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The Fair A Success

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Today is the closing day of the big Washtenaw county fair and if the interest in it keeps up as well today as it has done the other three days the management hopes to chronicle a flnanoial success. The entries in every depart.ment but tbat of cattle have been enormous and the limited space at the disposal of the snperintendents has been crowded to overflowing, and taken altogether it bas been one of the most socv cessful fairs ever held in Ann Arbor. All Tuesday and part of Wednesday was devoted to rhe reoeption and arrangement of the entries in the several departments and Superintendent Mills and President Leiand were ubiquitous iu their atteution to the wants of all, being ably assisted by the various superintendents of departments. In the cattle department the showing is a siaall one. Pacey & Smith, of Scio, aud D. B. Kelly, of Ypsilanti, have good herds of Durham and grade oattle, including aged cows, three and two year oíd heifers, yearlings, calves and bulls. Horses, sheep and swine are largely represented and some fine specimens are shown. The puultry department is overflowing and there aie not coops euongh to hold all the exhibits. In the dairy aud culinary department the housewives of the county have ontdone their former excellent work and the show of bright golden butter, light bread and oake, and toothsome canned and preserved fruits is most appetizing to behold. The displays of potted plants and cut flowers is confinad to a few eshibitors the principal one being Cousins & Hall, the florists, who oarry off 10 flrst and I oue second prize. The fine arts departmeot contains rnany beautifnl as well as diifionlt specimens of ladies, nandiwork, ainong which was particnlarly uoticeable the hand painfcad china oollections of Miss Amanda E. Reyer, of Ann Arbor, Miss Ida aLtrhop, of Pittsfleld, and Mrs. R. Spooner, of Ypsilanti. The ingenious handiwork and tireless patience exhibited by one lady iu the making of two quilts from very small fragments of cloth, is also well worthy of mention. As a whole the display of needlework was very good, and the paintings in oil and water urs were rnuoh admired. Tbe farm and garden department had numerous eDtries of good exhibits, the fine vegetables being espeoially prominent on account of the poor seasou for garden stuff. In this department was sbown corn in the stalk 12 feet high and over, heads of oabbage 18 iucbes across, mangold wurtzels of mamrnoth proportions, while the oaions, potatoes, carrots, etc, were beauiful specimens of their kind. George E. Sperry, of Pittsfield, had two ears of yellow dent of whioh weighed 1 ponnd 9iounces and the other 1 ponnd 8J-2 ounces. The mammoth citrona, as big as medium sized watermelons, shown by Mr. Hauaner, of Aun Arbor town, were admired by all. The fruit department, in view of the poot season, has some good specimens in it, but not by any meaus eqaal to those of former years. In the mechanical department Walker & Co. , of Ann Arbor, have a fine display of carriages, harnesses and horse furnishings. The principal exhibits are a two seated Stanhope surrey, a bandeóme phaeton, and a bnggy with ball bearing axle. Other exhibitors are Hurd & Holmes, of Ann Arbor, and Jacob Struin, of Saline. Esslinger Bros., Ann Arbor, have a fiue oase of hand made and polished horse shoes, and Wrn. Wenger shows two bicycles of his own make. In the ruerchants' displays Eberbach & Co., show hardware and house furn ishings. They also have a guessing contest as to how long a oandle 5 feet high and 5 inches thick will burn. The winner will receive a f25 stove. Fred Rentschler exhibits a fine lot of photographs, and Edwards & Dowler are also exhibitors in the same line. The Ann Arbor Musio Co. and J. F. Sohaeberle show pianos, organs and musioal merchandise, besides furnishing free conoerts for all who will listen. The Ann Arbor Mandolín and Quitar Club, playing on Bobman iustruments were the center of attraction in J. F. Schaeberle's corner of the fine arts building Thursday afternoon. Mr. Sohaeborle is the local agent for the Bohmau instrnments. One of the most iuteresting features is the relies of the civil war shown under the oharge of Welch Post, G. A. R. and which attracted a great deal of