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Mrs. Will Salyer bas been on the siok list. Miss N. Morley, is teaohing at Waterloo. Mrs. C. S. Whitmau is spendiug a few flays at Frankfort. Boru, ou Wennesday, to Mr. and -Mrs. P. F. Reimold, a son. Robert Gerner, of Detroit, spent Snnday witb his sister iu tfais city. Nat Duffy bas accepted th position of coaoh to the Hillsdale footbalJ team. Mina Leab Niobols entertained tbe Pittsfleld C. E. society, Prid"ay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joba D. Boylan have refcurned boine from their New York visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wagner Jeft Weduesday night for Topeka, Kas., for a tbree weeks' visit. Dr. M. L., Ernestv Louisa and Amauda Belser, of Forest ave., are sick vitti malarial íever. Henry Meuth, of Detroit st., goes nat of the butcher busiuess tomorrow. He expects to go ou tbe road. Prof. C. E. Greene returned from 3augor, Me.,Tuesday evening wheie he as beeu spending his vacatiou. Karl E. Harrimau, of tbe Detroit Joaraal, speut Suuday witb bis pareuts Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Harriman. Howe A. Williams left Wednesday for New York city to enter the Art school there for a winter of stndy. Mrs. Cena Depne was in Hamburg Wednesday to attend the funeral of her nephew, the infant son of Mortimer H. Twitchell, of that plaoe. After a resideuce of 30 years in Ann Arbor Mrs. John Moore left Friday for Detroit to rnake her future home with her daughter Mrs. McKean. Mr. and Mrs J. S. Gillespie have sold their resideuce on S. Ingalls st. to Dr. B. B. Sudworth, and will move back to tbeir old home in Oaro. Miss Ina Gregg, of Marquette, for several years clerk at the Aun Arbor post office, is spendiug a few days in the city with her rnother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jobii Allrnendinger, of Buffalo, N. Y., who have been visiting Miss Elizabeth and Frank Allmendínger returned home Wednesday. Prof. J. G. HalapIaiD, founder of the Ohio Naval Academy, was in Ann Arbor ou business Tnesday and Wednesday. He says prospeots are good for his school. Mr. aad Mrs. W, G. Classen, of Edmuud, Oklahoma, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Mills. Tbey expect to lócate in this city. Mrs. Classen and Mrs. Mills are sisters. Gaorge R. Cooper, W. J. Kirby and Sid Bangs, three bicyoling printers, retnroed home the Jatter part of last week from a three weeks' bicycie trip to Niágara Falls and return. Prof. C. H. Cooley was in Flint Thnrsday of last week to see his father Judge Cooley. The judge'p health has considerably improved and he has gained three pounds in weight. Mre. Floreuee S. Babbitt, of YpsiJanti, senior vioe president department of Michigan, W. JR. C, attended the foDrth district oonventioD, VV. R. C, at Elsie, Wednesday, and delivered ao address, Mr. and Mrs. George Ottley, of Geddesave., celebrated the 12th anniveisary of their wedded life Tnesday evening among a company of their friends who had been invited for the occasion. Dr. R. S. Copeland attended the M. B. confereuce at Port Hurón Saturday and arldressed the ministers present on the snbjeet of the Wesleyan Guild in connefctiou with the Methodist church in tfais city. L. A. Pratt, secretary of the Inland Press Co., is now also its bookkeeper, havini? taken the place vacated by fí. C. McAllaster when be accepted the secretaryship of the ü. of M. Alumni Aspooiatiofl. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kyer retnrued home Sanday from their European trip and report having had a very pleasant time and a thoroughly eDJoyable trip both ways aoross tbe ocean. "Xever missed a meal" N. J. says. Prof. and Mra. L. D. Wines were the victims of a snrprise party on the part of several of their friends Tuesday evening, who called to remind Mrs. Winea that it was her birtbday. The visitors brongbt the refresbments and a pleasant evening reeulted. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weit and danghter, of Masón, Iowa, are spending a few days witb Mrs. Weii's parents, Mi. and Mra. Henry T. Purfield, of 8. Ingalls st. Mr. Weir bas dieposed of hie business interests in Masou and will enter the practioe of law in Detroit. Z. D. Soott, of Dulnth, Minn., graduated frorn the ü. of M. 23 years ago, rnarried a yonng lady who was in the same olass and they last week visited Ann Arbor again to enter their danghter as a freshman in the same institution in wbioh they got their degrees. Brnno St. James and family, Miss Emilie Qruner and the employees in Mr. St. James' dry goods store spent Suuday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nanry in Superior. They had a merry time and the kindest of entertainment from their good natured host and hostess. After dinner the time was agreeably spent in singiug, music and recitations, in wbich Mr. St. James, Miss Grnner and Miss Bertha Christmann took part. , Lyman Bloss will spend the winter at the home of Spencer Svveet. He is 91 years old, served in the Black Hawk war and the Rebellion and is hale and hearty. He bas never ridden in a railway car bnt once and vralked in from Plymouth Friday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News