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Tbs roads are dry and dusty. jirs. Cbas. Clark is quite ill. Miss Plorenoe Chapin has returned from her Ypsilanti visit. Mrs. Clarenoe Needham has returned frora her St. Jobns vsiit. Dr. and Mrs. Mesie have returned from their Memphis visit. Tbe Milan sohools opened Monday witb a large attendance. Bev. F. O. Jones is attending M. E. oonference this week. Mrs. G. R. Williams, who has been qnite ill, is on the convalesoent liet. Er Palmer is building a fine addition to bis boardng house on Talen st. Walter Aniba leaves this week for tbe Ferris Industrial school, at Big Bapids. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sill returned the last of the week from their Raisinville visit. Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Hafford oelebrated their golden wedding Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. K. Barnes and Miss Susie Knight have returned from their Detroit sojourn. Miss Maud Aniba will enter the freshman olass in the literary department of the U. of M. The Misss Lelia Kelly, Ceoil Gauntlett and Imo Whitmarsh left for school in Ann Arbor Monday. Ernest Throop, of Fenton, is the gnest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Throop, ofDexterst., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hooker have moved from the Bennett house, on County St. , to Mr. Newell's house, en First st. The Mises Iva and Nina Lockwood sang a beautiful duet at the Baptist churoh Sunday evening. Miss Lelia Kelley aocompaning them on the organ. Mr. and Mrs, J. Spragne returned to their home in Ann Arbor the last of the week after a pleasant visit of a few weeks with Attorney and Mrs. G. R. Williams. Kev. J. P. Hutohinson and daughter, uf Ann Arbor, will give a parlor entertainment of a literary charaoter in the near future for the benefit of the Presbyterian ohurch. O. A. Kelley, of Milán, and W. N. Youngs, of Belleville, have purohased the drng stook of the Heath Bros. and will oontinue business at the old stand. W. N. Yonngs is a druggisc and pharmacist and has taken charge of the store. Chas. Clark's hack was badly demolished Saturday by the horses who took it into their heads to take an impromtueraoe down Wabash st. No one hnrt but the feelings of the proprietor, who looked unutterables at the promiscnons pieces. The following Milanites have been oonverted into teachers and are teaching: Anna Delaforce, Detroit, Nellie Delaforce, preoeptress at the Dexter high sohool, Annie Brown at Ealeighville, Hattie Jaoobs in the Wright school, Clareace Wisdom, principal of the Dushville school, James Clark at Shelby, May Bell at Azalia, Stella Ward in the Eedner distriot, Bessie Head iu the Lee district. At the annual election of Milan Chapter, No. 10(5, O. E. S., held Tnesday evening of last week the following officers were chosen for the ensning year: Worthy matron, Mrs. Belle Zimruerman ; worthy patrón, C. M. Debenham ; assooiate matron, Mrs. Cora Clark ; secretary, Frank I. Ross ; treasnrer, Mrs. Catherine Sill ; conductress, Mrs. Mary Kelley; assooiate conductress, Mrs. Ella Bray. The officers will be installed next Tuesday evening by Past Worthy Patrón A. B. Smith. Mrs. Catherine Sill, Mrs. Mary Kelley, and Mrs. Alzina Wilson were chosen as altérnate delegates to the grand ohapter.