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County Supervisors

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Thé Washtenaw county buaid of supetvisors commenoed its annual session Monday at 11 a. m., and after choosiug John L. Hnnter, rep., of Ypsilanti, as its teinporary ohairman, adjourned until 2 p. m. At that hour the board reassembled. Hirain Ligbtball, of Sylvan, was uomiaatecl by the detnooratic meinbers of the board for cbairnian, and the republicans chose as their caudidate John L. Hunter. Mr. Ijighthall was elected by a vote of 15 to 14. The election of a mernber of the board of school examiners was Eet for 2 p. m. Tuesday, aud the reoeption of the report of tbe drain corumissioner at 2:30 p. m. On motion of Alfred Davenport, of York, tbe basis of eqnalization for the county was fised at $25,000,000. Ernest E. Eberbach, of Ann Arbor, was elected chairman pre tem. and tbe board adjourned until 10 a. m. Tuesday. - Tuesday was a busy day for the board and considerable routine business was trausacted. Oae of the first things done was to act on a suggestion of Judge Newkirk and appoint a "Drain committee." The duty of the committee is to see that the meinbers tif the board are kept supplied witb smoking materia). It was thougbt to be a good thing and that a committee of one was as pood as a dozen, so Supervisor Millard, of the second ward of Ann Arbor was given tbe honorable position and he has kept the "drain" going pretty lively. It is needless to say that Judge Newkirk was one of the first men called on to supply the drain. Cbairman Lighthall anuounced his standing committees for the year as follows : Equalization: Davenport, Kitson, Howlett, Hunter. Walter. Criminal Claims No. 1: Whitaker. Case, Beach. Crimiual Claims No. 2: Voorheis, Fischer. Boyle. Civil Claims: Wood, Damon, Millard. To Settle wlth County Officers: Clark, Eberbach, Braun. On Salaries of County Officers: Donegan, Bibbins. Hall. On Apportionment of State and County Tax: Walter. Bailev, Wood. On Public Buildiñss: Millard, Krapf, Whitaker. On Rejected Taxes: Boyle, Damon. Dettling. To Examine Accounts of Supts. of Poor: Bibbins, Clark. Voorheis. On Finance: Howlett, Burtless. Donegan. On Fractional School Districts: Braun, Hauser. Beach. On Drains: Hall, Ostrander, Voorheis. On Printmst! Beach, Miner. Dettling. On Contasious Diseases: Huntèr, Whitaker, Kenny. On Per Diem: Dettling. Eberbach, Davenport. To Preparé Statement of Couuty Expenses: Clark, Miner. Howlett. The followiug special orders of busiüPss were fixed : Wednesday at 10 a. m. to hear report of jail inspectora. Wednesday at lla. in. to hear report of superintendent cf pooi'. Wednesday at 3 p. m. to elect janitor. Thursday at 10 a. m. to visit the couuty house. Au invitatiou was extended to the county officers and mernbers of the county press to joiu in the visit. Priday at 2 p. ro. to elect a superintendent of poor. Mcoday at 2 p. ra. to receive bids for medical atteudauce and medicine for the county jail, When the election of a mernber of the board of school examinéis to suoceed H. A. Dancer oame up in the afternoon thero were three candidates M. J. CavaDaugh, of Ann Arbor; Austiu George, of Ypsilanti, and R. O. Austiu, of Saliue. The vote stood Cavanaugh, 16; Austin, 10; George, 2. D. W. Barry, of Northfield, was reelected drain commissioner. On Wednesday the board was in session only a short time. The report of the superintendent of the poor, which was a special order of business for 10 a. m., was not ready and the hearing of it was put over uutil Mouday at 3 p. m., and the election of a superintendent to take the place of C. :H. Kempf whose time expires, will follow it. Marvin Davenport was re-elected janitor of the oourt house. Thursday moruing the board met and resolved itself iuto a cornmittee of the whole nuder the ohairmanship of Supervisor Beach and proceeded to pay its anuual visit to the poor heuse and farm. Tbey arrived there at lla. in. inspeoted the buildings and stock and after discussing a most substantial and appetizing ineal retnrned to Ann Art bor.


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