Local Brevities
Ed. O. Schairer has been appointed a corporal of th? A. A. L. I. Caleb O. Willis, of Elizabeth st., is celebrating his 8Cth birthday today. S. R. Pike bas beeu awarded the contract to lay the brick ciosswalk across First st. on W. Liberty st. Ann Arbor Camp of Modern Woodnien gives a box sooial this evening for the benefit of its charity fund. Dr. Robert A. Everett, one of the early graduates of the U. of M. medical department, died Wednesday at Hillsdale. A 6ample of the cable used in the conduit of the New State Telephone Co. is on fixhibition at Eberbach & Son's drug store. Aid. Soule proposed an ordinance at the council meeting Monday night whieb will require all wheelmen to carry a lantern at night. The complimectary party to Jadíes only at Garnger's Academy Saturday was very largely actended and was much enjoyed. James A. Williams was arrested Saturday on a charge of violating the city ordinance by selling jewelry on the street without a license. He was sentenced to 10 days ia j jail for the offense. Mr. Charles Keyes and Miss Mollie Corsou are to be married Nov. 1 aud wiJl be at home to their friends at 1218 Washtenaw ave. on the löth. - Register. Be sure and go to the Hallowe'en social at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Oot. 2, and have a good time. Ten oents will be charged for admission. J. Ë. Harkins will sing at tbis social. Get your tickets frotu the boys. Mrs. Mary Ann Buckingham Hicks died Wednesday at her residence, No. 639 S. Twelfth st., aged 73 years. She leaves a daughter, who lived with her, and a son, in Cleveland, Ohio. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The firm of Klein & Theisen, tailors, has been dissolved, and Mr. Klein will carry on the business at the same stand liOl William st., corner of Maynard, where as before special attention will be given to tbe making of ladies' garments. Justioe Duffy performed his first marriage ceremony yesterday morning. The contrating parties were J. E. Wilkins. aged 31, of Havana, Ohio, and Mrs. Sarah Grieves, age 51, of Ann Arbor. The justice tied the knot in the most approved fashion and it is said he performed all the functions ostial in euch oases without a murmnr. Wesley E. Howe has been granted an original pension. Mrs. Martba Cobbell, of Ann Arbor, bas been granted a widow's pension. Charles E. Blaney's "A Baggage Cheok" will be at the Athens Theater next Tuesday evening. Fred B. Braun, of Ann Arbor town, has bpen appointed administrator of the estáte of rhe late John Hagen. The Baptist Yonng People's Union will give a Bi mal aud musical evening i,n the pariors of the Baptis ohnrch this evening. Fred Stolsteimer was sentenced to1 pay a fine of $3 and $6.25 oosts 'or go to jail for 15 days by Jnstice Pond on Wednesday. Deputy Clerk Philip Blum was the grateful recipiënt of a beautiful bouquet this morning, presented by Attorney Mary C. VVhiting. - Times. The tickets [for the rnernbp.rs of the Oloral Union will be on sale the latter part of the wenk, dtiring the secretary's office hours, in the Sohool of Music. ' The fair for the benefit of the new Catholio ohnrch bas been postponed to November Sth. It will be held in the armory and will continue at least one week. The Monday Evening Club class in dancing will be organized to meet at Granger's academy Monday evening, Nov. 7. All former members invited to be present. Dr. B. B. Sudworth has purchased a lot on N. Funrth ave., just north of the Y. AI. C. A. lot, and ifc is said will at uo distaut date erect a business block upon it. Wilfred Eames asserts that be will levy ou the Morgan estáte for the $147,000 judgment awarded üim in the Kalamazoo county oircuit court. So far uo actioa has been taken, however. Fire in Abraham Beck's barn, on Miller ave., destroyed it and 10 tons of hay at about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning. The brick walls are all that is left of the barn. The baru was insured for $1,000. Mr. John E. A. Millcban, a conductor on the Michigan Central, and Miss L. Blanche Benbow, bath of Chicago, were united in marriage by Rev. B. L. MoElroy, at the M. E. parsonage on Saturday evening. Miss Benbow formerly lived in Ann Arbor. Cbunty Clerk Scbuh had a very unsavory experience Woriuesday. While looking af ter soms plnmbing bis men were doing in the basement of an Aun st. store he stepped into a cesspool up to bis armpitë. As he was not in a fit condition to be taken home in a hack tie was loaded on a. dray and conveyed there. The uext time the Ann st. people become responsible for the building of a sewer they wil! see to it that their steet isn't put off until the last one wheu they were entitled to be the first served. - Courier. It is devoutly to be hoped that there will not be auy occasion to buüd another saoh a sewer in that