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COUNCIL CHAMBER, i Ann Albor, November lst, 1897. i Regular session. Called to order by Fres. Luick. Boíl called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Sweet, Coon. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by I). F. Allmendlnger and six others asking for a brick crosswalk across First st. ou the south side of Washington was read and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. The bids of S. A. Kean and Ann Arbor Savings Bank for bonds in Sewer District No. 7 were read and referred to the Finance Committee. New York, üctober 16, 1897. To the Mayor and Common Council: At the tírst National Convention of Mayors and Councilmen, held at Cohaubus, Ohio, September 28 to Ootob-r 1, there were present 418 delegares, representing 101 cities in 23 different states. At this conventioa.a. permanent organization was formed to be known as the League of American Munieipalities, and a copy of the constitution adopted is sent herewith. You will observe f rom the constitution that the object of the organization is to improve the administraron of municipal work in all departments by the folio wing means: First- The perpetuation of the organization as an agency for the co-operation of American munieipalities in the practical study of all questions pertaining to municipal administration. Second - The holding of anuual eonventions for the discussion of contemporaneous municipal alïairs. Third- The establishment and maintenanee of a central Bureau of Information for the collection, compilation and dissemination of statisties, reports and all kincis of information relative to municipal government. The Bureau of Information, which will be started at once, will íurnish a service of incalculable valué to rnunicipalities holding rnembership. To this Bureau each rnuuicipality will furnish all published public reports, and thus a complete and reliable Iibrary of municipal reports will be established, from ■which the secretary is required to furnish all infomiation requested by members. The Bureau will also gather, compile and disseminate special information pertaining to all lines of municipal work, such as street lighting, paving, water supply and rates, water filtration, street cleaning and garbage disposal, flre and pólice departments, salaries aud wages of municipal officials and employés, taxes and special assessments, municipal finance, sevverage, and, in fact, everything of interest and value to city officials in the discharge of their duties. In this connectiou the Bureau will undertake to promptly supply niunicipalities holding membership special reports on any and all subjects upon which information is requested. The establishment of this Bureau will bring to the service of the municipalities of Americe a reliable, economical, methodical and rapid medium tor the interchange of statistics, experience and knowledge pertaining to all branches of municipal work. At the annual conventions of the League, to which every city is entitled to send its mayor and as mauy members of its couiicilmanic board as it desires, all the important questions involved in municipal work will be discussed by expei ts and officials of experience. These discussions cannot fail to aid city officials in ihe work of giving and securing better municipal service. The means furnished by this League, through its Bureau of Information and its annual conventions, for the careful study of the great and growing question of municipal ownership of public service industries, cannot be lightly estimated. The unanimous sentiment of the Columbus convention, which was a lepresentative body and which planned and formed the permanent organization, was that the League of Amercan Municipalities would be promptly and cordially supported by the patriotie officials of American mvnicipalities as a movement for the betterment of municipal conditions, with the inevitable results of facilitating departmental work, securing improved public services and lesseni Dg the burden of the taxpayers. As to the membership the constitution of the League says: ■Any municipality in the lAiited States or Canada may become a membef of this organization. "Each and every municipality becoming a member of this organization shall pay an anrual membership fee, on or bef ore December 1, as follows: Cities under 25,000 population, $20; between 25,000 and 50,000, $30; between 60,000 and 100,000, $40; between ]00,000 and 200,000, $50; over 200,000, $B0." The Executive Committee invites your city to become a member of the ! League of American Municipalities and assures you that the benefits to be derived.from membership