H. Brown
M. Brown
Cornelius Kerr
Jacob Strum
John Gates
D. F. Reeves
J. Strum
Catherine Palmer
E. R. Twist
William Biggs
William N. Hudson
John F. Lawrence
Frank Sutherland
D. F. Schairer
Fannie L. Cole
Marinda Cramer
L. Claymer
William H. Caldwell
C. H. Baird
C. C. Robinson
A. C. Smythe
D. B. Brown
H. J. Meyer
E. W. Whedon
M. Tobin
Olivia B. Hall
E. A. Cadeaux
Sophia Cadeaux
Nancy Wines Hadley
Fannie J. Wines
Sophia Nordman
George E. Darrow
J. G. Hauser
Ernest Dieterle
E. J. Helber
Mary Neithammer
Eliza Harrington
Sarah S. Smith
Ellen Volkening
John Trainor
George Rauschenberger
J. N. Wallace
J. S. Remington