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Real Estate Transfers

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W. M. Srnith et al, to S. D. Adarus, Add Arbor, $2.300. H. Hardinghonse to Wm. Radwick, Ann Arbor, $950. M. Seabolt to John Sorg and wife Ann Arbor, $1,000. Mary Slofflet to Johanna Roach, Ann Arbor, $1,500. John Bnrke and wife, by oiroui court roinmissioner, to W. H. Bnrke et al, Northiield. $5,881.78. Charles R. Whitman to the Epsilon Association, Ann Arbor, $12,000. George Wallace et al. to O. W. Gross man, Manchester, $250. Joseph Lang, executor, to Elizabeth Lang, guardián, Ann Arbor, $2.200. George V. Wiard and wife to A. Beyer, Ypsilanti, $5,000. Auditor-general to A. McNiool, tas deed, Manchester, $18.07. Auditor-general to A. MoNiool, tax deed, Manchester, $36.92. Carrie Hinnum et al to Byron Bailey, Ann Arbor, $225. Jacob F. Polhemus to Mary J. Polhemus, Ann Arbor, $200. W. F. Stevens, by sheriff, to James Doyle, Milán, $85. W. O. Tate to, Lottie B. Tate, Ann Arbor, $3,000. Henry . Colluru to E. W. Hunt, Saline, #900. John D. Robtoy to Linos Hitchcock, Superior, $475. Jas. H. Brown to M. Brown, Ann Arbor, $975. Cornelins Kerr to Jaoob Strum, Ann Arbor, $600. Cornelius Kerr to Jacob Strnm, Ann Arbor, $1,600. John Gates and wife to D. F. Reeves, Saline, $300. J. Strnm and wife to D. F. Reeves, Lodi, $300. Catberine Palmer et al to E. R. Twist, Superior, $1,800. Wm. Eiggs to Win. N. Hudson, Ann Albor, $1,225. John F. Lawrence to Frank Sutherland, Ann Albor, #250. D. F. Schairer et al to Fannie L. Cole, Ann Arbor, $900. Marinda Cramer to L. Claymer, York, $500. Wm. fl. Caldwell et al to O. H. Baird, Ann Arbor, $3,500. C. C. Robinson to A. G. Smythe, Shaion, $500. D. B. Brown et al. to H. J. Meye', Ann Arbor, $400. E. W. Whedon and wife to M. Tobin, Northfiold, $225. Olivia B. Hall to E. A. and Sophia Cadienx, Ann Arbor, $200. Xanoy Wines Hadley to Fannie J. Wines, Aun Arbor, $5,000. Sophia Nordman to Geo. E. Darrow, Ann Arbor, $1,200. J. G. Hauser to Ernest Dieterle, Ann Arbor, $200. E. J. Helber to Mary Neithammer, Saline, $1,150. Eliza Harriugton to Sarah S. Sruith, Chelsea, $150. Ellen Volkening to Charles Menot, Ypsilauti, $200. Joseph Reiokhoff to John Trainor, Northfield, $450. John Trainor to Geo. Rauschenberger, Nortbfield, $300. J. N. Wallace to J. S. Remington, Ypsilanti, $400.