will be worth many times the amount of the annual dues. The committee submits herewith a resolution for the consideration of your councilmanic body and prays ! for its adoption, or the passage of any other form, suitable to local conditions, for the same puipose. Respectf ully yours, John MacVicak, Mayor, Des Moines, Ia., C. A. Collïeh, Mayor, Atlanta, Ga., Samuel L. Black, Mayor, Columbus, O., John Warner, Mayor, Peoria, 111., F. A. Walker, Pres. Council, Trenton, N. J., C. M. Leiïch, Pres. Council, Wilmington, Del., B. F. Gilkisox, Secretary, New York Executive Committee. Aid. Soule moved that the subject be reíerred to a Special Committee. Adopted. Pres. Luick appointed Aid. Soule, Brown andllamilton as such Special Committee. KEPOBTS OF STANDING COJUIITTEES. FIXANCE. Your Committee on Finance would respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration . and would recommend their approval and that warrants be ordered drawn in payment of the same. Eespectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Ilarrison Soule, Michael Grossman, Committee on Finance, CONTINGENT FUNI). Glen V. Mills, salary $ 83 34 Patriok O'Hearn ' 83 34 Edward L. Seyler, salary 8 34 Thos; D. Kearney, salary 50 00 Dr. D. M . Cowie, sala vy 25 00 Eli W. Moqre, salary 12 50 Dr. John Kapp, salary - 37 60 H. B. Dodsley, salary 25 00 Mrs.C. A. Greene, rent 2!) 17 M. E. Easterle, ianitor 9 75 Geo. F. Hy, salary 100 00 Jacob Polheinus, sprinkling 25 00 Sid W. Millard, printing 1125 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accls. assigned..- ." 24 93 Postal Tel.-Cable Co., telegram 1 31 Ann Arbor Register, printinif 11 13 H. J. Brown, supplies 3 75 Washtenaw Evenjng Times, printing, 62 HS) Richmond & Backus Co., stamps 75 Charles Van Keuren, binders 3 00 American Express io., express 25 Geo. VV. Seybold, anchor 2 65 Aun Arbor Electric Co., ligbting 378 BI Glen V. Mills, acet. assigned 11 11 Ann Arbor Argus, printing 8 13 W. W. Wetmore, supplies - 7 85 Farmers & Meehanics Bank, accts. assigned 143 37 Geo. L. Mooie, board of review 3 IK) F. M. Hamilton, " " 3 00 John Koch. ■ " " 3 00 Michael Grossman, " " 3 00 Geo. W. Sweet, " " 3 00 Dr. J. A. Dell. " " 3 00 Arthur Brown, f " 3 00 Frank Vandawarker, " 3 00 Geo. Spathelf, Jr., " " 3 00 G. C. Rhodes, " " 3 00 llarrison Souie, " " 3 (JO C. H. Cady, " " 3 00 H. P. Daniorth, ' " $ 00 Total $ 1,05a 82 SEWER FOND- GENERAL. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. assigned ï 12 60 Total ï 12 60 DISTRICT NO. 6. Frank Sutherland, labor ....$ 6 00 E. W.Groves, salary 75 00 Total $ 8100 DISTRICT NO. 7. Hutzel & Co., estímate 174 37 Total t 174 37 Í 267 97 BRIDGE, CÜLVERT AND CROSSWALK FUND. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. 'aseigned 302 40 Barrett Mniff. Co., pitch 4 13 John Baunigardner, teaming and supplies .-.- 34 32 National Sewer Pipe Co., brick 32 60 Ann Arbor Railroad, freight 37 40 Geo. W. Sweet, supplies 2155 A. H. Roys, pattern 3 50 8. Wood & Co., luniber 9 06 Herman Krapf, labor and supplies 11 50 Ann Arbor Saviugs Bank, acct. assigned --- 455 41 Koch Bros., labor and supplies 36 33 Tolbert Lumber Co., supplies 78 94 Total 81027 14 STREET FUND. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, acets. assiirned $ 455 61 G. R. Kelly, stone 1 60 Geo. W. Seybold, supplies --- 2.3 (X) Walker & Co., supplies 3 30 Frank Sutherlana, labor 29 25 George H. Fischer, labor 33 45 James Donegan, repairs 4 65 Ellis Estáte, gravel 8 80 Daniel J. Ross, salary 66 66 Jacob Polheinus, sprinkling 2100 Geo. E. Moore, oil :. 1 20 Total -. S 650 52 PÓLICE FUND. Zenas Sweet, salary $ 75 00 David Colli s, salary. 5000 Reuben Armbruster, salary 50 00 George Isbell, salary 50 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 00 Morgan, Puhl & Morris, buttons 3 20 W. W. Wetmore, supplies 1 W Bailey & Edmunds, whistles 1 20 Total. $ 28120 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary I 60 00 C. A. Edward-, salary 55 00 W. H. McLaren, salary 50 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary . 50 00 Bugene Williams, salary 50 00 Herman Kirn, 50 00 Samuel McLaren, salary 5" 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 40 00 Charles Carroll, salary 20 00 W. L. Schnierle, salary-. 8 00 George Hoelzle, salary 8 00 Wm. Rettich, salary 8 00 A. W. Sorg, salary 8 00 Ed. Hill, salary.. 8 00 Mrs. Ream, washing 6 00 Hochrein & Krauss, repairs 2 00 Walker & Co., repairs 2 90 Goodale&Co., bran and oats 14 03 J. E. Harkms, supplies 44 08 John Foster, repaire 25 Geo. W. Seybold, shoeing -.. 