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Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜXT HAVING BEEN MADEINTHP conditions of a cerlaiu mortgaa-e (whoír by the power of sale therein contifneö iht become operative) made and executwi i Conrad Lelm and Catherine Lehn, his tif ot the flrst part. to Henry Smith, of the w,v „i part, bearlUK date the 8th day of Mai-eh at? 1890, and recorded in the office of the IW ' of Deeds, in and for the County of wfihhï naw, and State of Michigan, on the 12th dit of Maren. A. D. 1890, in Liber 73 of mortaa$L on page Joh, and the sum of four thouffi tliree hundred and nlnety-eight and dVmlf two hnndredths dollars being now claimed ta be due upon the debt secured by saic ï sage, and no suit having been inetituteri 5 lawto recover the debt so secured or m, part thereof. v 'ly Notice is therefore hereby piren that bv virtue of the power of sale iu said roorfasi contained andfor the purpose of realilinl upon tlie debt thereby secured, together with the cosí, of these proceedings, includine S attorney fee and interest thereafter tosí" crue, ] will ou theïBth day of October A n 1897, atone o'clock in the afternoon óf aairi day, at the front door of the court house rt the city of Aira Arbor, in said county f yashtenaw, (that the place wlieve thicircuit court lor said county Is holden) sella t public vendue to tne highest bidder all that certain pieee or parcel of land, sitúate ariri being in the VlUage of Manchester, üountar of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan da. seribed as follows, viz: A strip of km twenty-two feet wide off the ensterly sideiif lot three (3;, in block three (3) of said villatra of Manchester, according to the recorde.i plat thereof. HENRY SMITH FRED B. WOOD, Mort-agee Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated, Aug. 3, 1S!7. YERINGTON'S COLLEGE, St. Louis, Michigan, will open its seventK year Sept. 27th, 17. Coürses -Teachers ' Commercial, Shohthand Penmanship Enc' LI8H, Mdsic, Elocution and Physical Culture.- Tuition:- For any or all studies in the collepe, 13 Week s, $1U; 24 Weeks si Weeks $18- The Common Branches fAnthmetic, Grammar and Geography) with Pnrvate Lessions ia Music, and Ai.l Free Class Drills, for above tuition.- The Cornmoii Branches with All Free Class Drills (without Private Lessons in Music) only $15 a year - Free Class Dhills are: Plain and Ornamentall Pekm akship, Keading, Spelling, Letter Writing, Music Elocution, Physical Cül ture, Debating and Parliamentaby work- Students may club where they have use of Boarding House complete, for 50 cents a week and furnish their own provibions fora trille.- All studies in the college handled by professionals. Our Commercial and ShortHand graduates hold the best positions in our largest cities. Not One from our Teachers' Course Has Pailed a Teachers' Kxamtnatio the Past Two Years. L) rop a card forl'ree catalogue to C. W. Yerington, St. Louis Michigan. 28-35 Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN COÜNTY OP Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Stewart, deeeased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Administrator of the Estáte of said deeeased by tbc Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 5th day of August A D 1897, tliere will be sold at Public Vendue, tothe highest bidder, at the residence of said: deceased in the County of Washtenaw in said State, on Monday, the 20th cliiy of September, A. D. 1897, at 1 o'clock ia the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by morteage orothérwisc existing at the time of the death of said deceased the described real estáte, to-wii : The south half of the uorth east quarter of ection iifteen (15), town four(4)soutn of raiwre x (6) east, of Washtenaw County, Michigan. SAMUEL STEWART, Administrator of the estáte of Tilomas. Stewart, deceased. Notice of Drain Letting. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX, That I, D. W. i ' Barry, Couuty Drain Comniisioner of the County of Washtenaw, Stnte of Michigan, wiU, on the 14th day of September, A. D. 1897 at the lower end of drain, in the Townsbip of Augusta, at ten o'clock m the forenoon of that aay, proceed to receive bids forthecleaningout of a certain drain known a d desi"mitecTtft "The Maybee Drain," loeated and estabhshed In the sld townsntp of Augusta, and deserlbed as follows to wit; Cotnmencinsr north 41 degrees, west 22 16-25 rods trom the s e corner of the w of the n e % of section 25, toivn 4 s, range T e," and runDing- thence as follows: Nortti 46", deerees W 25 rods, s ñih