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The Richards murder trial cost nearly $4,000. Of this amount Hod. A. J. Sawyer received $500 for bis serivces. John Burley, an old colored man who for many years has been a laborer in this city, died Wednesday morning aged 74 years. Rev. B. h. McElroy will speak at the M. E. church next Sunday evening on "Henry George as a Message to Hia Contemporaries. ' ' Mr. Edward Ferry Couper, of Azalia, and Miss Jennie Elizabeth McArthur, of this city, were married by Rev. J. M. Gelston at noon Wednesday. John H. Fraser is aboat to remove his Elite cigar parlors from E. Ann st., to the store on E. Huron st., formerly occupied by Burchfield, the tailor. An Ohio firm, which makes a business of enpplying students with orations, essays and theses, is flooding Ann Arbor with circulars advertising their business. The Farmeuirs & Mechanics Bank has purchased the sewer bonds issued for sewer district No. 6 anionnting to $12,508.25, paying therefor the face value of the bonds with the acorued interest and $200 premiurn. Attomeys for the E. VV. Morgan estate say a motion will be made in the Kalamazoo county court to set aside the decree granting Wilfred Eames a judgment. This is done to overthrow the big levy made last week on the Morgan estate. A Mozart club has recently been organized by some of the local musicians, and the following offioers eleoted : Ray P. Warren, president; Miss Minnie M. Davis, vice president; Miss Elizabeth Campbell, secretary; Miss Marian Sruith, treasurer. Mrs. Ann W. Wilson, George W. Bullis and W. D. Harriman have bought the old Scott homestead on Washtenaw ave., and will in the near future pla the property into building lots and place it on the market. The consideration paid was $10,500. A. U. Pack, operator for Randall' photograph gallery, took a large sized group picture of the board of supervisors as they stood on the court house steps Friday afternoon. There is no one of the 29 faces that does not show up as natural as Hfe in the picture. The building oommittee of the board of supervisors has áwarded the contract for rebuilding the steps to the west entrance of tbe oourt house to John Baumgardner, of this city. The steps are to be of Enolid blue stoue and will oost $295. The committee has also purobased a Smith Premier type writer for the judge of probate's office. The Ann Arbor road oleared $38,000 during the third week of October; Í8.000 more than-the corresponding week last year. Hon. Wallace Biuce wül lecture this evening in the S. L. A. conrse, at University hall, on "The Philosophy of Wit and Humor." The proposed ordinance relative to liveiy, feed au 1 other barns did not meet with mucta favor in the connoil meeting Mu ,c!uy night. It was voted clown 10 to 4. The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will meet in Ann Arbor Friday and Saturday. Nor. 26 and 27. The program will be devoted largely to science matters. The remains of George Lawton, a former resident of Ann Arbor, who died Thursday of last week in Bay City, were brought here Saturday at noon and were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mayor Hiscock and the alderman and oity officials who went to the oarnival of fun at Grand Rapids last Friday had a highly interesting time. Mayor Stowe and Judge Burlingame extended every oourtesy to the guests of their city. There will be a visiting social of the Choral Union tomorrow evening at the School of Music. The objeot is to have the members, especially the new ones, become acquainted with each other. All are particularly requested to attend. The LadieB' Aid Society of St. Andrew's churoh will give a chrysanthemum exhibit at Harris hall Thursday and Friday of next week, all day and evening. The regular monthly tea social will take place Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. At the serivce held in Zion Lutheran bnrch Sunday evening in commemortion of the Reformation, Rev. M. Cartflr, of Baltimore, Md., pastor of a colored Lutheran church, preached a sermon on "Missionary Work Among he Negroes. " The New Telephone Co. received lection returns at the Athens Theater on Tuesday uighc, open to all who hose to go and hear them. The Miohgan Telephone Co. also received the leotion returns at its office for the jenefit of its subscribers. Daniel S. Tilden's house on Monroe t. was entered by burglars Saturday night who hastily made their escape when Mr. Tilden, waking from his sleep, called out to know who was here. They did not even stop to carry oñ the silverware they had gathered up. Among the list of Michigan inventor8 who were granted patents on Tuesday appear the names of two Washtenaw county men. John J. Whittlesey, of Ann Arbor, has been granted a jatent for a boiler pressure indicating alarm, and Frank P. Glazier, of Chelsea, one for a vapor burner. The annual meeting of the Michigan conference of Unitarian churches was held in the Unitarian church, Detroit, yesterday and today. At yesterday's