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Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moss are visitors at Maple Rapids. Mrs. N. M. Holzheiruer is visíting frieuds iu Sagiuaw. Mrs. Henry Tatloek retmned froin her eastern trip Wèdnesday. Mrs. S. Wreek, of Laiising, ig visitiug friends here in Ann Albor. Prof. E. F. Johnson has been visiting bis farm in Van Wert, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Engene Mutschel have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. S. W. Beakes retnrned from a weeK at Whitmore Lake, yesterday. Samuel Kinne is borne from Colorado visiting bis father Jndge E. D. Kinaa. Mrs. Lottie Medaris is spending her vacation at her oíd home, Toledo, Obio. Mrs. J. M. Kaylor, of Beakes st., s visiting her parents in Eoohester N Y. Mr. aud Mrs. J. Fred Staebler and danghter, Clara, visited in Saline San day. George Hailer, of Van Wert, Ohio, has been ia the city visiting his par ents. The Miases Kate and Mary Kearney liave been spending the week in Detroit. Wallace G. Palmer and Jos. H. Bal1 spent the latter part of last week in Detroit. Charles Wagner and faraily have retnrued from their, su'rnmer onting at Wequetonsing. A. A. Meath has retnrned from a trip to Chicago, Milwaukee and other points in Wisconsin. Miss Lon. Rank ánd Artbur Martin, of Jaokson, spent Sunday, with Anna Wesch an Second st. Mrs. W. G. Classen and daughter, of Edmnnd, Oklahoma Territory, are visiting in this city. Mrs. Ida Cadwell, of Adrián, is visiting her cousin, Miss Carrie Watts, of 331 E. Liberty st. Miss Irene Goddard is spending the week in Detroit, the guest of her cousin, Geo. H. Snow. Mrs. Louise G. Miner and Miss Gott left yesterday for a week's visit with Mrs. Dr. Snker, of Toledo. Fred Aasfcin, who has been clerking in Goodyear & Co. 's drug store, is now olerking for Eberbaoh & Son. Miss Molly Carstens, of Chicago, has been spending a few days witb Miss Mary Qross at 95 S. First st. Henry N. Loud, of Au Sable, founder of the Wesleyau Guild oourse of lectnres, was in Aan Arbor Sdnday. Mrs. M. J. Mitchell, of División st., bas gone to Brantfoid, Ont., where she will visit for sOme time. Dr. and Mrs. Martin retnrned Monday from W o i tin ore Lake aocompanied by the doctor's father and rnother. Mrs. A. L. Flagg, of S. Thayer st, after a four weeks' visit at Grand Haven, has returned to Ann Arbor. Charles Stark, of Frankfort, is visiting bis mother and other friends in the city and resting up a sprained ankle. Miss Alabel Sawyer, who has beea visiting relatives here for a few weeks, has retarned to her home at Benningtou. Miss Clara Alber has goue to Dollarville, Mioh., to take a position as bookkeeper in a lumber office at that place. Dr. W. H. Jackson, the dentist, left Tuesday with bis family for a week's vacation at the lakes north of this placo. Mrs. Do Volson Wood, of Hoboken, N. J., was the guest of Mrs. H. S. Cbeever and other friends in the city the early part of tnis week. Peter Dignan, a former Ann Arborite, now a snccessful business man and alderman of Jacksonville, Fla., is in the city calling on old friends. Rev. B. L. McElroy, pastor of the First M. E. church has been in Port Hnron this week attending the meeting of the Detroit conference there. Alvick A. Pearson, of the Times, retnrned home fruni his European trid Mouday looking hale and hearty anp feeliug altogether pleased with his trip. City Treasurer E. L. Seyler spent Sunday at the home of George Hughes near South Lyon. Mrs. Seyler is visiting at the farm and will remain there for some time. Miss May Cooley will leave Ann Arbor the latter part of this month and will go to Chicago whete she will study kindergarten inethods at the Kinderearten Collese. Mïs. E. F. Benham was called to Wayne Tuesday morniug by tbe serióos illuess of her daughter Mrs. Mame Paraba. Mrs... Parshall's many friends in Anti Arbor will be pleased to learn that her conditioiis at present much improved. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Bennett gave a pleasant progressive whist party to a number of ftiends Friday eveoing. Mrs. B, F. Watts wou the ladies' prize Ed.Eberbaeh won the gentlemau's prize and Will Watts captnred the booby. All had a delightful evening. E. F. Mills returned frora New York Satnrday where he had been buyiüg a stook of fall and winter gouds. His clerks say that it seems as if he was the most popular man in town since he carne back, to judge by the number of callera he has had. Probably due to his election as a member of the school board. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watts, Mrs W. W. Watts and Mrs. W. G. Doty wero in Ypsilauti Thnrsday evening of last week attending a meeting of Ypsilanti Chapter, No. 131, O. E. S., and witnessed the initiation of Dr. and Mrs. L. M. James and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vail into the order. A banquet followed the initiation.