10 30 H. J. Brown, suppliJS 3 90 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, acct. assigned 6 00 Total $ 604 4ij POOR FUND. Fred Sipley, salary $ 10 00 Walker & Co., repairing wagon 15 10 John Armstrong. flling saws 75 W. F. Lodholz, grocuries 2 1b Ann Arbor Music Co. 150 F. Bigalke. groceries 5 00 Davis & Seabolt, srroeeries 7 69 Ed. Imffy, groceries 3 00 Doty & Feiner, ehoes 2 00 Fred Sipley, acct. assigned 85 Fred Hoelzle. meat... 25 John Goetz, Jr., groceries 2 95, John Goetz & Son, groeeries 3 BB Goodale & Co, wood 5 75 Mr.s. Hulmán, board 5 10 Ambrose Kearney, groceries 6 00 E. F. Mills & Co., box 35 Wm. H. Mcfntyre, groceries 13 29 O'Hara&Boyle, groceriés 1 00 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries 11 70 C. Hinsey, groceries 4 29 L. Ronde, coal 3 00 I W. F. Stimson, groceries 5 41 Geo. Spathelf, Jr., meat 1 00 M. P. Vogel, meat 40 Wahr&Miller, shoes 1 50 Total 8 116 82 CEMETERY FUND. Farmers and Mechanics Bank, acct. assignert 8 102 10 Total ï 102 10 RECAPITCLATION. Contingent Fund 11,058 82 Sewer Fund, uenera) $ 12 60 Dist. No. 6 6 00 Dist. No.7 249 37 267 97 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund1,027 14 Street Fund 650 52 Pólice Fund 28120 Firemen's Fund 604 46 Poor Fund 116 82 Cemetery Fund 102 10 Total Í4.109 03 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Ilamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays- None. To the Commqn Council: Your Committee on Finance would recommend that the $12,508.25 sewer bonds in Lateral Sewer District No. 6, be sold to the Farmers & Mechanics Bank for face value and accrued inter" est plus $200 premium. Eespectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, M. Grossmann, Committee on Finanee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 13. Nays - None. Aid. Sweet entered. To the Commqn Council: Your Committee on Finance present the following bilis without recommendation. SEWER DISTRICT NO. 5. Ann Arbor Water Co., Sharp & Scliultz' contract 1111 35 8EWER DISTRICT NO. 6. Ann Arbor Water Co., water $13 05 DOG I.ICENSE FUND. Joe Blackburn, assigned Ann Arbor 8a vinpi Bank Ï19 25 Joe Hlackburn, assigned Ann Arbor Savings Bank -$10 5q Respeetfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, M. Grosstnan, Cornrnittee on Finance. Aid. Cady moved that the bill of the Ann Arbor Water Co. for $13.05 be al[owed trom Sewer District N,.o. 6. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossmae, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker. Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays - None. Aid. Cady moved that the bilis of Joseph Blackburn be disallowed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth. Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. At the suggestion of the City Attorney the bill of the Ann Arbor Water Co. for $111.35 was withdrawn. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance would recommend that the annexed drain assessment roil of the Township of Pittsfleld running through the limits of the City of Ann be approved by this Oouncil and that the City Assessor be hereby instructed to assess against the owners of the property enumerated in said assessment roll the amount of tax so assessed. Arthur Brown, Harrison Soule, M. Grossman, Committee on Finance. Aid. Cady moved fliat the report be referred to the City Attorney. Adopted as follows: YTeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf. Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 14. Nays- None. ORDINANCE. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled ''An Ordinance Relative to Livery, Feed and otlier Barns," which was given its third reading by sections and placed on its passage. To the Honorable the Common Council: Gentlemen: - Your ordinance committee has asked me for an opinión regarding the validity of an ordinance now before them entitled, "An Ordinance Relative to Livery, Feed and other Barns." Under the charter the city has power to regúlate and abate nuisances. If it can be snown tñat a livery stable, or any other is maintained in such a manner so as to be injurious to the public health, the city through. its board of health may order it cleaned, or they may file a bill in chancery to abate the nuisance as was done in the Foundry Water Pond case. The weight of authority in this country holds tbat a livery stabie is not a nuisance per se, or in itself, though. it may become a nuisacce if not conducted, kept and used in a proper manner. In the case of Phillips vs the city of Denver, 41st Americau State Reports, at page 230, where its charter provisions relative to nuisances are broader than those contained in our own, the courtsays: "The power conferred is not sutiiciently specific Or definite to warrant such unrestrained municipal legislation aft'eeting private property. The