session Rev. J. T. Sunderland, of Ann Arbor, gave an address on "Liberal Religion in India," and today Mrs. Sunderland addresses the convention. The new bell on St. Patrick's church, Northfield, was solemnly blessed by Rev. E. D. Kelly on Tuesday morning. The bell which was donated to the parish by Bernard Keenan, takes the place of the old one which was cracked. II weighs 2,300 pounds and was manufactured by the Menedy Bell Co., of Troy, N. Y. Sundy next is Luther Day in the English Lutheran churches throughout the United States. It is the day devoted to home ruission work and will be observed by the Sunday school and nongregation of Trinity Lutheran church with appropriate services. It is also the rally day of the church and it is hoped that every member of the school and congregation will be present. Those who so vigorously applauded the verdict of the jury in the Richards murder trial when it was announced by Foreman Robert Campbell, last Friday morning, will probably not soon forget the plain old fashioned talk by Judge Kinne for the extreme inopportunenes of their ill-advised eiïorts. He oornbed them down in great shape and furthe assured them that if he knew who had done it, he would send them to prison for contempt of court. They will probably think twice before they again applaud in a court of justice. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Warren, of S. Thayer st., Oct. 27, a baby girl. Capt. Calhoun is the new head of the Salvation Army in this city. He took onarge on Saturday. Tbe Forty olub hold the first of a series of dancing purties at Granger's academy next Friday evening. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of N. Fifth ave., died Friday morning and was buried Saturday. The Monday Evening club olass in dancing will meet for the first time this season next Monday eveDing at Granger's academy. This club is composed mostly of young married people. The infant son of Edward Winters, of Fountain st., died Thursday night of last week, aged 18 months. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon Rev. Mr. Sohwaake officiating. Roland Reed, who some years ago rnade such a bit in "Cheek," and who is so well and favorably kcown to theater goers, will be at the Athens Theater next Wednesday evening in "The Wrong Mr. Wright." Out of eaoh 1,000 farms in the United States, only 282 are mortgaged, and three-fourths of the money represented by the mortgages npon the 282 i farms went for tbe parchase of those farms, or for money borrowed to improve those farms. Secretary of State Gardner proposes to inake it interesting for those clergymen and justices of the peace who do ïiot make prompt retarns of all marriages which they have solemnizad. He has notifled county olerks to inform the gentlemen that neglect of their duties will lead to prosecutions. The anticipated infusión of a great mass of new gold into the currency sys:ems of the world and the problems onnected therewith are carefully conidered by Mr. Charles A. Conant in be November North American Review n an article entitled "The Effect of be New Gold upon Prices. " It is getting so now that almost as many marriage licenses are withheld rom the public as are given to the pubic. And the law was made so that ery thing should not exist. In other words, the law was aimed at secret marriages. - Courier. That is to say he licenses are "put on ioe" as it were. A letter from Dr. Angell to his daughter, Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin, announces hat Dr. and Mrs. Angell are no longer at the "Summei Palace Hotel" but hat they are nosv in the city of Contantinople. Dr. Angell has been received by the Sultan and is now attendng to the routine dnties of his office. - ü. of M. Daily. Clark Colé, a veteran keeper at the Jackson state prison, died Wednesday morning of neuralgia of the heart, aged 78 years. He went to the prison in 1842 when it consisted of a stockade of tamarack poles and the prisoners were at night chained to poles of the same wood naar hard bunks. He was keeper fur 48 successive years. Willis 3, Abbot, formerly of this city, son-in-law of Christian Mack, was one of the honorary pall bearers at the funeral of Henry George, in New York city, Sunday. Mr. Abbot was a close friend of Mr. George and was selected by him as the chairraan of his campain comvuittee in the recent New York campaign. The proprietors of the Argus wish to express their thanks to those who during the past month have called at the office or sent in by mail and settled the amouuta due on subscriptions, in response to the statements of account Ben out Sept. 29. There are still a larg number left, who have passed the statements by, whom they would like to have a chanoe of expressing thei thanks to, and they hope the opportunity will be afforded them. Under the law it is necessary to sene only women convicted of murder t State prison. There are no accommodations for women at the prison, s the governor is obliged to commute