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W. J. Conlin spent Sunday in Detroit. County Clerk Schnh was in Detroit Wednesday on business. Dr. 'M. C. Sheehan, of Detroit, spent Suuday here with his motber. Daniel Hiscock jsviaitiug bis daughtor Mrs, Jay Reed in Chicago. Mrs. McBride, of S. División st., is visiting friends in CoruDna this week. Judge Kinne went to Monroe Monday to open the November term of the oirouit court. Miss Nellie Hesse, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., is vieiting Mrs. Anna G. Miller, 50G Paokard st. Gleu V. Mills has been in Flint this week delilvering ti ís direotory, recently published, of Genesee county. A. G. Bushuell, of Noble, Branoh oounty, bas been the gnest of his sister Mrs. Geo. H. Pond for a few days. D. B. Cheever, of Chicago, spent Saturday and Scmday with his mother Mrs. L. E. Cheever, of E. Washington st. Miss Louise Decker, of Bay City, returued borne Monday, after visiting relativos and friends here for a few days. The many friends of Dr. Martin L. Belser are glad to see him attending to his praotioeagain after hisreoent severe illness. Prof. Wm. E. Robinson, ex-superintendeut of the Detroit schools, was in the oity Satnrday visiting relatives and friends. Karl E. Harriman, of the Detroit Journal, spent Satnrday and Snnday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Harriman. Prof. and Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin gave a reoeption Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Win. L. Webber, of Saginaw. Mrs. P. T. Harris, of E. Catherine st., who recently celebrated her 83d birthday, has been a resident of Ann Arbor for 53 years. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Belser returued Tuesday night froin their two weeks' visit with Mr. Belser's brother in Bonider, Colorado. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Bntler, entertained a jolly Hallowe'en paity of 35 young people at their home on E. Jefferson st. , Friday evening. Miss Alta Beal gave a Hallowe'en party at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Beal Satnrday evening to a party of young friends. Prof. W S. Perry Is slowly but surely regainiug his health. This will be good uews to the rnany friends of the farnily in this city and elsewhere. J. A. LeRoy, sportingr editor of the Detroit Free Press, was in the city Saturday to see the football game befween the U. of M. and "old grads. " A. C. Schumacher has been in Lansing the past few days attending the exaiumations held by the state board of pbarruacy of which he is a member. Miss Christine Lilley is visiting Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, of W. Huron st., haviug jast returned ïrom a trip of several rnonths' daration in Enrope with her father. Miss Loaise Hennequin gave a pleasant Hallowe'en party Friday evening to a number of her yoong friends al the home of her annt, Miss Fasqnelle, on E. Washington st. Mrs. Besty Pentlin, of Brighton, is visiting her danghter, Mrs. Chas. Sobleicber, and her grand danghters, Mrs. Fred D. Coats and Miss Bertha Sohleioher of this city. . Miss S. E. Hill, wbo has been spending three weeks with her mother, Mrs. F. A. Hill, of S. Thayer st., returned to Omaha, Neb., on Saturday to resnme her work in the internal revenue office. Dr. and Mrs. Breakey give a receptiou this afternoon and evening to their son, Dr. James F. Breakey and bis bride. The young people will be at home to their friends after Nov. 15, at 216 N. State st. Major Seymour Howell, of Adrián, is an applicant for a position as paymaster in the regular ariny and there are good ohances tbat he will be appointed. Tufl position carries with it tehe rank of major. Major Howell has many frieuds in military circles in Ann Arbor and throughont Michigan who would ba pleased to hear of his snocess. Mrs. Florence S. Babbitt and Mrs. Sarah Mosher, of Ypsilanti, attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, in Bennington township, Shiawassee county, Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mosher was present at the marriage of the long-wedded couple on Oct. 2?, 1847. Mrs. Babbitt was called on and Rpoke a few words of oongratnlation and good wishes to the aged couple


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News