looality. The oommou couucil of the oity of Oraud Rapids has extended an invitation to the common council and city offioials of Ann Arbor to atteud the great Carnival of Fun in that city next week. The invitation received by City Clerk Mills bears the insnription "Preserve this envelope it will aduiit you to the Midway. " At a recent meeting of the Needle Work Qnild it was voted to turn over the garments aud articles collected by the gnild this year to the Ladies' Charitable Union for distribution. The action has caused some criticism on the part of some of the members of the guild, who do not think the bost interests of the guild are conserved by this action. Dr. Alfred Hennequin, formerly of the U. of M., lost all bis household goods, manuscripts, paintings and family portraits, besides his fine library on dramatic art and literature, by the recent fire in Detroit. Dr. Hennequin's library was one of the most important of its kind in the country, and besides French dramatic works it oontained rare editions of plays in Italian, Spanish and Germán ; among others, annotated editions of Caleron's "El Magioo Prodigioso," and Goldoni's "Le Donne Curióse, " the annotations hu ing marginal, and supposed to have been made by the anthors. It is a loss whioh oannot be estimted. George Blioh, of Chelsea, has opened up a grocery store at 1219 S. Univerisity ave. Building operations on the new North side church have been suspended ! until spring. Several Ann Arbor Master Masons took the oouuoil degrees at Ypsilanti on Wednesday even ing. Germania Lodge, D. O. H., will i give ita seoond annual dancing party in I the new Germania hall, nest Thursday evening. Mrs. E. R. C. May received a check for $2,000 Saturday from the Knights of the Maccabees, that being the snm carried by her late husband in that insurance order. Residents of the North side complain of an unhealthy smell which arises from the ground north of the Michigan Central depot, which is being used as a dumping ground. Mrs. Tyler has secnred as violinist for the coming season Mr. Eugene Saunders, a noted musioian of Toledo, who is taking a oourse in the law department of the university. - Times. Dr. Robert M. Wenley delivered the first of a series of lectures to be given by bina in the Presbyterian ohnreh, on Suuday evening. lts subject was ''History as a Gospel." It was a fine lecture. Dr. Charles C. AlbertsoD, of Buffalo, N. Y., will deliver the first lecture in the Wesleyan Guild conrse at the First M. E. ohnreh, Snnday eveuing, Oct. 31. Subject "The Immortal Dreamer. ': George Spathelf, jr., had three wiudows iu his rneat market broken with stones thrown by the hands of sorne malicioup person nr persons on Saturday nigbt after he had closed the store at 11 o'olock. The 37th annual convention of the Michigan State Sunday School Association will be held at Port Huron, Nov. 16, 1? and 18. The gathering will be internaronal and interdenominational in its spirit and anus. Frank Duress, of Superior, filed in tbe probate court a few days ago, a bill for 5500 against the estate of James Richards, murdered last January, on account of the old man having been taken to his house and died there. The bill was allowed at $250. The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of I. O. ü F. was held in Lansing Tuesday and Wednesday. The delégales from this mty were .7. N. Morse froto ütseningo Lodge and Lawrence Curtis from Washtenaw. J. J. Fergnson was also one of the party. Henry Ovven and Cliarjes Dibble made the distance betweeu the Cook house, Ann Arbor, and the Hawkins' house, Ypsilanti, iu esaotly 20 min utes, Sunday, on a tandem bicycle, which is brobably the fastest time made ou a bicycle between the tvvo oities. Tbe case brought by Atty-Gen. Maynard to determine whether the Michigan assets of the Grauite State Provident Assoeiation shall be distributed among Michigan creditors only, or be merged with the general assets, has been continued until February by the United States oourt of appeals. Fred C. Weiuberg bas leased for five years the strip of land between Hill and Madison sts., on the east side of S. Fifth ave., and will at ouce oommenoe operatious to make a skating park out of it. The ground will be fiooded and covered with ice as soon as the waather is propitious for suoh an undertaking. A number of Maccabees dropped in on Hudson T. Morton Monday evening at his rooms on S. University ave. "Hud" entertaiued them royally with oysters, cigars and other bachelor delicacies. All that was lacking was a Queea Bee to grace tbe ocoasion, and even this, Mr. Morton's friends believe, will at no distant date be satisfactorily supplied. - Times. Through an unavoidable delay at Milan, Friday, the Adrián high school . football team did not reach Ann Arbor until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The