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ATHENS THEATER LOUIS J. LJSEMER, Manager. ANN ARBOR, ... jtflCH. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursday, Septt 30, '97 Chas. E. Blaney's Big Extravaganza Success, ! BOT WANTED TWO BIG SHOWS. Tlie Funniest Comedy on the Road. 40 - PEOPLE - 40 a Carload oï Soubrettes, More JIusic Thau a Comic Opera. A Colossai Entertainment. Combining all that is New, Reflned, Bright Novel and Elabórate. Mammoth Olio of Vaudeville Stars. Prices- Gallery 25c. Balcony 35C, Dress Circle 50c, Parquet 75c.' Reserved seats on sale at Wahr's Book Store on Main st. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a certain mortgage (whereby the power of sale therein cootained has become (operative) made and executed by Coorad Lehn and Catherine Lehn, his wife of the first part. to Henry Smith.of thesecond part, bearing date the 8th day of March, A. D 1890, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the 12th day of March, A. D. 18CD, in Liber 73 of mortgages on page 358, and the sum of four thousand three hundred and ninety-eight and seventytwo hundredths dollars being now claimed to be due upon thedebt secured by said mortgage, and no suit having been instituted at law to recover the debt so secured or any part thereof. Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and for the purpose of realizing upon the debt thereby secured, together with the cost of these proeeedings, including an attorney fee and interest thereafter tó accrue, I will on the 26th day of October, A. D. 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court house in the city of Arm Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (that being the place where the circuit court for said county is holden) sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, all that certain piece or pareel of land, sitúate and being in the Village of Manchester, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, described as follows, viz: A strip of land twenty-two feet wide off the easterly side of lot three (3;, in block thrce (3) of said village of Manchester, according to the recorded plat thereof. HENRY SMITH, FRED B. WOOD, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee. Dated, Aug. 3, 1897. Notice of Drain Letting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I, D. W. Barry, County Drain Commisioner of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, will, on the 14th duy of September, A. D. 1897, at the lower end of drain, in the Township of Augusta, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for the cleanIng out of a certain drain known ffi' d degignated as "The Maybee Drain," located and established in the sud township of Augusta, and described as follows to wit: Commencing north 41 degrees, west 22 10-25rods from the s e corner of the w y of the n e H of section 2ó, town 4 s. range 7 e.and running thence as follows: North 46H degrees, w 25 rods, s S4Í4 degrees, w 21 4-5 rods, s 83 degrees. w 54 1-5 rods, s 45 degrees, w 69 rods. w 15 3-25 rods, n 57 degrees, w 9 i 4-5' rods, n 57'4 degrees. w 44 '18-25 rods, n 63 degrees. w 38 17-25. rods, n 71 Vi degrees, w 24 14-25 rods, n t7H degrees, w 56 19-25 rods, s 73Jí degrees, w 3fi rods, and ends 20 7-25 rods north and 21 rods s, 73 M degrees west from the nortb-west corner of the s % of w M of n e'i of section 26, Township of Augusta, a total distance of 476 rods. Said job will be let by sections. The section at the outlet of the drain will be let first, and the remaining sections in their order up stream, in accordance with the diagram now on file with the other papers pertaining to said drain, in the office of the County Drain Commissioner, to which reference may be had by all parties interested, and bids will be made and received aceordingly. Contracts will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate secunty for the performance of the work, in a sum then and there to be fixed by me, reservingto myself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of such contract, and the terms of payment tlierefor, shall beannounced at the time and place of letting. Notice is f urther herehy given, that at the time and place of said letting, or at, such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Drain Commissioner aforesaid, mayadjourn the same, the assessments for benefits and the lands comprised -within the "Maybee Dram Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The following is a description of the several tracts or pareéis of land constituting the special assessment district of said drain, viz: W Va of s w Ji sec. 23, w y2 of' e % of s w % sec. 23, e V% of e !4 of s w sec. 23. w H of w lA of s e H, sec 23, e ', of w' of 6 e ü sec. 23, e '- of s e M sec. 23, n 30 acres of n w l4 sec. 26, s !4 of n w M o( n w K and n ys of s w M of n w M sec. 26, n 10 acres of s 60 acres of e y2 of n w % sec. 26, s 50 acres of wtJoIneK of sec. 26, 40 acres in n w corner of neü of sec. 26, 20 acres in n e corner of w 'A of n e Ü sec 20, s 30 acres of WiOfneM sec. 26, ei4oíne4 sec 26. s X of w'jofn w J4 sec. 26, s w sec. 2(5, w % of se H sec 26, s 60 acres of e H of s e li sec. 26, n 20 acres of e' ofse! sec. 26, w % of w % of 8 w i sec. 24, e H of w H of s w 14 sec. 24, s e Ü of s w Í4 sec. 24. 36 acres of w part of n 53 acres ofnivK ot sec. 25, 17 acres of e part of n 53 acres of n w i sec. 25, 27 acres of s part of n % of n w M. sec. 25, n H of s 4 of n w X sec. 25, s V4 of siiofnwM sec. 25, n ■ of n Í4 of s w Vi sec. 25, s y% of n yt of 8 w 4 sec. 25, s bi of swü sec. 25, w Í4 of n e M sec. 25, s e i of n e Vi sec. 25, n e 14 of n e U sec. 25, w '2 of s e J4 sec. 25, e'iOÍseSi sec. 25, n e M of 11 w i sec. 36, n w M of n e 14 sec. 36, n w ü of n w M sec. 36, n e Vi of neü sec. 35, n w & of n e 54 sec. 35, neüotnw! sec. 35, n w M of n w 54 sec. 35, also the Township of Augusta at large. Dated this 27th day of August, A. D. 1897. D. W. BARRY, County Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. Estáte of Joseph Wagner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the 7th day of September, in the year one tbousund eight huudred and niaetysevefl. Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Wagner, deceased, On reading and flling the petitiou, duly verified, .of Joseph Wagner, Jr., prayiug that admioïstration of' said estáte muy be granted to Emanuel Wagner, or some other suitabie person. Theruupon it ia ordered that TuOBday, the 5th day of Octoburnext, at 10 o'olock 111 tlie forenoon, be 883igned for the heftring of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons ioterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then tobe holden at the probate office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cause, If any there be.why the prajer of the petitiouershould notbe granted. And it is furtber ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ot' said petition, and the hearing thereof by cfiusirjg a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to snid dav of hearing. II. WIRT NEWK1RK, Judge of Probate. (A truecopy.) P. J . Lehman, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
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