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Sí E. O. Allen is buildiug a tenant house on bis farm in Bridgewater. An atteinpt is being made to organize a camp of Modern Woodinen ija Dexter. Rev. Mr. Eagleston is the new pastor of the Webster Congregatioaal cbiirob. The Saline Farmers' Clnb will meet with A. . Cobb, of York, Friday, Nov. 5. Cry tal line Hi?e, L. O. T. M,, of Dexter, visited the Chelsea hive last evening. Martin Tranb, of Manohester, bas orders ahead for 14 water tanks for different farmers. A. Jager has opened up a new general store on the east side of the river at Manchester. ' Farmers in the vicinity of Dexter have been buying western sheep to feed through winter. John Doody, ao old resident of Dester township, is serionsly ül with but slight hopes of recovery. John Daraou bas bought Martin Ryan's farm of 40 acres on seotiou 2, Angnsta, paying therefor 81,300. Win. Buerle, of Chelsea, feil from a house on which he was working, Tnesday of last week, and broke his arm. Ea Howard, of Dexter, tiireshed (0 tmshels of clover Reed íd 11 hours the otber day on the farm of Gottlieb Benz of Webster. Misa Dura West, of Lima, had her cluthes line robbed Monday night of Jast vreek and is minus a qnantity of iaoushold linen. William, Walter and Henry Ballard, of Willis, have sold their interest in the old bomestead to their brother, Norman Ballard, for f3,000. While returuing home from a bunting trip Weduesday of last tweek George Sumnér, of Chelsea, accideotally shot off two of bis toes. The Milan Leader says: "Prosperity visited our bnsy village again eariy Monday morning and Jeft a 7,-ponnd boy at Frank Pollen's house." " A little fonr years old child of Heory Hay, of Angnsta, set fire to an oat stack and a hay stack belonging to its fatber and both weie destroyed. The t wo-story biick building on Main st., Dundee, tnown as the "Old Dnndee Dnion school honse," is being torn down. It was built in 1801. Tew, the man who swindled the farmers around Manchester iu a crearnery deal, is now working at the tailoring trade in the state prison at Jaokson. Miss May Trouten, only daugbter of Mr. aud Mrs. S. Trouten, of Chelsea, died at Dowagiac Oot. 8, aged 18 years. The funeral took place in Chelsea Oot. 11. Wm.Vanetter.of Dexter, had a bus-hel of potatoes on exiiibition at Yost's store last week in which tbere were ouly 49 potatofls. Tbey were of the Queen of the Vailey variety. Mrs. Anna Conde, of Mooreville, died Oct. 9, of inflamtnation of the bowels, and was buried Oot. 11 in the Ioor6ville cemetery, Kev. M. H. McMaban, assisted by Eev. F. O. Jones, conducted the services, Fire from a thresbing engihe destroyed two Jarge barns filled witb hay and grain ou the farm of J. V. N. Gregory in Lima. Ten horseg also bnrned. Gregory's loss ia $2,500. Fred Lucht, the tenant, lost $500. The new Maccabee hall at Alooreville is to be dedicated this evening. D. P. Markev, snpreme conamander, N. S. Boynton, suprerne record keeper, and other prominent:; jnembers of the order will condact the dedicatory services. Oeorge Hudson, of North Lake, was caught by the belt of Peter Gormau's engine, as he was trying. to tbrow it off, and being drawu up betweeo the wbeel and tbs belt bad bis wrist aud eibows sprained besides being otberwi-e bruised. A last year's Normal student arrived at Ypsilauti, Friday, in rags aud tatters. fiis fatber, who lives aear Jaokwa, seut him to school, but iustead he went ou to Boffalo, N. Y., to see a fornier lady !ove. 8be ïefused to have anything to do with binj, and be wrote back to In, ,nh(i f-jr ujouey. He acswered thut tia bail alwajs wislied to knowhow niiny ;, ve vvere between t!)l Lruik cuy and this place, aud tok) ;;is sou to cijuut them. The yonug man bact ti ngb but is safe at home at last. Miss Anua Guiñan is agaiu teaching 'he school in district No. 8, Freedoni. A b:ne raíer was kil'ed on the rnain stroet iu JJundee, Monclay, whicb was over fonr feet loug. Oot. !), Jacob Blum, of Bvidgewater, oelebrated bis 74tb tirthday aruong bis children and frieuds. Tbe Salino butter and cheese factory ootnmeueed opsrations Mouday woiuiug. It oost 14,000. Ernest Stafford, of BrookJyu, has pnrobased tbe deutal offices of Dr. Chadwick, iu Manchester. All kinds of priutiug for use by townsbip oflicers eau be obtaiued at the Argns office. Come and see ns. Jsrome Cola, of Ypailauti, was awaróed 15 dainages for injuries received in the Cross st. sewer coustrnctiOD. A yonne man from Clio is about to open np a barber shop in the rooms dow occupied by the post office at Manchester. Airs. Fred Shafer, daughter of Mrs. Savery, of ïpsilanti, lost ruusic and studio snpplies valnéd at 1,000 at the reoent big fire in Detroit. Mrs. Eugene Bassett, foimerly