attention. . Wednesday was school day at the fair and theexhibition made by tha school of Wasbtenaw county under the direction of School Commissioaer Lister, was a good one. Before 10 o'clock in the rnorning the country schools began to arrive in gaiJy decorated wagons and wheu the parade was foruied on tbe fair gronnd there were 18 schools in line. Pittsfield, No. 27 'a, Miss Carrie Revel, teaoher, won the first prize. Saline, No. 2, Miss Irene Young, teacher, won the second, and Ann Arbor town, No. 3, the third prize in this display. The schools thac received honorable inention by the jndges for this display were Scio, No. 5, Scio No. 3, Superior No. 4, Scio No. 10, Northfield No. 6, An2 Arbor No. 7, Saline No. 8, Saline No. 7, Saline No. 3, Salem No. 2, and Salem No. 1. Saline No. 10, Miss Cora Young, teacher, took the prize for the best appearing school off the wagon, and Salern No. 1, Miss .Leiand, teacher, got the prize for singiDg on the wagon. The rhetorical contests were held after the parade in the large tont of the Ann Arbor Music Cornpany, and the prizes were awarded as follows: Mabel Wood, of Lodi No. 5, had no one to oppose her and took first prize for reading. Lulu Pairbanks, of Saline No. 1, took the prize for declamation. Salem No. 1 was awarded the prize in the singiug contest, and Eva Schaker, of the Saline Union school won the first prize for spelling. The Saline Union school and district No. 11, York and Augusta, were the only two exhibitors in raap drawing, kindergarten and manuscript work, and carried off the honors between them.tbe forrner taking the first prizes. The judges of the field display were Prof. B. O, Austin, of Saline, Col. Dean and F. J. Dansingburg, of Ann Arhnr The judges of the rhetorica] contests were Miss Mills, of Ann Arbor, Mra. John K. Campbell, of Angosta, and Miss Fellows, of Mooreville. Followiug this carne excelleDt addresses by ex-Connty School Cominissioneis Cavanaogh and Wederneyer, which were fnll of forcible coinments on ruatters of general interest to the edocational interests of the connty School Coiuuiissioner Lister introdoced each speaker in a few pleasant words. At 1 o'clock a cavalcade of the live stock exhibits was made on the raoe track headed by Becker's Band. The balance of the afternoon was taken up with the special attractions and horse races. Yesterday was Farmers' Day and the country people turued out en masse. It was estimated at 3 o'clock that over 7,200 admission tickets had been sold aud it is thought by good jndges that the crowd nurubered fully 10,000 people. The speakers espectód to be present did not materializo and Gov. Pingree who was to greet his Washteuaw friends could uot stretch bis hand this far as he is in Venezuela. Bnt everyone took things good naturedly and put in their best licks to have a good time. At 10 a. m. the Cheqnamegon orchestra gave a concert in tbe Ann Arbor Music Co. 's big tent and Frank Mclntyre and Ray Warreu sang solos. Tbe afternoou performances began at 1 o'clock, the music being furnished by the Superior Grauge Band. By 2 o'clock, the bonr set for the marriage of Mr. Otis E. Killenbeck and Miss Nellie Ferugson, of Ypsilauti, the grand stand was packed, jarnmed and running over with people anxious to see the ceremony. Every other part of the grounds in that immediate vicinity was also crowded with people. The wedding party was a small one consisting only of the officiating minister, Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Ypsilanti, the bride and groom and Mrs. Ellen Beaudrie, a near relative of Miss Ferguson. Supt. F. E. Mille acted as usher and after the marriage knot was tied the minister saluted tbe bride in the most approved style. At the conclusión of the ceremony Mrs. Beaudrie, by request, sang an original song of congratulation, bnt her efforts to sell the words at 10 cents a copy did not seem to meet with very great success. Followiug the wedding carne sorne more of the special attractions, 2 :30 trotting race and a 3 :25 pace, the judges for which were E. J. Helber, Dr. Nowlin and F. B. Brauu. Frank Bntterfield, of Whitroore Lake, was starter. This afteruoon the stores in the city will be closed and the clerks and others will he given au opportuuity to wituess the fair. The program is a good one.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News