grant of power to regúlate lawful occupations and business places is cercainly not an express grant of power to lócate or prescribe the limits of carrying on lawful occupations upon private premises. The grant of power to regúlate and prevent the carrying on of business dangerous or detrimental to public health, and to declare, prevent, or abate nuisances, is not to be construed as vesting the city council with authority to prohibit, at their discretion, the existance of well-constructed, well-regulated1, and well-conducted livery stables." Ordinances of the kind in question, t.nough not strictly criminal, are highly penal, and cannot, unless free from legal and constitutional objection, be permitted to predudice the rights and privilges of the citizen in respect to the use and enjoyrnent of bis private property." The city certainly caniiot enforce the ordinance now under eonsideration for the reason that it prohioits the erection and maintenance of livery stables in certain blocks and discrimínales and for that reason is clearly void. Very respectfully, Thos. D. Keakney, City Att'y. Whereupon the question was, "Snall this ordinance pass?" Lost as foilows : Yeas- Aid. Grossman, Koch, Sweet, Soule. - 4. Nays- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Dell, Brown. V andawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady. Pres. Luick- 10. Chairman Cady presented an ordinanee entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Bicycles", which was given its first reading by title. Aid. Moore moved that the ordinance be placed on its second reading. Adopted. Whereupon the ordinance was given its second reading by sections. Aid Koch moved to amend section one by inserting "six" in place of twelve in line three. Lost as follows : Aid Kocb, Soule, Pres. Luiek - 3. Nays - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Danforth, Cady- 11. L1GHTING. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Lighting would recommend that an electric light be ordered placed at the corner of Hill and Lincoln ave, also at the corner of Tappan and Oakland ave and also on Washtenawave midway between South University ave and Hill. And f urther your Committee would recommend that the pole light at the corner of Willard and Forest ave be swung across the street, and that the light at the corner of Main and Kingsley streets be moved two f eet south, the work to be done at. the expense of the New State Telephone Co. Respectfully submitted, Harrison Soule. G. C. Rhodes, Geo. W. Sweet, Committee on Lighting. Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamiltou, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays - None. (Continued on fiext page.; ""COUNCIL PBOOEEDINGS. Continued from Precediug Page. Tü the Common Council. your Comm'ittee on Lighting have I made a thorough inspection of the sysiem of street lighting in our city and ! would report that they have found the me in an extremely poor eondition. The capacity of the plant is far from sufficient to supply power for the number of lights used. None oí the Hffhts have been up to the standard as required by the contract for months There are 106 are street lamps many of which are on poles 60 feet high. One man is supplied by the Ann Arbor Electric Co to lower the lights or climb the poles and clean and trim the same besides driving froin one light to the other. less than six minutes to each lamp. Tüe actual workings of the Hghts and common sense proves this iinpossible. Y our Committee would recommend that the Ann Arbor Electric Co. be ordered, within ten days to raise the standard of their lamps to the requirernents of the conlract, that is "not less than 9.6 amperes of current and from 46 to 50 volts between the earbons". Your Committee would recommend that an expert be employed to examine the Hghts from time to time and see that the same conform to the contract. And further that a eertilied copy of this resolutions be served on the Ann Arbor Electric Co. And further that no bill be allowed the Ann Arbor Electric Co. until the lights are up to the standard. Respectfully submitted, Harrison Soule, G. C. Rhodes, Geo. W. Sweet. Committee on Lightina'. Aid. Dell moved that the bilis be aílowed pro rata. Lost as follows : Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Dell.- 2. Nays- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick.- 12. Whereupon the report was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandowarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, DaDforth, Cady, Pres. Luick.- 18. Nays- Aid. Hamilton. - 1. REPORTS 01" CITY OFFICERS. The monthly reporta of the City Treasurer, Chief of Pólice and Chief of the Fire Department were read and ordered filed. