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Diseases of the Skin. The -intense itching incident to eczema, tetter, salt rheum and other diseases of the skin, is overeóme by applying Carter's Herbal Ointment, many very bad cases have been cured by it" It is equally valuable for piles, aiid is a favorite remedy for chappéd hands and chilblains. Price 25 cents. For sale by H. J. Brown. That líame Back can be cured, with Dr. Miles' NEKVE PLASTES. Only 25c. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Childre ;. Einiile yTSf s? r 1#ï 3 ri R. WILLIAMS, Altornev at Law and Pension Slaim AUorne?, MILAN, MICH. ConveyanciiK? and Colleetions. rtfc '■ïït REVIVO C'ZÉl REST0RES VITALIÏY. ïat Day. 'i fjf'Jy %C-'jjv.Well Man 15t"f of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth Day. IFtrEKTOXa: "Ft tfïtvt n i -y producos t)io ahove results in 30 dan. It acts powcrf nlly and qiückly. Cure.R wlien all others fail. Youngjaeuwillresaiu their lost nianhood.audold men wijl recover tueir youtbtul vigor by nsing BE VIVO. It qulckly and surely restores Nervónsnees. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy, Niglitly Emissions, Lost Pon or.railing Memory, Wastimr Diseases, and all cffects oL self-abuse or exceBand iudiscietioc, wUich unfits 0D6 ior suniy. biiein bh or marriage. It uot ouly cures by startinr; at the soat oL disease.but isagreat ncrvetonio and blood builder, bringing back tlio pink srlow to ;xc clieoks ard re storing tha flre of youvh. It warda off Jnsonity and Consumption. Insist on havins Kti VI ctber. Ir. can bo carxied in vest nocki t. By raail 81.00 per packacre, or si.t íor R5.00. with a poel tivo written (tuaianteo to core er reiund tbe money. Circular f roa. Addro6G 80YAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Wabasil A?e„ CHICAGO. ILL Por salo at Ann Arbor, Mich., by Ebcrbach Drug and Ohemioal Gompany. LANB PLASTÍR! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINML LOUIS ROIIBK, Main Oflice - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. tHJH itlid ilijsftiuvt'cs ironi ihti f Al ■hS Sivlnary riiuis :irr 'stcdlMin II B by Kantn.1 Alidy CiihuIcn, y'UUl II 'without incflHivcnience. x S


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News