degxees, w 21 4-5 rods, s SS degrees. w .14 1-5 rods, s 45 degrees, w 69 rods w 15 3-25 rods, n 57 degrees, w ) 4-5 rods, n 57Í4 degrees. w 1S-25 rods, n 6:j des rees. w 3S 17-25rods, n 71' degrees, w 24 14-25 rods, n m% degrees, w 56 19-25 rods, s 78JÍ dejrrees, w 36 rods and ends 20 7-25 rods nortli and 21 rodss, 3 X degrees west trom the nortb-west corner of the s % of w % of n e 5i of section 26, lownhipof Augusta, a lotal distance of 476rods. Said .iob wil] be let by seotions. Tlie seetion at the outlet of the drain wiU be lei'flrst and the remaining sections in their order up stream, in aceordance witu the diagram now on flle with the other papers pertaining to said drain, in the office of the County Drain Commissioner, to which reference may be had by all parties intereBted, and bids will be made andreceived accordingly. Contracts will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate secunty forthe p Tformanee of the work, in a siim then and tliere to be nxed by me, reservlng to myself the right to re.iect any and all bids. Thedate for the eompletion of such contract, and the terms of payment therefor, shall beannounced at the time and place of letting. Notioeis further hereby given.thatat the time and place of said letting, or at eucb í ■L tlme ancl p.lafie tliereai'ter to which I, the Drain Commissioner af'oresaid, may adJourn tho sapie, the assessments for benefits and the lands comprised witliin the "Maybee Dram Special Assessment District," wil! be subject to review. The following is a desciiption of the severa) tracts or pareéis of land constituting the special assessment district of said drain, viz: W H ofswx sec. 23, w M of e ' of s w % sec. , e Vi of e Yi of s vr Ü sec. 23. w U of w % of s e M sec 2'i, e 2 of w % of s e sec. 23, e 'A of - e Í4 sec. 2í, n 30 acres of n w Yi sec. B s fa of S.w '-i,of u w H an(l n M of s w 54 of n w '4 sec. fí, n 10 acres of s 00 acres of e & of n w ii sec. 2b, s oO acres of w M of n e H of sec. 26, 40 acres in n w corner of neJiof sec. 26. 20 acres in n e corner of w yt of n e !4 sec 26, s 30 acres of w 54 ot n e X sec. 2B, e '2 of n e 4 sec 26. s 4 of w ', of n w fei sec. ?3, s w % sec. 26, w ! of se Vi sec 26, s 60 acres of e Vt of s e '4 6ec. "26 n 20 acres of e '4 of s e ü sec. 26, w V, of w Ú of s w X sec. 24, e 14 of w % of s w u sec. 24 seï of s w H sec. 24, 36 acres of w part of n 53 ncres of n w yt of sec. 25, 17 acres of e part of u 5d acres of n w li sec. 25, 27 acres of s part of a'A ofnwvi sec. 25, n % of s % of n w U sec. o, s M ot s V2 of n w M sec. 25, n Vi of n V% of s w X sec. 25, s y% of n i4 of s w Ja sec. 25, s 54 of 5 w % sc. 25, w H of n e X sec. 25, s e % of n e Si sec. 2o, n e 54 of n e X sec. 25, w !4 of e ec. 5o, e Yi of s e 54 sec. 25, n e X of n w 5í sec. 6, n w '4 of n e % sec. 36, n w H, of n w 5.Í sec. b, n e 5i of n e sec. 35, n w 14 of n e k sec. ■;, n e H of n w 54 sec 35, n w 14 of n w 14 sec. 15 also the Township of Augusta at large. Dated this 27th day ot August, A. U. 1897 D. W. BARRT, vounty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw, Estáte of Jos=ph Wagner. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT kJ ol' Washtenaw, ss. At a session ol' the Probate Court íor the Countv of Washtenaw, holdea at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the 7th day of September, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyseven. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Jiidge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Wagner deceased, Ou reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of Joaeph Wagner.Jr., praying that'admioistraüon of said estáte may be granted to Emauuel Wagner, or someother suitsble person. Thereupon it is ordered thát Tuesdav, the 5th dav of October next, at 10 o'olock ín tl'.e forenoon, beasíigned for the heariug cif said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona interested in said estáte, are reqjired to appeav at a aession of said court, then i be holden at the probate office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, il'any there be.whv t.o prayer ofthe petitiouershould not be granted AuU itis furtber ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of thu pendeney of said petition, and the hearing tliereof by causing a copy of this order to be imblished in the Ann Arbor Argiis, a uewspaper prmted and circulated in said eounty, three succestive wecks previous tosuíd dav nf hcariue H. WIET JPWKIRK, ... Jud?e of Probate. (A truecopy.) P. J . Lehman, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News