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Manchester celery growers have commenced shipping celery. J. P. Wood & Co., of Chelsea, have over 60 people at work in their bean picking establishment. Milan is] to have a kindergarten. Mrs. Farnk Easterly will open one at her home abont Sept. 1. Rev. Mr. Galpin, a former pastor of St. James' churcb, Dexter, will conduct the services next Sunday. Tbe ladies of St. Mary's chnrcb, Manchester, gave a picnic in Schmid's grove yesterday afternoon and evening. Moore Bros., who have been running a machine repair shop at Chelsea for some months, have rnoved their outfit to Marión. Miss Carrie Haight gives a musical recital at Milan tonight for the benefit of the Presbyterian Sunday school of that place. The Salem Butter and Cheese Co. furnished D. M. Packard with milk for tbe soldiers encampment at Island Lake last week. Milan wants a new well for its school house as the water in the one put in last year is too salty to be used for drinking purpose. Mr. Jay L. Rowland and Miss Jessie Irene Stever will be married Tuesday evening next at the home of the bride's parents in Milan. The Cbelsea Water Works Co. has filed articles of inuorporation with the eecretary of state. lts oapital stock is placed at f10,000. The children oi the late Michael Fostár, of Sylvan, with their families had a picnic and fatnily reunion at Cavanaugh Lake, Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Charles Kellogg, of Sylvan, was knocked insensible the other day tbrough being struck by a mail sack thrown off a train by a mail clerk. Chelsea is soon to have two more physicians in tbe persons of Dr. W. W. Williams and his wife Dr. Mary Williams, who are abont to settle there. Wm. Dewey and James Hogan, of Bridgewater, last week imported five carloads of sheep and one carload of cattle from Chicago for their own use. Wm. Roberts, of Salem, died Monday, Aug. 9, of typhoid pneumonia and was buried the Wednesday following, Rev. Hannaford conducting the services. Tbe colored people of Whittaker have been enoying the excitement incidental to a religious camp meetng since last Saturday. The meeting will close Sunday. Potato bugs must have been thick in the neighborhood of Saline this year, as Ford & Son have sold over four tons of potato bug exterminator during the season. Jake Luckbard, of Bridgewater, received a ball in his foot near the ankle bone the other day while he and some other boys were shooting at a mark with a rifle. Prof. Albert Dorr, of Manchester, has secured a position in the Golden Colorado, schools, where he will teach biology and Latin. He has gone west to take up his duties. Miss Pearl Field, of Flint, who taught in the Chelsea high school las year, was married in Flint, Aug. 10 to Rev. A. Ames Maywood, pastor o the M. E. cburch, at Holly. The Sunday school children of St Mary's church, Chelsea, had their annual picnic at Cavanaugh Lake, Tues day. It was a successful one and al who attended had a good time. H. M. Curtis, of Ypsilanti, has th Sandwich Island fever in earnest. H has instructed his brother-in-law ther to purchase for him 80 acres of coffe land and he will perhaps go there thi fall. C. E. Samson jr. was married t Miss Louise Rose Dnsbiber, Tuesday afternoon of last week at the resideno of his father, Charles E. Samson in Ypsilanti. Rev. Dr. Ryan performed th ceremony. A street fakir tried to work a Man ' chester crowd with the old brass watc and $10 bill racket the other day There were only two young suckers wh bit and they pooled their savings i order to bite. Tuesday Aug. 10, w :e tbe 40th anniversary of the werlüing of Mr. and Mrs Peter Gainan, of AJajcbester, who ar now with their daughter, Mrs. Nou man, near Dexter, and ihy were give a pleasant surpr ' party by Mr. anc Mrs. Nordman. They reoeived severa presents from their ahilaren. Augustus Newburger, ( ObeJsea, has been granted a restoration and increase of pension. .Miss .losie McGuire, of Ypsilanti, j died ia Ft. Collins, Colo , Aug. C, of hemorrhage of the lungs. Oae bundred and twenty-five teachers attended the sessions of the teachers' institute at Ypsilanti last week. The seven yearfi old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Elliot, of Ypsüanti towD, died Friday night of measles. Mrs. James BoweD, of Ypsilauti, died Monday night of blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Platt, of