of Ypsilanti, died in Detroit Thnrsday of last week aud was boried in Highland cemetery, ypsilanti, Satnrday. The recital given by the pnpils of the Manchester school Wednesday eveniug t of last week, netted $19.50. It was ■well attended and highly appreciated. J. B. Wortley, of Ypsilanti, was in, itiated into the Pyfcbian degree of the Dramatic Order of the Knights of Khorassen at Hudson on Friday night. [ Towusbip treasurers will plee bear in mind that they can procure tax re. ceipts, printed and bonnd in best style at lowest prices at the Argus office. Give us a cali. Little Susie Howard, of Sharon, was ; playiug aronnd a log in the school yard f District No. 9. the other day, with somo other ehildreu, wheu she was 1 thrown off it and her arm was broken. A missiouary meeting wlll be held at St. John's church, Eogers' corners, Preedom, next Sunday. Revs. Eisen, of Detroit, Bnehler, of Adrián, Wildi, uf Francisco, and Irion, of Freedom 1 will speak. E. E. Oshaud, a oarpenter of Ypsilanti, had 40 worth of tools stolen from a bouïe on which be was working. The theft was oommitted between Satarday night aud Mouday morning. Charlee Kief, of Ypsilanti, and a man natned fiurgess, got into an argument Satnrday night whicb fiaalJy led to a fist battle and Kief got a terriffic blow in the face. For thus disturbing the peace Marsbal Westfall swore out a complaiuts against both the men. Thos.' Eabbitt's dog was out with him on bis farm in Dexter towcship the otber day while he was cutting corn. Iu some manner rhe binder end of the dog got in the way of the corr. kuif e as it descended and a large portion of the dog's narrative is now missing. Dr. J. F. Oblinger, of Manchester, wbo bas bad au extensive and sucoessfal practice there tbe past few years will move his goods to Holt, Ingham oounty, from whence he cama, and will go to Pbiladelphia or Chicago uext winter to take a special course in a hospital. The grand hunt came off iu Sharon last week and Alteubern's side wou by 2.H00 coants. Tbe boys enjoyed tbe supper, bnt the three kegs of beer were too many for the nnniber of boys wbo partook, and we learn that a few did uot walk home. - Manchester Enterprise. Fira on Sturday night destroyed the baru, harnesses, hay, straw, oats, etc., balouging to C. E. King, of ïpsilanti. Mr. King bad jast time to get out his four borses and ODe of bis wagons. It is supposed the flre was cansed by a tramp getting into the loft and setting fire to the hay. Tracy L. Towuer and Win. J. Stone, of Ypsianti, had a dispute over a bicycJe deal which involved a f9.60 com rnitsion on an insurance policy issued by Mr. Towner to Mr. Stone. The case found its way iuto the jnstice oonrt and on Monriay Mr. Stone settled the case by payirig up the judgment and costs. Mrs. Wilüam Ortbrmg, moiher of Mrs. G. J. Haselschwerdt, of Sharon, gave to her daughters, soné and grandchildren, 87 quilts. They were all assembled at her home on her G3d birthday when the qnilts were distributed. After giving away such a large number she stil) has an abnndant snpply lef t. - Manchester Eaterpris9. Robert Flintoff, a resident of Nortbfield, since 1839, wheie he owned a fine farm of 190 acres, died Wednesday of last week, aged over 80 years. The funeral services were held at the house Saturday morning and his remains were bnried in Leiand cemetery. Mr. Flintoff was a native of Yorkshire Eng. Mrs. bbie F. Vose, aged 88 years, who for 10 years had resided with her dangbter, Airs. Francés C'biJds, iu Ypsilanti, died Tuesday. Deceased was OD8 of the few leal dangbters of the rnvolntion, Her fatber having been a siirgeou iu thaï war. The rernaias were taken to Fitcbburg, Mass., for iutarmeut. Considerable surprise was creatod at the Baptist oboroh, Ypsilauti, Snnday luorrjing, by Rev. R. W. Vau Kirk nanding iu bis resiguation, tbe sanie to taks elïect at tbe expiratiou of the presaat month. Mr. Van Kirk bas accepted a unanimous cali to the Baptist oborofa iu Rockland, Me., which staofls secoud in importauce iu the state. The VVhittaker correspondent of the Ypsüanti Uoinmercial says : "A plato:n of the Salvation Ariny from I ■ lanti arrived in WillisHast Ftiday eveuing, after an uneventfnl niareb aoross the country. They were wel] eqoipped for business, the meuibers beiug supplied with a bass drum, tamhoriue, bugle,' jewsharp aud a bagpipe. Theie bas düc beeu so inuch uoise iu this placfi sinoe the elPotioD of vilJage officera last spring. Most all of the people were converted, at ieast the ohurch %vas weil fiüed. The preaohing cousisted aiostly in singing, etc. They took away qnite a few peauies aud nicke s. Perhaps they will come agaiu scrue tiiue in the future."


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