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William M. Wallace has been e pointed janitor of the sixth ward school. F The Forest Hill Cemetery Co. is g ting a new and handsome iron fence around its grounds. Ypsílanti now has a bicycle ordinance to regúlate the movements of those c chines on its etreets. s The flrst Ann Arborite to yield to the t Klondyke gold fever was Michael s Kearns, who lef C for Alaska Tuesday night. c Prof. I. C. Russell, of the , sity, bas a fine artiole in Soribner for : August entitled "Impressions of Mt. e Rannier. " J The board of sohool trustees has 1 awarded the contraot for a new boiler i for the sixth ward sohool to Hutzel & Co. at $340. í Fred Miller "has bought out his ] er's interest in the grocery business of ' J. H. Miller's Sons, at No. 35 N. Main st., and will oontinue the ness. Thomas Kane, of Northfield, who has been in jail for soma weeks awaiting a vacancy at the Pontiac insane asylum, was taken to that institution Wednesday. Deputy State Game and Fish Warden Evart H. Scott asks the Argus to inform its readers that it is unlawful to snoot squirrels exoept froru October to January 1. The "Yellow Kid" party idea has struck Ypsilanti, and Mrs. W. Burt of S02 Grove st., will give one for her daughter Edith next Monday afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clook. Mr. Merfidith M. Marsh and Miss Lydia Stadel were married in the presenoe of a few friends at the Trinity Lutheran parsonage, on Thursday evening of last week, by Rev. VV. Li. Tedrow. The offioe of the Ann Arbor Electric Light Co. has been moved from Noble's clothing store to the second floor of the Courier building. Mr. MoNull, of Port Huron, is doing the bookkeeping and collecting. The Fowlerville Observer has changed hands and Frank J. Peek is now the editor and proprietor. lts former proprietor W. H. Peek has moved his type, presses, etc, to Linden and bas established a new paper, the Magnet. The Ann Arbor Mandolín and Guitar Club will give a lawn social at the residence of Earl Ware, 61 Broadway, this evening. Instrumental seleotions will be given by the Gilt Edge Banc and the Mandolin aud Guitar Club and vooal solos by Walter L. Talyor, I. G Reynolds and Frank Mclotyre. loe cream and oake will be eold for 10 cents. The pólice are on the look out for transgressors of the ordinance against riding bioycles on the sidewalk. The cigarette trnst has got in its work and now lovers of the little "ooffin Dails" have to pay 8 cents a paokage Eor them. The university committee on buildings and grounds is advertising for bids :or the erection of the new dormitory Duildlng. Daniel Hiscock has given 100 ;ovard the Y M. C. A. building fund, nnconditionally, and the amonnt now raised is $4,500. Mrs. Ellen Masón has filed a bilí of ?or divorce from her husband William Mason on the grcrand of habitual drunkenness and non-support. Mr. Julius F. Zeiss and Miss Edna Grenny, both of Chelsea, were married in Ann Arbor, Wednesday, by Rev. Henry P. Horton, assistant rector of St. Andrew's church. George H. Winslow and Blmer S. Cushman have traded properties. By ;he exohange Mr. Cushman gets the residence of W. William and Ashley sts., and Mr. Winslow gets a farm iu Webster. The official G. A. R. encampment rains en route to Buffalo, N. Y., will pass through Ann Arbor on the Michigan Central railroad, Aug. 23, at 10:05 a. m., and on the Ann Arbor railroad, at 8 :40 a. ni. Regular serviecs at the Presbyterian church will be resumed next Sunday, Rev. H. W. Gelston, of Deland, Pla., oocupying the pulpit in the morning, and J. W. Bradshaw, of the Congregational church, in the evening. Co. A, lst regiment, M. N. G., left Ann Arbor at 9:45 a. m. Tnesday via the Ann Arbor railroad for the annual encampment at Island Lake. The company was about 60 strong. Co. G, Ypsilanti, left at the same time, 52 stroug. The baseball obampionship games jetween the Aan Arbor Browns and the iMlautis, of Ypsilanti, have been dejlared off on aooouut of a misunderstanding between the managers of the ;wó clubs as to the date on vhioh the ïecond game was to be played. Rev. Dewitt Talmage paid a great 3ompliment to the lawyers reoently, when he said : "If I were on trial for tny integirty or my life, and I wanted avenhanded justice administered to me, l would ratber have my case snbmitted to a jury of 12 lawyers than 12 olergymen." R. ö. Hall, who from 1846-50 was a salesman in the general store of Henry Bower in tuis city, and afterwards went to Plymonth where he oondnoted a general store np to May, 1896, died Friday, Jnly 23, at his home n Plymonth, aged 77 years, 3 months and 7 days. A nurnber of Ypsilauti yonng people enjoyed a delightful dance at the hume of Mrs. E. M. Spencer, Thursday evening of last week. The feature of he eveuing was a "cake walk," led by (ohn Harris aufl participated