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Of Course It's True

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' ' One reads so tnany stories about animal intelligence tbat it would be hazardous for a doubter to express his disbelief in almost ai.y gatbering of men at the present day," reicarked Dr. W. VV. Watkins. "A little instance carao withiu my own observation a number of years ago wheu I was studying medicine and which convinced roe that the inembers of the horse family at least onght to be credited with the possession of a very considerable quautity of reasoniug power. It was the custom for the studente at the medical iustitution at which I pursueJ my studies to wear a small badge upon their coats to distinguish them from others at the college. A horse belonging to the establishment was used a great deal about the medical department, and the animal seemed to have a special preference for the embryo doctors more than for any other people about the establishment. "One day, while a nnmber of us wera gathered in a little knot upon a small campus in the rear of the college, the animal in question, which used to nip the grass in the location, came towarc' the group limping very badly. He came to a stop a dezen or more feet frora the crowd and, carefully surveying the lo of us, finally made up bis tnind as te what he wanted to do and without an hesitation liroped directly to my side, whinnied, stuck his nose against mj body and held up his left foreleg. Looking down, I discovered a large aail irabedded in the frog of his hoof. This had evidently caused the lameuess. 1 then realized the interesting fact that the animal desired atteudance. I extracted the nail with some difflculty. and the horse whimpered with reliei and walked away. Rather ourious as te ■why the beast had picked me out to attend to his wound, I glanced at the boys and f ound the solution to the problem. Kot one of the group had his medical badge upon his coat but myself. The horse had recognized the insignia, realized its significance and acted


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News