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The city shonld get to work numbering th...

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The city shonld get to work numbering the city. In a short time the city ■will have a large number of new residenta and the new nnmbers shonld be on bpfore they arrive to prevent confusión. The stone crnsher rnay fairly be proDonnced a failnre in Ann Arbor. From other cities wbere it has been nsed comes complaint of the fine stone dust. Gravel, good soreeued gravel if necessary, shonld be tbe main reliance of Ann Arbor and fortunately we can get plenty of it at less expense than croshed stone. There have always been fonnd citizens who objeot to what they term the high license charged oirouses, forgetting the expense the municipality isputto wben they come. Not only is it reqnisite to hire a large foroe of policernen bnt the streets are usually left in bad shape by the heavy trucking. Fackard Btreet, whioh had been put in good shape, was damaged at least a tlOO by the recent cirons and the license fee was $50. During the seven months ending with Jnly we exported $32,829,204 worth of silver ooin, ore and bnllion and $30,558,071 of gold. Doring the same time we imported $12,000,000 of silver and $7,166,124 of gold. In other words our exports of gold and silver exoeeded our imports by $44,221,11. During the same time our exports of merchandise exceeded our imports by $54,679,745. Thns Europe got during the first seven months of this year nearly $100,000,000 more from this country than she sent it. When we get our European debts paid up, perhaps we will fare better in trading with Europe. In order to make the consulates President McKinley has been so active in filling the last few weeks worth an office-seeker's while, the state department has issned orders largely increasing the fees they receive as perquisites. For instance, the rate they have been receiving for administering oaths is 50 cents. This bas been increased to $2; and so on all along the line of official certifioations the consuls make for the hnndred thousand Amerioans traveling or residing in Enrope the fees have been donblsd. This makes the consnlates worth having and will be a greac relief to the McKinley personal appointees, whose income was in daoger of abbreviation by the reform in the way of fees pnt in forcé a conple of years ago by Secretary Olney. On Saturday last the sagar trust annonnced another advance in the price of sugar of 1-6 of a oent a ponnd. This represents about $2,500,000 in the sugar consumption of the country for a year. It represents an incease of nearly 11,000,000 in the valne of the advance importations of raw sugar which the trust brougbt in to beat the Dingley tariff. Secretary Gage advised a tax on this sugar, held in store, eqnal to the advance in tariff rates, but the republican congress said no. Too many congressmen were interested at that time in an advance in trust certifioates whose values was closely connected with the harvest on advanoe importations. On the day the advance in sugar was annouuced - last Friday - sugar stook was quoted as high as 148}. When the republioans in congress commenced tinkering with the sugar tariff the price of stook was only 110, showing a gain sinoe then of 38 J a share. While Uncle Sam's revenues, under the Dingley tariff, have been dwiudling, sugar stock goes up, booming. There is millions in the Dingley tariff for the trust, and taxation for the people.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News