Airs. EmiJy Boutwe'.l is visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Leouard Miller is visitiug in Liausiug. Dean Seabolt is in Graud Rapids atteudiug tne carnival. James E. Harkius was iu Detroit Monday on business. H. C. Markham bas been io Toledo this week on business. Mrs. W. W. Saunders is speudng tbe week in Grand Rapids. Sam Langsdorf, of Detroit, was in the city Tnesday calling on frieuds. Miss Amelia McLaren spent Sunday in Detroit with ber sister Mrs. Chas. Kline. Mrs. Alice L. Haven, of E. Jefferson st., is very seriously ill with beart tronble. Mrs. S. C. Sheeban and Miss Minnie Drake spent Suuday witb frieuds iu Detroit. S. P. Tedrow, of Sinerset, Pa., is visiting with bis brotner, Rev. W. L. Tedrow. Dr. W. B. Smitb left for Iowa Mouday night to look after bis busines inteiest in that state. Mrs. Homer Luther, of Medina, N. Y., is visitiug her motber Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, of W. Hurou se. Mrs. S. S. Divine Jeft Monday for New York, frorn wbenoe she sailed for Enrope to join her dangbter. Attorney J. H. Loub, of Leipsio, Ohio, has been spending a few days with Mrs. J. Gall atid family. Mrs. E. K. Frueanft, of Owosso, spent a oouple of days with her mother Mrs. Augusta Hutzel this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Porter, of Buffalo, N. Y., are spending a few days with Mrs. Porter's mother in this oity. Mr. aad Mrs. Cady, of Plyruoutb, have beeu tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mclntyre, of Spring st., this week. W. W. Wedemeyer visited Aun Arbor friends Friday and Saturday, and took in the Michigan -Oberliu football gaine. Nate Daffy has been called to Nashville, Teun., where he will coach the University of Tennessee footballl eleven. Mrs. E. H. Close, of Toledo, spent Friday with her father and mother.M. and Mrs. .Reuben Kempf, of N. Ingalls st. Mies Abbie A. Pond, teacher . in the grammar department, is quite ill at the home of her uephew E. A. Keith, of S. Thayer st. Cornelina Donovan has retnrned to Port Eads, La., af ter a leDgthy visit with bis father P. Donovan, of the North side. Mrs. Charles Jones has retnrned t her home in Wichita, Kansas, after an extended vsiit with her sister, Mrs. B. F. Watts. Mrs. Edward Bach and daughter Helen, of Marshall, have beeu tbe gnests of Philip Lohr and family, of Packard st. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conely, of Detroit, who have been visiting Mrs. E. Hample, of Miller ave., retnrned tiome Tuesday. Prof. W. S. Perry is still very ill at ais home on E. Washington st. Prof. Pattengill is acting superintendent of schools these days. Mrs. H. S. Pingree, accoompanied by the Misses Pingree, Gear and Davis, of Detroit, were guests at the Alpha Delta house Saturday. Mrs. Eugene Field, with her daughter aud little son, arrived bere on Satnrday and are the gnests of Dr. and Mrs. Fleming Carrow. Mrs. W. H. Fox, of El Paso, Texas, who has spent the past flve mooths with her mother, Mrs. E. Hample, retnrned home Wednesday. Judge C. B. Graut, of Lansiug, and F. L. Felch, of Sandusky,LOhio, were in the city Tuesday on business oonnected with the Alphens Felch estáte. Dr. Mary Wood-Allen, Miss Eose Wood-Allen and Mrs. JeDuie Voorheis have beeu atteuding tbe W. C. T. U. convention at Toronto, Ont. , this week. Rev. John Dieterle was called to Grennville, Oho, the first of the week to officiate at the funeral of Dauiel Henne, who has ruany friends in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mra. Baker, of Greenwich, CoDn., are the gnests of Dr. Eliza Mosher,. They carne hore especially to see their daughter, Miss Harriet Baker, vvho haa recently reoovered from a serious illness. Jndge Newkirk, Prof. E. F. Johuson, Chas. Esslinger, George Lntz and John Baumgardner attended the dedication of the uew Maccabee hall at Moortjvlle Friday night. They report a large gatheriag and a big time. Mrs. Gersbom Powers, of Grand Rapids, wbo has been here for several weeks on account of the severe illnfles of her brother, H. C. Benham, returned home Friday. She was aocompanied bv ber rnother, Mrs. E. F. Benham, who will visit lier for a few weeks. Chelsea has lost one of its best families, Mr. and Mrs. George Blaich having moved to Ann Arbor, where Mr. Blaich will open a grocery store. The people of Cüelsea will miss tbis genial coupJe, bnt will oommend them to the people of Aun Arbor. - Chelsea Standard. Mayor Hiscrck, Aid. Koch, Grossman, Brown, Spathelf, Sweet, Cady, City Attorney Kearcey, City Clerk Mille, City Treasurer Seyler, Street Commiseioner Ross, and ex-Ald. Prettyman and others lef t for the carnival of fun at Grand Rapids last evening at 5 :50 o'clock.