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Miss Anna Chalmers is home froru Jackson. Patrolraan George Isbell is taking his vacation. Miss Carrie Steö'y has retumed to her home in Xpsilasti. Fred T. McOmber is spending his vacatiou in Ishpeming. Ed. DePew and wife, of Saline, are Ann Albor visitors. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. McGee have goue on a trip np the lakes. Moses and Martin M. Seabolt left Monday for a trip to New York. Miss Lizzie Maier has gone to New York city to take np her residence. The Misses Mylott, gnests of Miss Leatj Nichols, have returued to Detroit. Miss Florence Hascall, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Grace Moore of this city. Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold left Sunday evening for a two months' stay in New York city. Mrs. .T. Avery has returned from a month's visit in Kansas and Cedar Falls, Iowa. H. A. Williams, teller of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, is away on his vacation. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Angell arrived in Constantinople, Turkey, on Thnrsday of last week. Dr. Stewart Millen aud wife, of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting his parents in this city. Dr. J. B. Dowdigan, of Owosso, spent Sanday with his rnother Mrs. Mary Dowdigan. A. C. Schnruacher bas been at Sault Ste. Marie atteuding a meeting of the state board of pharmacy. Mr and Mrs. Cnas. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cbalmers left for au onting to Mackinac Island Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Boylan are away on a month's visit with friends at Bnffalo, N. Y., and other points. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Saunders and children, of Grand Rapids, are visiting Mrs. Saunder's father Moses Seabolt. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Copeland have retarned to the city after spending the sammet at their cottage at Base Lake. Mrs. E. H. Weideman, who has been away from the city for about a year, has returned to her home at 23 Church st. Mrs. Fred C. Brown and daughter. of Chicago, who have been visiting her mother Mrs. Seymour, have returned home. James A. LeRoy, sporting editor of the Detroit Free Press, attended the Colemau-Richards wedding Tuesday afternoon. Glen V. Mills went to Buffalo on a business trip Monday with the rest of the "old veterans. " He returned home last evening. -Miss Mary Breitenbach, of tbe university hospital, is spending her vacation with relatives and frieuds in Chelsea and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cole have returned to Grinnell, Iowa, to tbeir school duties, after a visit with relatives in the city. The Misses Bertha and Carrie Christrnan, Cora Brown and Mabel Christman have returned home from a three weeks' visit iu Jackon. H. M. Woods, with bis sons Walter and George, aud his danghter Jennie, have been on a visit to Mr. Woods' oíd i home in Batavia, N. Y. Mrs. Henry Apfel, of S. Ashley st, who has been very seriously ill, is considerably improved and hopes for her speedy return to health are good. Prof. Asaph Hall, of the observatory, returned to Ann Arbor, Monday, from Kane, 111., with his bride, whj was formerly Miss Mary E. Cockrell. Prof. and Mrs. Henry C. Adams, two children and a nurse, started for a j year's absence in Europe on Monday. He goes to recupérate from overwork. Mrs. Bort Newman, of E. William Sb., gave a tea Saturday afternoon to 10 young ladies in honor of Miss Ida Bliss, who is to be married next Wednesday evening. Albert Blaess, of Lodi, who has been in Cairo, III., to see bis son August has returned home. August is still seriously ill with malarial fever. Col. H. S. Dean. Herman Krapf Conrad Noll, Silas P. Hill, Ed. C. Krapf and others went to Buffalo Monday to attend the annual national encampment of the G. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jones, of Wichita, Kas., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watts, went to Port Huron Wednesday. From there they will go to Flint for a visit before returning home. The engagement of Mr. James D. Murnan, the popular day clerk at the Cook hoose, to Miss May Wing is announced, and the wedding will take place Wednesday, Sept 8. The many friends of the young people will extend I them their best wishes. Louis R. Hoelzle, who has been connected with the Ann Arbor fire department since its, organization nine years ago, has now completely severed his connection with it. He graduated, after several years of patiënt stady, from tbe dental department with the class of '97, and on Saturday left for St. Paul, Minn., where he will lócate and practice bis profession. Tbe Misses Mollie and Mabel Corson leit Tuesday morning for Petoskey to visit their parents. Miss Mabel Corson will be married next rnonth to Mr. John McGill, a young attorney of Oil City, Pa. Both young people are well known to many Ann Arbor people, Miss Corson having been connected with the millinery business here for several yuars, while Mr. McGill has graduated form the high school, the literary and tbe law departments. M. J. Fritz is spending his vaeatiou in Lansing. Mrs. B. Greene, of Detroit, is visitiug ber sou Clay A. Greene. Mrs. Wiu. Allaby, jr., went to Petoskey Tuesday for a brief visit. James R. Bach has retumed froin his trip to the northern pm of the state. Ed. Wolfel, manager of Noble's Star Clotbing House, is taking his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Howlett have been speoding the week in Bnffalo, N. Y. Miss Kate Diehl left Wednesday for a week's visit with friends in Detrnit and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Setb C. Randall have returned home from a three weeks' visit to the seaooast of Massachusetts. Miss Edith Noble bas gone to Chicago, and will visie relatives at Niles and Bachanau before returniug home. Charles Durheim, of Mnskegorj, was iu the city this week to attend the funeral of bis ruother Mrs. Lena Durheim. Instructor J. A. C. Hildner and family left Tuesday rnornig for Europe where they wil] stay for a year or two. Enoch James Davis has returned home this week from several weeks' stay with Mrs. John Welch, of Pinekney. Henry Schlanderer, of Haller's jewelry store, is spending a two weeks' vacation in Cleveland and other places in Ohio. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge returned Tuesöay eveuing from tbeir trip tbrough the West. They had a splendid time. Miss Mary L. Hinsdale, of this city, is assisting in carrying on the state Teachers' Institute at Farwell, Clare connty. Miss Clara Miller and Miss Lydia Staebler, have returned from their visit with Miss Rosa Wuerthner, of Manchester. Mrs. E. C. Spring and children, who were visiting friends at Saginaw, Unionville and Sebewaing, retnrned home yesterday. Mrs. Parris tí. Banfield, and her mother Mrs. H. Bovee, returned Monday evening from a stay of several weeks at Big Rapids. Mrs. J. J. Read and son, who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hiscock, returned to their home in Chicago yesterday morning. Mrs. G. H. Schneider, of Chicago, who bas been visiting her sister Mrs. D. F. Schairer, returned home witb ber daughter Ruth on Monday. Mrs. L. S. Pryor nf 37 E. University ave. and Mrs. JJartlett have gone to Bay View to visit their sister Mrs. Charles Powell. They will remain about two weeks. Mr. Charles F. Weisinger, of Rochester, N. Y , who bas been visiting his sister, -Mrs. Paul Gabler and otber friends, was called home by a telegram announcing the serious illness of bis wife. Cornelius Donovan, of New Orleans, La., is visiting his father Patrick Donovan, of the north side. Mr. Donovan is a civil and bydraulic engineer and has for the past 21 years been in charge of one of the most extensive harbor improvements in tbe country at the rnouth of the Mississippi river. Junius B. Wood, Michigan's great mile runner, says that "Count" Villa and T. J. Drumheller, two members of the ü. of M. football team, have gone to tbe Klondike in eompany with G. H. Allen, a memoer of the '99 law class. Allen is a son of Senator Allen of Washington. Mrs. C. S. Miüen gave an afternoon social to a number of the ladies of St. Andrew's parish Saturday. Each one present contributed something towards a fund for the purchase of new vestments for the choir. An informal talk on India, by Mrs. H. Gibbes, and a piano solo by Miss Bertha Hill helped to pass the time pleasantly.