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B. Frankliu Gooding, of Ann Arbor, bas been granted au original pensiou. Prof. Perry was granted a thtee rnouths' lfiave of absence by the sohool board at its meeting Tnesday evening. Every school district in the coonty is entitled to a free oopv of the Michigan Manual or ied book, wbioh is a valuable addition to any sohool library. The distribution for this oonnty is made throngh Connty School Commissioner Lister. Tickets for Nansen's leoture next Tuesday evetiing are on sale and seats can be reserved at Wahr's bookstore, N. Main st., and Palmer's Pharmacy, S. State st. Single admission $1, reserved seats 1.50; season tiokets for whole conrse $2, reserved seats, $2.50. A píate glass window in the Ann Arbor Savings bank building was broken Priday night by stones tbrow by some small boys at the Salvatiou Anuy tambourine. It is uot positively knowii who threw the stone which j broke the window, although a boy ! nanied Johnson was arrested as the culprit. Charles Esslinger, Miss Mary Schleicht and Miss Lonise Reddeman went to Toledo yesterday as delegates from the Germán M. JE. chuzch, of this I city, to the Michigan District oonven-j tion of the Epwortb League which is now bolding a four days' session in that city. Mrs. Charles Esslinger aocompanied them. Michael Brenner has gone regularly into the agricultural impleiaent business and has bis office at the barn corner of Huron and Ashley st. It is lis intention to commenoe at once the erection of a brick store building on the corner next the St. James hotel. He will use tiie upper stories fqr living rooms for bis faraily. The Ann Arbor Argus names the oontraotor of the cycle path "Westoff. " We never knew hiru to gf,t "off." His name, certainly, is West-on. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Merely, a "case" rnistake, Mr. Sentinel, and one tbat will sornetimes occur even in suoh well regnlated offices as that of the Sentinel. We all have those mistakes happen to us. Frankfort is looking forward. to good times this winter on acoount of the large number of men who will be employed by the Ann Arbor railroad in its immense freight business at that port. The road's naw warehouse has been completed and will be put into comroission about December 1. Four boats have been ohartered by tne company to assist its owa two car ferries in transporting the freight from the Wiscousin side of the lake. The former classmates and teachers ia Cornnna of Miss Marie Turner, the Anu Arbor high sohool girl reported by the Detroit Journal to have died suddenly. had ordared a beautiful floral tribute of white roaes and ohrysantbemums Thursday nigbt of last week. After they read the report contradicted thoy decided to seud tbe flow.ers to Miss Turner herself witb a comical letter expressing their feelings. It was sent Friday morning. - Detroit Free Press. The annual banquet of the L. O. T. M, is said to have been well attended and to have been a fine affair. Speeches were made by Mayor Hiscock, Mrs. Rachel L. Bailey, great lieutenant oommander, of Hastings, Rev. E. D. Kelly, Mrs. Mary Ball, H. Wirt Newkirk, Mrs. Warner, and otbers. The musical selections were a baritone solo by Frank Mclntyre, violin solo and encoré by Allie Long, and a concert solo by Walter Crego, witb piano acoompaniment by L. L. Renjs'ick. Miss Emma E. Bower was toastmaster, Judge Newkirk's speech was the best of the ■ evening. The man's supper at the First M. E. choreh Fïiday and Saturday evenings was a brilliant sucoess, briiiging into the cofïers over $90. The dainty dishes prepared by Chefs J. E. Beal, E. F. Johnson, R. S. Copeland, Olarenoe Noble, B. L. MoElroy, C. G. Darling, J. E. Boohanan, T. C. Trueblood, C. E. Mntschel, Panl Voorheis, P. B. Rose and other prominent merobers of the ohnrch, were disposed of as fast as they could be served by the oorps of experienoed waiters directed by Head Waiter A. J. Sawyer. The works of art exhibited in the parlors weie much admired.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News