th sentences of all so oonjmitted to imprisonment in the Detroit House of correction. Many circuit judges send to stat prison women who rnight as we! be sent to the Detroit institution in th first place, and Governor Pingree ha sent each judge in the state a letter re qnesting hiin to do so no more, anc thus avoid the expense of making th transfer. The board of supervisors completad he work of its annual session Friday ifternoon and adjourned sine die. The little infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Fallerton, of the Northside, lied Thursday evening of last week. The board of supervisors contracted with the New State Telephon Co. for ix new telephones to be placed in the oart house. The wires have been laid for theru. There is a freight oar famine in Michigan, and it is impossible for the railroads to secare enough cars to move the freight they are called upon ;o handle. Railroad Commissioner vVesselius stateü that there is a shortage of eeveral thousand cars. On account of the changes made jecessary by the introduction of the lew electric lighting plant into Dnirersity hall the organ cannot be used. Bence the vesper services will have to De postponed for the present. Due lotice of the series will be given. The bard of Willis has got 'em worse ;han ever now. Hear him : "J. M. Breining went to Lansing last week to jttend the funeral of his brother. Joseph and Jacob Breining accompanied him, it being their father who had passed on." Now, who was it that 3ied, Breining's father or his brother? , It is ramored that the local branch af the Anti-Saloon League will do some aggressive work this year with the help of the $700 donated to it last year by members and friends. An attempt will be made to enforce the law which prohibits the selling of intoxicating liquor to any student attendant on any institution of learning. The height of the "Card of Thanks" fad has baen reached in the one published in the Times last night signed by Lyons, Larkins and Jones, thanking the sherifE,.the circuit judge, the jury, et al., "who so cordially and willingly helped us through our long and tedious trial." Ye Gods, has it come to thatV - Courier. How much a line did they pay for it. Arbor Hive, No. 113, L. O. T. M., will celebrate its sixth anniversary next Tuesday evening with a banquet. Miss Emma E. Bower will be toastmaster and toasts will be responded to by Mayor Hiscock, Hon. H.Wirt Newkirk, Mrs. P. E. Mills, Mrs. M. E. Warner, Mrs. Harrison Hall, and Mrs. Rachel A. Bailey, of Hastings, Mich., and Rev. W. L. Tedrow. An ordinance relative to bicycles fixing the speed limit within the oity at Í2 miles an hour, wheelmen to slow up at crossings, etc, not to ride with both haods off of the handle bars, must ride on right side of street,pass vehicles on lef t, oarry a light frorn sunset to sunrise, carry bells and ring at every crossing, was given its first and second readings in the council Monday night. County Clerk Schuh has issued deer uuting licenses to the following named Vasbtenaw county residents: Oscar D. Luick, Wm. F. Ludholz, Nelson Garlinghouse, Warren E. Walker, has. H. Manly, Ann Arbor, Jas. Breakey, H. H. Avery, Chelsea; C. F. Newton, W. S. Draper, Ypsilanti; faeorge Bowen, T. S. Walker, A. W. beffield, Salem; Lewis A. Wilcox. A. 3. Gardner and C. A. Gardner, Jlilan. The Jackson Press of Saturday sayB : Olay Greene, of the Ann Arbor lodge f Elks, was in the city yesterday. He s engaging some of the talent among he Jackson Elks to assist in an enteiainment given by the Ann Arbor Elks n Nov. 12 at the Athens Theater. Talent from Detroit and Toledo will lso assist the Ann Arbor Elks. Jackon lodge expects to go about 75 strong o attend the theater. Mr. Greene also billed the city with attractive posters." At the conclusion of the Richards murder trial Friday morning Edward Hairis and Harry Wright charged with larceny appeared before Judge Kinne and changed their plea of not guilty to guilty. They were remanded to jail to await sentence. On Monday James Callow filed reasons why the case against him should be nolle prossed, after which court adjourned to Nov. 22. This was the flrst term of court in Judge Kinne's 10 years' service that had to adjourn without all the cases being disposed of. Auditor General Dix, of Lansing, makes the following annonncement : Redemption from the sale made from the tax reoord at the annual tax sale in December, 1896, for taxes of 1894 or prior years, raust be made on or before December 4, 1897, whether the sale was made to an individual or the description bid to the state. Redemption money cannot be received, eithsr by tbe county treasurers or by this department, at any later date. On and after December 6, 1897, all lands bid on the state at the tax sale in December, 1896, and not ledeemed before that date, beoome state tax sale land and subjeot to sale as suoh, and all lands soid to individuals at said sale will be rleeded on surrender thereafter of the certificate of sale.