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov.l, 1897. This is to certify that E. L. Seyler, Treasurer of the City of Ann Arbor, has on deposit at the Farmers and Mechamos Bank the sumof $18,192.62 (eigh teen thousand one hundred ninety-two dollars and sixty-two cents.) H. A. Williams, Teller. F. & M. Bank. I have on hand certain monies which were received too late to be deposited and included in the above balance, but they appear on the monthly report. Respectfully, E. L. Seyler, City Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: CITY TREASÜREIi'S REPORT. Balance on hand, last report $ir923 50 MONEY RECEIVE1. Oct. 30. ToDis. Xo. 2 Delinquent Tax from Co. Tre-as. to June 30, 'P7 $ 46 40 Tax collected Dis No. 3.. 3W 34 Dis. No. 3 Delin. Tax irom Oo. Treas. to June 30, '97 17 48 Dis. No. 4 Delin. Tax from Co. Treas. to June 30, 'i)7.. 4S !)2 Tax collected Dis. No. 5.. 80 84 " (i.. flOíi Vi " 7.. 714 78 2058 09 $17982 19 DISBURSEMENTS. Oct. 30. Main sewer. Warrants Pd. 783 06 ' Labor acct lat sewer No 6 1111 18 1894 24 Balance on hand ÍU037 95 ■ BALANCE ON HAND. Oct. 30,1807. Main sevfer fund $8550 78 I Main sewer bond f und 3200 00 Labor acc't Dist. No. 1.... 39 90 Tax " " " 1.... 141 44 Labor ' " " 2 27 28 i Tax " " '-2.... 809 BS Labor " " ",3.... 2126 KI I Tax ' " " .... 3173 02 Labor " " "4.... 315 03 Tax " " "4.... 1016 50 Labor " " " 5.V.. 808 89 Tax '■ ' " 5.... 5754 81 Labor " " " 0.... 5338 79 ' Tax " " ' 6.... 2969 0(i i Labor " " " 7... 1565 )6 Tax " " " 7.... 714 78 Delinquent Sewer Tax 14 51 Total on hand $28357 88 102159 41 102611 41 Balance on hand $16087 95 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, Treasurer. To the Common Councikof the City of Arm Arbm-: Balance on hand last report 56545 25 MONEY HECE(VEI). Contingent Fund Mills, G V, Ltcenses $35 00 Cemetery fund Nelson Garinghouse Saleoflots 12 50 Dog Fund Mills, G. V., Licenses 45 00 Delinquent Tax Fund Transfer f rom Contingent Fund delluquent tax {rom Co. T reas . to A pr. 1. '97 1 40 34 Co. Treas. to June 30, '97. ... 433 39 I'olice Fund DuEfy, J., Fines to Sept. 3Q. '97 4 08 Sweet, Marshal, Fines to date 19 50 Street Fund Mills, G. V., Stone sold, Sidewalks 08 80 764 53 Total $730!) 78 MONEY DISBÜRSED. Contingent fund $162100 Street fund 1836 89 foor fund 101 IS Bridge, Culvert and Orosswalk fund 693 0t Pólice fund 28H 00 Firemen's fund 540 24 City Oenietery fund 6 90 Uncollejted City Tax 10 W 5097 96 5097 96 Total 2211 2 ALANCE ON HAND Contingent fund 8 690 4S Street fund 4533 24 Poor fund 2538 68 Bridge, Culvert, and Crosswalk fund 1115 36 Policefund 184192 Firemen's fund 5627 94 City Cemetery fuud 153 45 Waterfuud 4667 40 Dog Tax fund 240 00 Uaiverslty Aid Bond Fund. 3420 CO Delinquent Tax Fund 1028 12 Uncollected City Tax 10556 08 State Dog Tax 264 75 $19444 62 17232 80 17232 80 Balance Í3211 82 Oct. 31, 1897. Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, City Treasurer. RESOLTJTION8. By Aid. Brown. Resolved that the City Engineer be directed to file vvith the City Clerk an estímate fot' completed work ia Sewer Dis. No. 6. and that the City Clerk be ordered by this Council to draw a warrant payable to Schneider Bros. 'rom Sewer Fund No. (5 for the amount of the estimate. Adopted as lollows: Yeas - Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Svveet, Brown, Vandawarker, Khodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth.Cady Pres. Luick- 14. „ Nays - None. Aid. Brown moved that the Board of Public Works be direoted to immediately complete the work on sidewalks and crosswalks ordered on Detroit St. between División and Carey streets. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, JDanforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 14. Nays - None. Aid. Koch moved that the subject of a teiephone pole near the corner of Ashley and Washington streets be referred to the Street Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- A!d. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 14. Nays - Kone. By Aid. Danforth. Resolved, that the Board of Public Works be directed to clean out the stone culvert at the corner of Hill and División streets. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf. Soule, Daaforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 14. JSTays - None. Aid. Sweet moved that the subject of the opening of Ann street be referred to Kearney and Key. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Yandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick- 14. Nays- None. Orfmotion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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