Pittsfleld, entertained the members of the Saline Grange at their home on Saturday. Henry Simms, of Webster, has a field on his farm in which 10 large rattlesnakes were killed during the present harvest. Rev. Frank Kennedy, of Ypsilanti, a few days ago received a letter addressed to "Rev. Father Canada, Ysplanta, Mioh." The piaoo pupils Miss Maude Vortley, of Chelsea, "ill figure in a ecital at the opera house in that vilage this evening. The barn on the Sundberg farm io ugustawas strnck by lightuing Monay and vpas burned with all its conents. Iüsured in the Washtenaw Maual. Miss Effie Cundiff and Mr. Theodore 1. Townsend, were rnarried at the lome of the bride's mother, Mrs. N. D. Cuudiff, in Ypsilanti, Wednesday vening. Miss K. Maude Cady, formerly criric eacher at the Normal school, Ypsilanti, was inarried Tnesday, Aug. 10, to Mr. Herbert C. Blount, of Wayne, by Rev. B. F. Aldrioh. Dr. Edward Batwell, of Ypsilauti, ell from the loft of bis barn Friday nd strack on the back of fais neck, in□ring his spine soruewhat. He also prained bis wrist. A new hose wagon bas been ordered or the use of the Ypsilanti fire dejartruent from tbe Studebak9r comiauy, whicb is to be ready foi use Dec. and cost $397.50. William Cnshman, formerly well [Dowu iu this county, died at his home n Indianapolis, Iad., Wednesday, Aug. . The fnneral was beid at his old jome, Chelsea, Satnrday, Aug. 7. Henry Booth, of Dexter, was putting way his binder the other day when ne of the lifting levers flevv np and truck his arm, tearing it so that it ook la stitches to close the wound. Irwin Shepard, a former resident of Cbelsea, now president of tbe Minneota State Normal School, has been awarded a medal by recent action of ongress, for personal gallautry at the iege of Knosville. Two Bridgevvater farmers had bad uck with their horses last week. Wm, Westfall had one seriouslyif not fatally njured on a barbed wire fence, and Hiam Martin was obliged to kill a young horse, sick with distemper. St. Mary's Catholic church, Piiickney, had a picnic yesterday at which Rev. L. P. Goldrick, of Northfield, and James E. Harkins, of Ann Arbor, were among the singers, and Lombard's orchestra furnished the musio. Robart Sherwood, of Cberry Hill, s 95 years old, but is still active enough so that he walked from tbat )lace to Ypsilanti the other day, only complaining a little of being tired in lis legs when he got there. The potato bug will no longer be a !aotor in oor civilization. A Missouri armer, after numerous experimenta, hinks he bas succeeded in developing a potato that will grow without vines. 3e says a field planted witb. vinriess lotatoes may be worked with the ordinary harrow. - Dexter Leader. An interesting study in oil of a creóle girl's head, painted by Miss Alice Gornan, of Chelsea, is on exbibition at ü'Leary's art rooms on Woodward ave. üiss Gorman has been an art 6tudent in !?ew York for five years and this is her flrst picture to be shown in Detroit. It ïas been very highly complimented. - Detroit Evening News.. A team of horses belonging to T. Drislane, of Cbelsea, driven by George Kempf, ran away with a wagon loaded witb empty egg crates at jManchester, on Wednesday of last week. Kempf was thrown, or feil off the load and got a gash in bis head and two teeth knocked oot, while the wagon and orates were spread aronnd on the road and the horses had their legs cut up quite badly. Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Kress, of Manchester, were at Ypsilanti, Tuesday rnorning, on their way hume from Detroit, when as they were getting off the train a oouple of fellows jostled up against Mr. Kress and went through his pocket, secuning $8 in money. Mr. Kress reported his loss to the conductor who placed the men under arrest and oarried theui to Ann Arbor where they were turned over to the pólice. Died in Sharon, Wednesday, Aug. 11, of oíd age, Christian Oberschmidt aged 81 years. Deceased was bor April 10, 1816, in Holzen, Prussia At the age of 27 he carne to Aineric and worked in New York and othe places about two years, when be cam to Miohigan, finally taking up the las of the government land in Sharon. H was twice married. By his first wii he left six grown children, and by th second wife, wbo survives him, h leaves eight children. The funeral wa held at the Center church in Sharou Priday afternoon, Kevs. Bradley, o Grass" Lake and Sohoettle, of Man