in by two couples, Arthur Smith and Miss Alice Babbitt and Dan Quirk, jr., and Miss lollie Wisö. The first named conple won, bnt refnsing to walk aronnd the rooms behind the cake for the edification of the gpeotators the judges declaied the prize forfeited and gobbled it up themselves. Tbe island in the river below the Wall st. bridge is being greatly improved by the association that has the matter in charge and is becoming quite a popular place for pionioers and other sociable parties. Thnrsday evening of last week the first dance that has been held on the island in 18 years was given by the association in a large pavilion that has been erected for the purpose and was a great sucoess. A second danoe was given on Wednesday evening The proceeds are to be used to improv the appearance of the island. An artiole on a trip to Port Huron by way of the St. Clair Flats in las week's Courier expressed surprise tha the Canadian shore is not as well linee vith sninmer cottages as the American side. The reason is easily explained The land on the Canadian side is an Indian reservation and not open to settlement by white people. People have many times "squatted" on the reservation only to be driven off by the Canadian government officials, and offers to purohase sites for summer feottages have been numeróos, butjiave always been refused. The largest single amonnt paid in t for tases this summer so far is 1719.10 c paid by James L. Babcock. e The yonng men of the Bethlehem h chnrch give a lawn social this evening at c Firtz's grove, on W. Liberty st. No. 100 is the Washtenaw Ooonty c Pair Association telephone which has been placed in the office at 48 S. Main c st. f A branch of the American Seotion of the Theosophical Society was I ized here last week by Mrs. Besant, L of which Dr. M. Maywood Sears, F. T. f S.j is the temporary exeoutive. The l oharter membership of the sooiety is 13. Mrs. Anna Baumgartner died c day morning at her home 102 W. Huron ' st. , of dropsy, aged 77 years. The e funeral serivoes vvere held at the hoose I Tuesday afternoon, Rev. A. L. Nicklas y officiating. Interment was in Forest I Hill cemetery. t Marshal Sweefc has reoeived a letter c from the pólice inagistrate of Wallaceburg, Ont. , in regard to the t abouts uf a yonng girl named Maud 1 McDonald, aged 17 years, who left Wallaceburg four mnnths aso and who c is supposed to have come to Ann Arbor. SherifE Judson on Tuesday arrested t two lads nained O'Hara and Hughes, 'j aged 15 and 16 years respeotively, who . were tramping f lom Adrián to Camp ' Pingree, at Island Lake. The boys were detained on a request from Adrián to í do so as they had left home without tht J permission of their parents. L The A. M. E. ohnroh will hold a l grove meeting at Madison's grove, east of Dixboro, on Sunday, Aug. 2, at f which services will be held. at 10:30 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. On Í day evening, Ang. 23, a band and jubilee concert will be held in the same rove to which an admission fee of 10 ( ents foradnlts and 5 cents for ehildren will be charged. The Michigan Bell Telepbone Co. j ïas filed a mortgage for .75O,00O coverng the whole of its possessions throughut the state. The mortgage oomprises 0,000 words and has to be filed in j vary oounty in the state where the ompany does business. Deputy Regiser of Deeds Creeoli is busily eugaged iu oopying it into the books of this county at present. Under the law eoacted by the last legislature for the immediate registration of deaths, township, village and city clerks will aot as looal registrars, receiving certificates of death and issuing burial and removal permits. This act 'will take effect Aug. 29. Cities having suoh" registration at present conducted by the looal health boards will retain the health officer as registrar in place of the oity clerk. Mrs. Annie Besant leot.ured to about 200 people at the School of Musió, Friday evening on "Theosophy. " She was dressed in an Indian oostume of white silk and was introduoed to her andience by her friend the Countess Waohtmeister. Her address was attentively listened to by her andience. In the course of her remarks she said that "the physician who understands psychic law eau heal or kill by thought alone. All persons may acquire this power. ': For snme days a statement has been going the rounds of the state press to the effeot that certain euactments of the last legislatnre, which were not given immediate Qffeot became operativo July 29. The most important bilis rnentioned were those giving veterans of the late war the preference in the matter of state and municipal jobs, and giving blacksmiths a lien on horses for shoeing bilis, etc As a matter of fact these acts will not take effeot until Aug. 29, or 90 days af ter the final adjournment of the legislature. A neat little book relative