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Athens Theater Attractions

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"If there lived a rnan who could real)y know in advance just whafc the public would say of an ontried play, he conld open an office aud charge a bundred dollars a minute for his time. And he would have it all taken." This was the rather empbatio statement of Walker Whiteside, the tragediau, when asked about tbe new play he was to produce iu Pittsburg, Sept. 6, for the first time on any stage. Experience only teaches how hopelessly impossilbe it is to prophesy pnblic opinión." Mr. Whiteside went on. "All tbe honest actor can do is to do bis best and await the verdict as calinly as possible. Tbat is what I bave 'doue aud shall do. I have secured a play carefnlly aud brilliantly dramatized by a prominent writer, from one of the foremost novéis of tbe day, Stanley WeymanTs, "The Man in Black." I have surrounded mysalf with a sterling company of experienced actors, one of them, Mr. Frederick Paulding, having long been a sacnessfu! star. My tour vvill be under tbe direction of Mason Mitchell. I have had special scenery and costumes made and rehearsed the oompany carfally. I shall throw all my interest and all my ability into the dual role. Mr. Whiteside will appear at tbe Atbens Theater Monday night next, Sept. 27, in this play "The Man in' Black."


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