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Miss Mary Bell is in Cleveland this I week. Miss Mary Lchr is visiting iu Wayrie this week. Mis. T. W. and Miss Neilie Mingay are visiting frieuds in Flint. Miss Panline Schmid is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frohn, of Detroit. Wallace G. Palmer, the State st. drnggist, is renovating nis store. Mrs. E. Daley, of Detroit, is visitiug at tbe home of B. St. James. M. L. Stevens, of Lyndon, is a new resident of Ann Aruor at 51 S. Divison st. W. E. Walker has been in the city from Zukey Lakefor a few days on business. B. B. Johuson, ex-secretary of the Y. M. C. A., has returned to his home afc Owosso. Eev. and Mrs. Henry Tatlook will retarn home from their visit in the East tomorrow. Gottlob F. Bueobler, of Jaokson, visited his mother and brothers ia this oity on Sunday. Miss Emma VVeinmann has returned ome from a four weeks' visit in Deroit and Poutiac. Miss Helen Georg has returned from a vacation visit of several weeks at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Miss Jennie M. Hsrey, with Schairer & Millen, is takirig a fonr weeks' vacation at Portage Lake. Miss Esther HarrisoD, of Pittsfield, has retorned from a week's outing at Maokinao and the Soo. Mrs. 3. H. Hyde and son Ray, of Riverside, Cal., are visiting Ann Arbor relativos and friends. Mrs. Lawreuce 'OToole has been the gnest of her son, Dr. ,7. H. O'Toole in Detroit, dnriiig the week. Mrs. Eliza and Miss Mamie Bill, with Miss Sara O'Brien, are spending the week at Portage Lake. Mrs. Anna B. Huestin, of Chicago, las moved to this city, and has leased the house 25 Paokard st. Miss Dinx Dunster has gone to Dollar Bay, Houghton county, where she will teach the ooming year. Rev W. W. Wetniore attended tbe funeral of bis cousin, Mrs. Frederiok Wetmore at Detroit Sunday. John Gillen, of Saline, was in Howell yesterday in the interests of the Washtenaw countys big fair. J. McKinnou and faruily have removed from Saline to Ann Arbor and have ujoved into 411 S. Fifth ave. Mrs. W. J. Miller and daughters and her motber, Mrs Tagge, have gone to Grand Kapids for a two weeks' visit. S. R. Cook left Wednesday morning or Lincoln, Neb., where he goes to acept a position iu the University there. Fred T. McOmber, who had beeD pending his vacaiton with Dr. Cari Wardeo, at Ishpeming, returned home ?riday. Mrs. R. H. Kempf and tbe Misses Marie, Rntb and Emilie Durheira went o Whitmore Lake Wednesday for a hort stay. Heury Geismer and Harry Ribbe, of ;he class of '97, have gone to Birininglam, Alabama, to eDgage in civil engieering work. Probate Judge H. Wirt Newkirk and amily have moved into their fine new esidence at the corner of M. State and D. Ann sts. Mr. ana Mrs. M. J. Cavanaugh went to Paw Paw last Friday to visit Mr. Caavnaugh's brother, and retnrned home Tuesday. Dr. Frank E. Logan, of the dental department, retnrned Tnesday frora Put-in-Bay, where he has, been praotic ing this sumrner. Mrs, T. B. Preston has retnrned t her borne in Ionia after a two weeks visit with her rnother, Mrs. Wm. Can well, of Cbnbb st. W. E. Eldert has been appointed bag gageman at the Anu Arbor railroad depot and goes about tho job like an oíd hand at the business. Mra. Emma Fogerty and her trim iners, the Miases Rose Weitbrecht and Minnie Keinper, left Thnrsday evening for Detroit and Cleveland. Miss Mary Carson, wbo graduated from the high school last June, left yesterday to accept a position in one of the North Carolina schools. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Braun, of Ann Arbur town, have gone to Grane Rápida where they will spend a few days with Mrs. G. A. Kraose. Miss Carrie Norton, of E. Ann st., left Monday for a shurt vaoation wbich she will spend with friends at Fenton, and other places in the vicinity. Dr. W. P. Luugershansen and Mr. Hugo Waltzer, who have been the guests of Mrs. M. Weinmann and farnily, have returned to their home in Mt. Clemens. Miss Martha Taylor, teacher of Germán in the high school at Terre Haute, Iud., is visiting her home here, on her way back from a summer's stay iu Europe. Rev. O. B. Roberts left Ann Arbor Satnrday and will rnake his home in Shiawassee county. His daughter, Miss Ida Roberts will remain in the city and complete her college work. Prof. and Mrs. F. C. Clark, who have been visiting his parents in Illinois, are spending a few days with Mrs. Clark's father, J. W Knight, before retorning to Columbus, Oiho. J. A. Polhemus celebrated his 87th auniversary on Wednesday, afc his home on S. Fonrth ave. Among those who were present were Mrs. Fostell, of Clinton, 81, and Mrs. Biglow, of Jackson, 84, Mrs. Steller, daughter of Mrs. Biglow, and her son, Frank, of Jackson. H. A. Danoer has gone for a trip np the lakes to Dnluth. Miss Lucile Goddard, who has beeu spending the summrwith her aunt Mrs. W. G. Doty, has returned to her home in Denver, Colo. The Misses Whitley and Miss Ethel Brook.of Detroit, have retnrned home after a two weeks' visit with Miss E. Harrison, of Pittsfield. Dr. Cari Warden, who has been practicing his profession at Ishpeming sinoe his graduation, wil] remove in a oonple of weeks to Nashville, Tenn. He is at present visiting friends in Aun Arbor. Ed. A. WalJaoe, of Granrt Rapids, who is well known to rnaüy in Aun Arbor, was married yesterday to Miss Amy J. Stebbins, of Cleveland, O. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News