boys were taken to the grounds at once and the game with the Ann Arbor high school eleven was begun. Two 15-minute halves were played, the Ann Arbor boys findiag their opponenls an easy mark. The score stood 18-0 at the olose of the game. The Adrián team went home by way of Jackson the same night. Work bas been commenued on the addition to the Firemen's hall. "Doe." A, VV. Smith, the well known Adrián politioiau, has reoeived bis ccinmis3ion as postmaster of that city and assomed charge of the affairs of the office Moaday. George H. Miller, who was in Kalamazoo last week as a delégate to the grand encamptnent I. O. O. F., says the street fair in that oity was a great event. Walter Hicks, who was formerly bartender at the Cook honse, i'i tbis oity, died at his home in Janesboro, Ark., Oct 1, of muscular cáncer. His reraains were buried at Bells, Tenn., which was his forroer home. Ira Lent and Frank Kelly, the two meinbers nf Company E, First Regiment, who were injured during the encampment of the M. N. ü. of 1895, wül reoeiva an allowauce of $1,500 and f2, 000 respectively frorn tbe state board of auditors at its next meeting. The state departmeut at Lansing reports 35 deaths in tbis county during ïhe month of September, as follows: Ann Arbor city 14, Ypsilanti city 5, Freedom, Manchester, Ypsilanti town eaoh 2, Bridgewater, Dexter, Lodi, Pittsfield, Salem, Soio, Saron, Sylvan, Webster and York eaoh 1. A merry party of abont 60 yoang people of this city went ont to Wm. Guenther's in Scio Thursday evening of last week to take part in a "hnsking bee. " A bushei apiece was the resnlt of their labors, 60 busbels being busked. The evening's "labor" was olosed by a bountiful supper and plenty of sweet oider. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Eleotrio Railway Co. has purchased from H. D. Platt a strip of land in front of his farm, jnst west of tbe house for tbe pnrpose of laying sidetrack. It is said by those who should know that another car is to be pat on the line and that this new sidetraok is to be the place they will pass each other on their way to and from the Twin Cities. William, son of Mr. and Mrs E. G. Mof berson, of Howell, was taken sick last week. Dr. Nancrede, of Ann Arbor, was called, and it was decided that an operation for appendoitis was the cnly thing that coald save bis life. The operation was successfnlly peronned Saturday evening by Dr. Nancrede, assisted by Drs. Darling and Spitzley, of Ann Arbor, and Dr. Brown, of Howell. Tbe patiënt is reporterï. as doing well. - Livingston Republican. The residents of the second ward scored their point at the council meet?g Monday night and seoured the order for the construction of a crosswalk ou W. Liberty st., laid diagonally aoross First st., so as to accommonate : pedestrians passing along Liberty st. There are uow two crosswalks ac that point, oue which runs straight aoross he street ordered by the council Oct. 4 on the representacions of G. Frank Allmendinger and others aud the one ordered Monday night which was , naly asked for in the petition of the resideats. I . A serions accideut happened to three young ladies who were out driving ou 3unday evening. Miss Myrtle Tifft, stenographer for W. H. Butler, Miss Ebrhorn and Miss Meyer, students at the university, were driving near the Fuller st. crossing of the Michigan Central, when the horse becatne frightend at the whistle of an approaohiug train and springing to one side rau the buggy wheels iuto a ditob, overtnrning the vebiole. All three of the girls were injured. Miss Tifft had three ribs broken and her arm iDjured, and the other young ladies were ent and bruised. George McCormick, an elderly man living in the Unity block was knocked down and severely bruised Friday morning at tbe corner of Main and Hurón sts., by a borse which was being diiven so fast tbat it could not be stopped. He was oonveyed to his home by Marshal Sweet. The habit of fast driving aronnd corners and over street crossings is one that is a fruitfnl source of danger and should be put down by the foroe of the law. Crosswalks are for pedestrians, who have a prior right to them over that of horses and vehioles, but which drivers do not seeru to recognize. The suggestion of the Ypsilanti Sentinel that the monument to the late Ex-Gov. Felch ought to be erected befoie more monnments are projected is a wise one. New York had to import a Chicagoan to raise the money to complete the Grane monument. Perhaps Ann Arbor will have to look to Ypsilanti for a financier and hustler to raise tbe funds for the Felcb monumet. Ypsilanti has suoh a person and she is not a man either. Bnt she can accomplish this objeot if sbe sets about it. - Courir. And that is no dream, either, for sbe is ever ready to help along any good publio objeot.