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GOT THE BACKACHÈ? if Tou Hare, Here's the Way to Rij Yourself of the Weariness and Pain Attending It. Some people suffer with headaches muuy people are wom out and weary all the time, many more people have W ack and backache. Few people undertand the real cause of their aches and ícwer y et know how easily they can' find a cure. Just a word of explanation before .ve prove that what we say is true. The back is the key-note of the kidneys It aches; that's a'sign that the kidneys are uot working properly ; it is lame; another siirn, the kidneys are out of order. The kidneys, you know, are the filters of the blood" bat filters sometimes get clogged up' Tliis means in their case that the blood courses through the entire system imprcgnated with poisonous uric acid, bringing on many a disorder which, if neglected mcaus disease perhaps incurable. And now about the cure: - Don't take our word f or it ; read what others say : Mr. David C. Oaks is proprietor of the well known hardware and paint shop at 220 East Main Street, Kalamazoo. Mr Oaks has suffered a great deal f rom kidney ülments; he described his condition and cure as follows: "Ihad a bad, lame back which I suppose was caused by my kidneys ; was confined to my bed duriug bad attacks. I might say, from time to time, I have been in that condition for years The urinary organism was affected, urine beiug scanty, highly colored, and difflcult in passage. I was in a bad shape when I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pilis, about which I had heard. I have used now two boxes of them, and the pills have removed all the pain and trouble. Thére was a marked improvement right from the first, and it has continued right along. Doan's Kidney Pills are the right thing in the right place." For sale by all dealers - price, 50 cents. "Mailed by Foster Milburn Co., Buiïalo, N. Y. , sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. Rllffl k SEABOIT'S BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &e. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of OSBORNE'H QOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.' Best White Wheal Flour, Kye Flour, Buekwheat Flour, Oorn Meal, F jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A ereneral stock ol SROOEJIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reas onable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid lor Butter, Egs, and Countr Produce generally. HP"Goods Deiivered to any part of the city with xtriutcai re-e. Rinsey & Se bolt TIME TABLE. Taking Effect May 23, 1897. Trains leave Arm Arbor bv Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 8:43 A. M. T:30 a. M. ]2:15p.m. 11:25 a. m. :50 P. M. 8:40 P. M. t 9:10 a.m. + 8:05 p. M. Trains marked thus run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. t Trains marked thus run Sundays only. All other trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Michigan fTENTggT. " The Niaaara Fallt Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Talcing Effect July 4, 1897. GOING EAST. Detroit NightEx... 5 50 a. m. Atlantic Express 7 30 Grand Rapids Ex 11 10 Mail and Express 3 47 p. m. N. Y. & Boston Sp'l 4 58 North Shore Limited 6 45 Fast Eaetern 10 05 GOING WEST. Boston, N. T. & Ch 8 12 a. m. Mail & Express 9 18 Fast Western Ex 1 56p.m. G. R. & Kal. Ex 5 55 Chicag-o Night Ex 9 40 Pacific ExpreBS 12 30 O.W.BUGGLE8 H. W.HAYES, G. P. T. Agent Chicago. Ag't Ann Arboi TRtfCK AND STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48,Fourth Ave., North Teleptioiie 82. Q# Jtt. WILLIAMS, AttomsT at Law and Pension Claim Attomer, MILAN. MICH. Conveyanoinsr and Collections . LAND PLASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINTÏLt. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Fards- 50 West Huron Street.


Ann Arbor Argus
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