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Robert Hutzel, of Detroit, spent Sunday in the city. Frederick K. Strnm, of Monroe, is visiting Ann Arbor friends. Prof. A. A. Stanley has returned frorn his summer's trip to Europe. Miss Gertrude Suöderland is teaching in the Flint high school this year. Mrs. M. Brenner spent several days of last week with relatives in Chelsea. Mrs. John Shaunou, sr. , has goue to Raoine, Wis., to attend a reunión of her family. Frecl H. Parsons, fonnerly with Tinker & Sou, is now iu the employ of Goodspeed & Sou. Mrs. Steiger and daughter, uf Michigan City, are visiting Mrs. J. J. Koch, of E. Washington st. Henry E. Ridley, of Cleveland, O., was in Ann Arbor for several days this week visisting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dietas, ol Chicago, have been visiting his parents on Ashley st., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Powell, of Pensacola, Florida, are visiting their sister, Mrs. C. A. Maynard. Mrs. Ottlie de Schweinitz, of Bethlehem, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. Sophia Hutzel, of W. Washington st. Clement Eberhardt was called to Dunkirk, Obio, last week on account of the serious illness of his father. A. A. Terry was called to Clinton, Iowa, Monday, by a telegram announcing the sickness of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hawkins, of Hammond, Ind., are visiting Mr. Hawkins' sister, Mrs. G. F. Key. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Maynard have been entertaning Mrs. M.'s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Foley, of Lansing. Miss Helen G. Wetmore has gone to New York City where she will spend the coming season in the study of art. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Townsend, of New Brighton, Pa., were guests of Aun Arbor friends Friday aud Saturday. Mrs. Narcena Bassett, mother of Mrs. Sophia Booth, of 482 E. Liberty st., celebrated her 90th birthday Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Breakey and Miss Owens, who have been visiting friends in Marshall, have returned home. Rev. J. T. Sunderland read a paper before the National Unitarian conference which met in Saratoga, N. Y., last week. Miss Emma E. Bower goes to Port Haron üext Monday to attend the National Fraternal Congress that comenes there next week. Mr. and Mrs. James Mnrnan returned Wednesday from their wedding trip and he is now on duty again as day clerk at the Cook house. Miss Katie Rinsey was the victim of a surprise from a number of her school friends Friday evening She was a willing victim, however, and all had a very pleasant evening Will Schatz, of Chelsea, who has been at Pot-in-Bay all summer, returned home last Satutday. He was in Ann Arbor yesterday attending the funeral of the late Edward A. Cadieux. Mr. and Mrs. tiuther Bovee and daughter, who have been visiting Mrs. Paris Banfield, have retnrned to their home in St. Augustine, Florida, taking their motber, Mrs. H. Bovee, with them to spend the winter. The Misses Jennie Bishop and Maggie Ferrier, of Ann Arbor, are visiting at their uncle's, John Sinuck, at Oakville. They both rode down as far as Whittaker on a single bike, one sitting on the handlebars. - Milan Leader. Prof. C. F. K. Bellows, formerly cf the State Normal school, is now with the Ellis Publisbing Company of Sattle Creek, as editor of two educational papers pubished by the company - "The New Educatiou" and "Learning by Doing." Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Larned are entertaining the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Beardsley, of Clarkston. Over 40 years have elapsed siuce Mr. B. last visited this city, during which time many changes have been wronght, the most noticeable of whicb, to him, are the many fine buildings on tbe campas, tbere being at tbat time nothing there exoept the oíd medical building. - Times. Mrs. Nancy Allen Lee, of Osccda, Mich., has been the goest of Mr. and Mrs. John Lowry fo.r several days. Mrs. Lee is one of the early pioneers of this county ooming from New York state with her husband, John Allen, as early as 1828. Mrs. Lee has uow reaohed the age of 87 years, with faculties well preserved and a genial, happy qüiet spirit that endears her to every one who is favorecí wjth her aqnaintance. Mrs. Le& left here nnattended to visit friends at Byron, Owosso, Laingsburg and other plaose before tnrning to her home.