to the forthcoming national encarnpment of the G. A. R., at Bnffalo, Ang. 23 to 28, has been issned by the Michigan Central. The oover is printed in army bine aad the front page representa the lapel of a coat with the G. A. R. button in the button hole. The inside pages are printed in two colors on fine book paper and on each of the pagesjis one or morecuts of the oomrnanders-inohief who have at different times presided over its destinies from Benjamin F. Stephenson the first provisional oomniander at the inception of the order in 1866 down to Thaddeus S. Clarkson who is the present head of the order. It is a tasty and handsome pieoe of work. The Saline Arbeiter Vereiu will have a picnic in their grove north of that rillage in the aftecnoon and evening of Thnrsday, Ang, 28. L. J. Lisemer, of the Times, is branching out in the opera house ' aess and has purchased some stock in the Ypsilanti opera house. i Governor Pingree has formally ' aepted the invitation of the Michigan Department, G. A. R., to be its guest ' it the Buffalo encampment. The board of directors of the S. L. A. will pay Dr. Nansen, the great Arotio explorer, $2,000 for the lectnre ae will deliver here next winter. The Milao art class will soon comcnenoe sketching froni nature. Let :bem take human nature and commence ' :n Editor Stnitb. - Plymouth Mail. 1 The Superintendent of Publio Instrnction is about to make a distribu;ion of 30,000 copies of the Miohigan school laws, which have jast been re3ompiled under his direction. The New State Telephone Co. has jommenoed work on its line between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. It will not be long before the two c-ities can 'helio" to each otherpverthe new line. The annual inite box opening and tea meeting of the W. F. M. S. of the M. E. ohnroh will be held this afteraöon at 3:30, at thè bome of Mrs. C. S. Darling, 38 E. University ave. The gentlemen are invited to tea which i . will be served at fi o'olock. The Ypsilanti Sentinel's suggestion that the Fourth of July, 1899, the 75th or diamond anniversary of the first celebration of American Independence ever held iu Washtenaw county, be flttingly observed in Ypsilanti, should meet with approval from all parts of the county. When the Light Infantry went to camp Tuesday thoy took with them five homing pigeons belonging to Phil Hal), which were released after they got to Island Lake at about 1 :30 p. m. They all anived home, two of them reaching here three-quarters of an hour after they were released. A barn on Moore st , north side, owned by Eli W. Moore was destroyed by fire togetber with all its oontents early Saturday morning. The fire department had to cross the river by the Wall st. bridge on acoonnt of the repairs that are being made to the Detroit st. bridge. The loss was partially covered by insurance. Attorney John L. Duffy, of Ann Arbor, was in Ypsilanti, Wednesday, setling with the mail oarriers for their back pay, which has been in the court of claims at Washington for soiue time The amounte are as follows: Wm. Eddy, $199.10; Samuel Fletcher, $145.27; Walter Fuller, ,$145.27; Wm. R. Schairer, 145.27; Wm. Scovill, $28.66.- Times. The Y. M. C. A. lawn social on the grounds of Mervin Day, 104 S. Main st., Friday evening was well attended and a great success. The grounds were nicely lighted with Japanese lanterns. Dnring the evening three balloons were sent np. About 350 gnests were served with ice cream and cake during the evening. Mnsio was furnished by Becker's Military Band. At a special meeting of the sewer committee of the common council on Thursday nigh of last week an arrangement was entered into with Clay Greene as the agent uf the Greene estáte, whereby the estáte allows the city to run a sewer througb its property in the rear of the city buildiDg and in return is granted exemption froin taxation on the property west of the sewer line, the oity to make the sewer coonection also. A pirty of boys who were out hunting snakes and frogs for the biological department of the cniversity on Tuesday killed a blue racer which was 17 feet long. The reptile was found near Allen 's farm on the Whitmore Lake road and it took an hour's figbtins before it was dispatched. The boys brought it to the city in a large box and it was on exhibition for some time. They also captured three rattlers alive. The onsightly old bill boards which have heretofore oouupied the upper part of the opera house entrance have been removed and will be replaced by a large glass sign bearing the name of the house "Athens Tneater." The stairs will also be remodeied and made more easy of asoent. Storm doors will be placed at the foot of the stairs and another set of doors at the head of the stairs, all of which will tend to do away with the terrible draughtiness that has heretofore oharacterized tbe house.